Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Domestic Terrorism is a much bigger problem in U.S. than Foreign Terrorism

You wouldn't think this is true by the news reports. But, if you even look at the deaths caused by domestic terrorism they are much much higher than deaths by foreign terrorism. It has always been this way.

During an election year just multiply this problem by 100 or 1000 in potential problems. And who do these domestic Terrorists tend to be?

1. They tend to live out in the country
2. They tend to be veterans with PTSD
3. They tend to be Fundamentalist Christians or evangelicals
4. They also tend to be members of extreme cults that don't always adhere to local, state or national laws.
5. Because of all these things they tend to see all government as their enemy rather than their friend
6 Because of situations like what is happening now in Oregon the U.S. needs to prepare for likely more violent or near violent reactions like what is happening in Oregon, especially during this election year.
7. As an intuitive I can also tell you this year could harm the ongoing survival of our country as a democracy because of this. So, be careful out there because all these types of people need is a martyr to their cause and all hell could break loose.
8. They already now have their martyr so watch out.

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