Wednesday, August 24, 2016

If you are a blogger it is actually less about you and more about what your readers want to read

When I really started to look at my stats (STatistics) of what people were reading here at my site I realized this. That I mostly could not believe what people were choosing to read here at this site. So, I had to make a decision as a blogger. What was I going to do?

I decided that since this blog reached so many people even then around the world that I would try to give my readers what they wanted to read as long as that agreed with my interests.

It's true periodically I go off into tangents and do more research down one line or another. But, I also try to be somewhat consistent to the needs of my readers.

How I do this is to realize that my readers interests (at least some of them) match my own. So, understanding this I realized if I shared what I found interesting, fascinating or just important for people to know about worldwide then my readership was going to grow and grow as more and more people with similar interests were told about this site by their friends.

A site like this grows always mostly by word of mouth worldwide, So, as people click on an article and share it with their friends my readership grows and grows worldwide.

Sometimes it reaches unbelievable heights like in regard to people around the world sort of going, "What they hell is going on with Trump".

Because more than anything else people around the world are completely petrified and scared to death of him becoming president. In fact, from what I'm seeing just him being elected might cause some nations to declare war or to start a war on the U.S. just by itself.

So, we live in really perilous times right now because Trump is scaring the living shit out of the world that he might actually be elected President and this is causing unbelievable problems worldwide in nations feeling very very insecure and this is very dangerous for everyone.

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