Tuesday, August 23, 2016

IF Washington's 3rd vision takes place Under Trump (if he becomes president) likely 1/2 to 3/4 of Americans will die in this war

This is one reason why I advocate voting for Hillary. I think the natural Karma might be for the U.S. to go through this war. However, ever since this article came out in the 1800s people have been praying mightily that this last war doesn't take place where the whole world attacks the U.S. Even though Americans through nuclear weapons will eventually win this war it likely would devastate most or all the rest of the planet as well as all cities and homes in the U.S. It wouldn't be good for anyone. So, therefore, praying since the 1800s for another outcome not only  for the U.S. and also for the world is a very good idea.

However, when this vision occurred to Washington the first two visions have already come to be:

So, hopefully powerful prayers and rational pragmatic thought has altered this time line to a better one by now.

However, if Trump gets in I would say we have a 90% chance of experiencing this in America at some point in the next 10 to 15 years.

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