Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ringing Cedars

  1. My Daughter got interested in the Ringing Cedars of Russia and the Back to the land movement there a few years ago. She has also been interested in the Russian Dolmens which might be a part of the druidic movement that spanned from here into Europe and England and Scotland. A few years ago she went to see the Dolmens near the Black Sea with her mother on a Tour.  

    I don't know to much about all this but it also is a part of the Back to the Land movement in Russia and Europe. There was also a back to the land movement that I was a a part of here in the U.S. during the 1960s through the 1980s when I bought land around 1980 (2 1/2 acres) at 4000 feet on Mt. Shasta. So, I understand what the back to the land movement is all about worldwide.

    It is about creating a simpler less expensive life in the country and to be as self sufficient as possible in the process of raising your kids in a country and more safe and wild in a nature way environment.

  1. Vladimir gained a new appreciation of what Anastasia was telling him about the Ringing Cedars of Russia, and fulfilled Anastasia's request to write Ringing Cedars of ...
  2. Vladimir Megre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Ringing Cedars series offers material about living close to the Earth in a village of Kin's domains by creating a 'Space of Love'.

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