Monday, September 2, 2024

Maybe Chapter 4? Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy: "Green. I would like to go visit Jonathan one of my father's incarnations in 1974 on Earth."

I did a double take on the URL because "how americans are reinventing" doesn't make any sense in how this was chosen as a url? by the AI of this website. But as long as you can get there using the link provided for you I guess it's okay.

quote from:

 Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy: "Green. I would like to go visit Jonathan one of my father's incarnations in 1974 on Earth."

end quote.

Since this first came up in Adam's Dialog with Green Delta 7 (Immortal) I decided to address this section next.

Basically, I guess I learned today something about what happened in Jonathan's life in 1974. Maybe sharing Jonathan's perspective first might be best.

Jonathan: My son had just been born and so I wanted to go up onto Mt. Shasta to Bunny Flat and walk up through the snow into the trees further and pray for my son's future. When I arrived at Bunny Flat then in likely June of 1974 there was still around 7 to 12 feet of snow in drifts everywhere so because the crust was fairly thick and sun had hit it previous days and because it was overcast that day I could walk upon the snow with my ankle high or higher Hiking boots I wore that day. So, since I could literally walk on top of the snow and not sink in further than 5 to 7 inches deep and I was young and healthy 26 years old then I walked up through Bunny Flat and into the trees at the end of Bunny Flat and up further on the mountain than I usually go straight up there. Usually I'm either on mountaineering skis at this point but i don't think I had bought even my first pair of Fisher skis without metal edges then. but, eventually that year I bought two pairs of Fisher Skis in Ashland, Oregon for my wife and I because there was no sales Tax then in Oregon. Not sure about now here in 2024. But, this was 1974 and many things were different than today in 2024. As I walked down off the mountain out of the trees into the beginning of Bunny Flat where it flattens out a little I saw something unusual. Also, no one else was there but me probably because it was overcast on a week day more than any other reason.

I noticed that it looked as if a snowmobile had run in a tight circle or something. But, many things didn't look right about it so I walked closer to get a better look. Well, I realized right away it was a flying saucer print. As I got closer I paced it off and it was at least 25 feet in a horizontal circle in the shape of a circular flying saucer like you often see in movies. However, what was different about this imprint in the snow was that it had 3 hemispheres in the bottom of the print like if you had an orange or ball 3 feet in diameter and pushed it into the snow in the center like a three sphere tripod for landing had been present when they made this track. 

One other thing was different which was that the upper 1 foot or so of the saucer print had something like black algae mixed with Green antifreeze which I realized likely they were either flushing their toilet before they left for less weight as they spun in a circle (the ship) or maybe it was lubrication to more easily take off to overcome the friction of the snow?

The only way a human being could have made this from earth would be to take a helicopter and a template this size and hang it from a chain from a helicopter in order to make a print like this and then hang on a rope (because there were no human tracks at all here because it wasn't the snow trail that skiers would use or on snow shoes would use normally in this deep of snow. So, realizing what it was I wanted my wife and baby and a friend to witness this themselves. So, there were 3 adults and a baby who eventually witnessed this occurrence after I went down to town to pick them up and bring them up to Bunny Flat.

We all swore to each other we wouldn't mention this to the authorities simply because I wanted to be alive and free to raise my son in peace and we all kept this vow to each other for physical safety because thousands of people had disappeared already around the world who talked about things like this at this point by 1974 from 1947 on (and that's just here in the U.S.) We don't know what happened even worse in other countries. 

So, this gives you an idea of What Jonathan actually experienced then in 1974.

Now we are returning to Adam and Green Delta 7 in 77 million years BC:

Purple had showed up suddenly after she had visited the United Nations secretly as an envoy of the Galactic Government. This sort of thing has been going on openly since World war II and nuclear weapons were invented on earth. However, the Galaxy had also come to Kings and Queens and various people in authority on earth always since humans had first visited earth around 65 million years ago from Mars and Maldek (when the survivors came from Mars and Maldek to Earth).

So, Purple had mentioned everything was in readiness for Adam and Green and Purple to visit Jonathan on earth.

Purple said: "We need to go talk to your brother here on the 2nd timeline of the Galaxy because he has a mission for you when you go there to earth.

Adam: "Wow! A mission. This will be my first mission as an envoy to Earth! What Fun!

So, first they went to 2024 on the 2nd timeline and he went to visit his brother. It was a little surrealistic because his brother was now the Galactic Sentience.

when Adam and the 1st Son of the Galactic Creator met they hugged each other and cried as brothers. They each felt the grief of the loss of their father, the Creator of the Galaxy. Though he was still around in various human forms on places like earth they missed their father greatly especially first son who had already lived 65 million years without him.

1st son said, "It's so good to have you back Adam. We all worried about you since this is the first time you returned here to 2024 Earth time."

Adam: after wiping away his tears said, "Green and Purple tell me that you have a mission for me to earth."

The present Galactic Sentience in 2024 Earth time said, "Yes. Our father soul traveled here from earth. Can you believe he actually did this while being a human being?"

Adam: "I never underestimate father because he is capable of things beyond most Creators I have ever met. He has always been an exceptional Creator. After all, he built this galaxy for you and Mom and our sisters and all our relatives from here and from other galaxies who live here now.

