Monday, November 28, 2016

Cocaine is a Sexual enhancement drug

So, this makes complete sense that the 2005 tape of Trump talking to Bush likely was after one or both of them did a line of coke. What Trump said isn't a normal thing for anyone to say unless they just did a line of coke, especially at Trump's age in 2005.

The term "Coke whore" comes from mostly women but I suppose this term could also be applied to men as well.

I wonder how many women Trump will "Have" while is at the White House without Melania (until June 2017) when she is supposed to move there. She will be the 1st 1st lady who is a 3rd wife of a president and the very 1st with a Prenuptual legal agreement. So, their agreement legally is iron clad and no like most people in the world. But, I think it might be more important to think of it as a business agreement than anything else. I think she is used to him being unfaithful.

I wonder if he will surpass Kennedy who is said to have slept with 100 women while he was still alive. But also, it gives more reason maybe as to why he was assassinated too.

And I wonder if he is the first "Coke Head" president because I think it was the Mayor of Washington DC that was a crack head. But, to be a "Coke Head" is very expensive and likely the ex-mayor of Washington DC could only afford crack instead of coke which is also made from Cocaine.

But Trump as a coke head actually makes more sense than anything I have ever heard about him. Instead of being just "insane" likely he is just a coke head who is insane just when he is high (like when he nukes someone while high) after he is inaugurated. So, in this context the late night tweets should be called "Coke Tweets" because they have no basis in reality just like when he nukes some city around the world on coke too in the future.

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