Thursday, September 10, 2015

2003 Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle

At 300 miles per hour one little pebble likely would send you 20 or 30 feet into the air. So, likely the only place to go that speed would be Bonneville Salt Flat in Utah.

This was built in 2003:

16. Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle

Tomahawk Motorcycle
Intended to never be ridden, this is the world’s fastest motorcycle prototype. It’s called the Dodge Tomahawk, and it is every bit as cool as its name suggests. It was introduced to the world in 2003 at the International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, and it has been turning heads ever since. It’s rumored that only nine units have ever been built, and it runs a hefty price of 555,000 dollars. It’s said that Dodge continually states the Tomahawk is never meant to be ridden, but that’s like telling a five year old boy that he can’t play with his new toy. That just makes him want to play with it even more! The Tomahawk is powered with a 500 horsepower 8.3 liter V10 engine, the same exact engine used in the Dodge Viper. It’s even claimed that this roving powerhouse can reach speeds up to 300 miles an hour. If that doesn’t give you the itch to give the Tomahawk a test drive than I don’t know what will. Especially when this bike reaches 60 miles an hour in just 2.3 seconds.
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