Saturday, July 16, 2016

Are U.S. Nukes Safe at Incirlik in Turkey?

This is a very good question because ISIS influence over Erdogan just increased exponentially because of the coup Neutralizing the Army as a foil against Erdogan's rush to complete dictatorship. It's almost like Erdogan and ISIS created the coup themselves in order to create this specific outcome.

So, are our nukes safe presently from ISIS and Erdogan?

This remains to be seen at present.

Everything just changed in Turkey and Turkey now might be a threat to All of Europe as a result of what just happened last night.

My thought is the sooner U.S. nukes can leave Turkish Soil the better as soon as Turkey opens up our airspace over Incirlik once again.

Otherwise our nukes are vulnerable to both Erdogan and ISIS now while the airspace is closed.

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