Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stayin' Alive

One thing has been made very clear to me in the last 7 days. I'm also threatened by all the weather changes on earth. I feel one way or they other I will be saved like I was on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and also today at the beach. But, it has never been like this before where I didn't know beforehand what was coming to more easily get out of the way of weather events.

For example, today I was just at the beach throwing orange tennis balls for our two dogs to chase and minding my own business when a rogue wave almost swept me away. My yellow Lab would have been fine even if he were swept out because he is young enough and very strong. But, as soon as I was almost swept out by a rogue wave as I knew I was okay I looked for my daughter's corgi who was also struggling in the surf like me.

This is the 4th type of incident where I had to save my own life in the last 7 days. This tells me that "The world is definitely changing on all weather related levels".

What I mean by this is the Nature spirits of the world are now thinning out the human race in great numbers worldwide and I realize that. I believe that I will keep surviving these incidents so that I might help all you prepare for all this better.

But, if even I am having near death experiences at the rate now of literally every day I have done something even marginally exciting in my life out of doors it also means you all need to be more observant and careful in your lives too.

I returned home to my wife yelling at me about "King Tides" and winter time rogue waves which often happen here. There is a place nicknamed Mortuary Beach where people die all the time there and are swept out to sea if they don't read the signs, especially if they are from out of town and don't understand just how dangerous it can be on California beaches during winter storms at sea with rogue waves that come out of nowhere and sweep people out to sea sometimes like today.

Luckily, both I and my daughter's corgi survived all this today. But, it does give one pause for thought about all this. Being aware what is going on around you and listening to weather reports is likely going to keep you alive a long time.

But, people that don't do this might not be around much in the coming years the way things are presently going.

And this is worldwide, not just here in the U.S.

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