Saturday, July 16, 2016

A 20,000 Dow and a Turkish total collapse of democracy?

These are just two of the complete paradoxes of our times. Most people around the world have no real idea just how bad this thing in Turkey is YET. But, over time, they will. Brexit at this point might be the single best idea this century the Brits had at this point of separating themselves further from Turkey and refugees.

If you think the refugee problem is bad now it just got 10 times worse. People are going to be leaving Turkey now in droves any way they can to get away from Erdogan's persecutions and death squads.

Democracy is over for now (maybe for the rest of this century in Turkey) as we watch Raqqa and Mosul's Islamic State move now into Turkey through Erdogan.

You might say, "Is it really that bad?"

I would say, "There is presently nothing (but another military coup that kills Erdogan this time) to stop Erdogan from setting up his Sunni Caliphate Dictatorship in Turkey at this point. This is how bad it presently is. and you are going to see 10 times the refugees out of Turkey as everyone who doesn't want to live in an Islamic Caliphate under Sharia law leaves.

All people who wanted a secular Democracy will at the very least be thinking about moving to Europe now not only from Syria and Iraq and Libya but also now from Turkey. So, just expect up to 30 million Turks trying to leave Turkey now for parts unknown and Europe now any way they can.

Things just got 10 times worse or more for Europe in all this. Brexit might be the best thing the Brits ever did at this point to separate themselves from this complete mess now in the middle east.

Expect extreme rightest Democracies or even  Fascist governments across Europe in response to this horror in Turkey over the next few years. This just got worse for everyone. It reminds me more and more of the horrors of the 1930s once again in this region of the world.

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