Thursday, May 2, 2019

Where does Trump's and others Authoritarianism lead to?

You need look no further than Hitler or Tojo if you study history to answer this question now. People who were there for the Nixon resignation are shaking their heads and Trump and Barr and others take us to Authoritarianism never seen here in the U.S. before. How many died from Hitler and Tojo? 100 million. How many died from Stalin and those who came after from the Cold War 100 million. How many will die from Trump and Barr? It's anyone's guess now.

Where does it lead to?

More people who are minorities hanging from trees dead or being drug behind trucks or cars. It leads to injustice after injustice with Trump and Barr Holding themselves as "ABOVE THE LAW" like they are. It is "White Male Privilege in the Extreme" to watch Trump and Barr do their thing now.

Barr and Trump are anti-democracy and pro White Nationalism which is not democratic by nature.

This is what we are now facing in America.

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