Saturday, May 18, 2019

If Trump Listens to Bolton and the War Hawks 10,000 or 20,000 American Soldiers are going to die!

I have been studying deeper in order to help prevent through my blog the deaths of 10,000 to 20,000 American soldiers and an equal or more amount of Iranian soldiers and civilians.

It turns out that Trump is delusional as usual and blackmailing the Iranians into some kind of deal that they would rather fight than have. In understanding that the Iranians will fight before they sign a bad deal, this is pretty serious. On top of all this the Saudis have Bought Trump just like Putin has. So, the Saudis expect Trump to kill off our soldiers like a mercenary army sort of like when Kuwait Bought American troops when Saddam took over Kuwait around 1988 I believe it was.

So, the real problem here in keeping American troops alive is realizing Bolton and Trump are delusional in regard to what they want from the Iranians. The EU doesn't want a war either because this will just destabilize the whole middle East more with refugees not only Sunni but then Shia as well flooding into Europe like the Starving masses with shell shock are already.

So, to see that Trump and Bolton are each delusional in their own ways and creating a war by their ignorance of how things really are on the ground. This is much much worse than the Iraq War debacle by Bush by the way. Iran is NOT Saddam and is 10 to 1000 times more potentially lethal to the whole middle east and Europe and American Troops.

In understanding this, you begin to understand everything.

ON top of all this both Iran and Saudi Arabia are heading towards nuclear weapons or may already have them. If Trump and Bolton mess this up anymore than they already have the nukes of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel are going to be going off making major parts of the middle East uninhabitable.

Trump and Bolton are disasters for the whole world at this point!

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