Tuesday, June 11, 2019

When Globalization ends the poor die worldwide more


Globalization allows free trade to exist which brings down prices on important items to poorer people. When Globalization ends poorer people are likely going to starve more and to have to do without necessities that are going to cost much more than they can afford worldwide.

This is markedly true in 3rd world nations but also true in poorer people in the U.S. especially homeless people. And many people in order to just eat will be driven into homelessness even here in the U.S. just so they can eat. So, the end result of the end of Globalization will kill many through starvation and downward mobility worldwide during these Trump times worldwide.

The losses of life will be staggering but likely won't be directly reported much and people will starve and just fall through the cracks likely worldwide.

Trump's Trade war is a disaster for the poor in the U.S. and throughout the world and many will die long term from this through a variety of ways of not being cared for enough to survive.

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