Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Our economic inequality in the U.S. is the same as the moment the Great Depression began in 1929

Yes. This is true. Why is this a problem for not having another Great Depression.

If you have the extreme wealth inequality like you did in 1929 it means the middle Class isn't doing well. So, that middle Class has NO Vested interest in supporting the rich in any useful way because they are prevented from Becoming rich by rules presently in place (just like 1929).

So, Collapse becomes inevitable as less and less middle class and poor people support or have anything to do with the rich because of being "Shut out" of a way to the top.

This is only human nature and the dynamic at present in the U.S. which makes another Great Depression pretty much inevitable in the next 10 or 20 years (likely sooner than later).

So, until we rebuild our middle Class, another Great Depression is not IF it is ONLY WHEN!

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