Friday, June 20, 2014

The U.S. and China: The World's two biggest Economies

end quote from:

China's Strength Could Become Its Weakness


I hadn't really spent time looking at this graph comparing the U.S. and China. But it is really remarkable in a whole lot of ways.


The first thing that caught my eye is in regard to High School educations. 

High School educations:

U.S. 89% of all adult Americans have a High School education

China- Only 20% of Chinese have a High School education

However, 20% is 260 million people if I calculated right. Since there are about 300 to 350 million people with a lifestyle in China comparable to the U.S. this makes complete sense. However, that also means that 1 billion plus people don't have high school educations too which is sort of scary too. It likely means that even if they have a cell phone someone might have to show them how to use it whether they can read or not. However, they likely just memorize what to do in most situations on their cell phone.

which means only the very richest of people can afford a High School education

or more in China.



U.S.- 317 million people

China- 1.3 billion people


Labor force:

U.S. 154.9 million

China-795 million


Debt to GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

U.S. 74%

China 74%

It looks like China is taking lessons from the U.S. in this.

5th and last one I'll quote here for you:

Cell Phones:

U.S.- 290 million Cell phones

China- 986 million Cell phones

Anyway you look at the above statistics they are awesome on a variety of fronts.


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