Saturday, June 22, 2019

What is Sanity?

Political Correctness is a Disneyland approach to reality and the U.S. compared to other nations is Disneyland. In other words when you replace reality with fantasy you get problems like Trump.

Because Trump is a direct gut level reaction to the illogical nature of Political Correctness.

Looking at Political correctness is sounds really good sort of like how people viewed LSD in the 1960s at first, and then a whole lot of people died taking too much and jumping out of windows. This isn't really happening now but what is happening instead is a certain percentage of young men are going beserk and coming to school with Guns. In this sense they are trying to re-establish the natural order of "The law of the Jungle" which is how most of the world has always worked.

The Law of the Jungle is not a good thing but it has been a necessary thing for the human race to survive as long as it has.

So, political correctness is a fantasy that people are trying to impose on everyone and the result is kids going berserk and shooting up schools and businesses ongoing. And it's going to continue to get worse every year from now until people wise up and become much more pragmatic and practical. If they don't School Shootings and leaders like Trump are going to be an every day occurrence until people wise up to the realities of life.

It would be nice if you could actually impose a fantasy like Political correctness on everyone. The problem is it cannot work.


Because people inherently don't function that way (at least they cannot function this way in 90% of the countries on earth and likely never will.

Until then more and more people are going to be murdered by those who cannot deal with political correctness and just keep on committing murder suicides on into the future just as long as people try to impose political correctness upon everyone.

Trump is a gut reaction of Blue collar Republicans to the unworkable unrealistic nature of political correctness ongoing.

So, things are going to get worse and worse until people start to get real. And if they don't most people will be dead in the U.S. and Europe by 2100.

So What is Sanity?

Sanity is understanding why things have been exactly the way they have been for the last 15,000 or 25,000 years.

And why when you try to change certain basic things you just cause people to go insane and die.

Or better said, "You make a small percentage berserkers (1% or 2%) and then they keep on committing murder suicides in greater and greater numbers sort of like lemmings running off a cliff into the ocean.

You have to start with the premise that in the end all we all are is domesticated animals. And when you condition animals too far some go berserk and kill everyone around them.

This is predictable animal behavior. Just look at studies of rats left to breed in cages too small. Same thing when people aren't given enough space from each other it makes some go berserk and commit murder suicides.

It is perfectly predictable animal behavior in humans over conditioned in ways they cannot stay sane after this conditioning. All you need is 1% of the young males going berserk every day to end any civilization.

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