Thursday, June 12, 2014

Don't let Government take your Internet rights away by ending Net Neutrality

Don’t Let the Gov Take your Internet Rights Away With Net Neutrality Bill!

In Earth by AuroraLeave a Comment
T his is the worst thing that could happen to the internet. We don’t need large corporations taking our internet away from us. This Net Neutrality Bill will significantly impact ALL online businesses and the amount of free information that is accessible to us. We don’t need the government infringing on our information and freedom of speech and interaction on the internet. This sounds too much like the first steps to become like China. We all need to stand up and take a moment to email the FCC, comment on the FCC’s website  FCC.Gov/comments , sign as many petitions that you can like ACLU’s here, and share with everyone that you know in any way that you can. This cannot pass and it is up to us to speak out and say that we have our rights and we want to keep the internet open and free!!
If the government doesn’t act soon, the free and open internet — and the “network neutrality” principles that sustain it — could be a thing of the past. Corporate disfavor of controversial viewpoints and competing telecom services could change both what you can see on the Internet and the quality of your connection. And the need to monitor what you do online in order to play favorites means even more consumer privacy invasions piled on top of the NSA’s prying eyes. -ACLU
end quote from:

Aurora Grace Us


To see john Oliver's video on Net Neutrality where he explains the problem so almost anyone can understand please click the following word button:

entertaining but scathing rant  

(john Oliver informs us in a funny way about the problem of losing net neutrality). 

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