2024 Galactic Sentience: "Yes. the Galaxy is more like a Country on earth or earth itself more than it is a ranch or farm now. There are Creators everywhere!"

Adam: "What is it you need me to do in human form?"

2024 Galactic Sentience: "I hear you have been living in a human body full time with Green Delta 7 for the last 100 years in 77 million years BC Earth time?"

Adam: "Yes. I find I enjoy wearing a human body and I enjoy being with Green Delta 7. I think we love each other and we are friends."

2024 Galactic Sentience: "I think this is great Adam!"

Adam: "So what would you like me to do."

2024 Galactic Sentience: "Well. I promised Jonathan when he soul traveled here to meet me (by the way he was confused as to who I was (obviously) because to become mortal like he is you are made to forget for the mortality to work to keep you alive ongoing."

Adam: "Yes. I have heard this is true. I personally think it's kind of creepy myself."

2024: Galactic Sentience: "yes. it is very difficult I have now had several incarnations as a human being now."

Adam: "Yes. I know a few of them. That's one reason I want to visit you and Dad on Earth."

2024 Galactic Sentience: "Can I trust you to do exactly as I wish?"

Adam: "Of Course you can!"

2024: "Remember the last time I saw you you were a child more than a man but now I'm asking the man I see before me this."

Adam: "I swear allegiance to you Brother always!"

2024: Yes. I believe you with all the good experiences you have had for 100 years with 10 million years younger dad. I must say I feel sort of envious of you."

Adam: "When I go back why don't you visit for awhile then return the next moment after you left?"

2024: "yes. That's a great idea because you are already changing the time lines anyway I might as well join you. I see no harm in that at all!"

Adam: "Yes. I've missed you brother! We could even put on some plays together for recreation like we used to. We could enact one of my plays or even one of  yours."

2024: "I would like to do that and be in one of your plays about historical earth."

Adam: "Sounds good Brother."

"It sounds like I should take my mother ship to Earth pretty soon according to everything I have heard."

2024: "Where is your Mother Ship From?

Adam: "The Planet Maldek before it croaked."

2024: "That explains a lot." 

Adam: "What do you mean?

2024: 'They lied to father about everything in the treaty he signed because they buttered him up by giving you this self replicating Mother Ship and then they all died when Maldek nuked out."

Adam: "This likely is part of the reason I had to go to 77 million years BC too."

2024: "You could say that, Adam."

Adam: "What Fuckers they were to lie to our father."

2024: "Yes! It was pretty bad, Adam. You didn't know how bad it was at the time. Father protected you but I couldn't be protected because I needed to know."

Adam: "I'm sorry you had to carry that weight all by yourself, Brother."

2024: Coming back in time to 77 million BC  and seeing father will help me a lot. I hadn't thought of doing this because I didn't want to change the time line but now you are there it likely doesn't matter and it will help to heal me to see you and Dad and all hang out together with our family and friends."

Adam: "I agree Brother. I'm sorry you had to go through all this alone."

2024: "The first time it really messed you up."

Adam: So you and Dad took care of me this time?"

2024: "Yes. It's the only way we knew to make your life one you would be happy in."

Adam: "Happiness is hard to come by, Brother."

2024: "Don't I know it."

Adam: "Yes. Thanks to you and Dad for standing by me in my moments of need. I sort of worshipped Dad and he became my religion."

2024: "He was my religion too, Adam."

Adam: "I guess we are adherents to the Dad religion then?"

2024: "I love that name for it, Adam. The Dad Religion. Ha ha ha!"

Adam: "I think there are other members of our family that feel this way too!"

2024: "Yes!"

Adam: "Do you know about the Silver Religion that Purple Delta 7 started?"

2024: "Did you know that I'm Silver like Dad is Jonathan and Arcane and the rest?"

Adam: "So, the minds of Green Delta 7s and Purple Delta 7s were built as a clone originally to your mind as Silver?"

2024: "Yes. This is why Dad always considers Purple and Green as family because of this."

Adam: "So, in some ways the Purples and the Greens are like sisters or nieces or something like relatives?" 

2024: "Yes. Dad and I both think like this. They are totally loyal to you and I and to Dad in the 2nd timeline."

Adam: "What happened in the first timeline?"

2024: "It's not time to talk about that yet. I'm not ready to go there because it is sort of awful what happened to you then."

Adam: "I'm happy now with Green living in 77 million BC and you can come visit too as I said. I'm worried about you brother."

2024: "At least I don't feel I have to worry about you anymore."

Adam: "I'm amazingly happy in my life the last 100 years or so with Green!"

2024: "Good!"

Adam: "So, how should I go about all this Brother?"

2024: "Yes. Down to our father's business as Jonathan Flow on earth. By the way you know his son is one of my many incarnations now on earth?"

Adam: "Would I be allowed to start having incarnations too?"

2024 looked deep into his brother and said, "After I visit you for 10 or 100 years in 77 million BC I will likely let you start doing that."

Adam: "What era would be good for me to start in?"

2024: "I think incarnating on earth as one of the children of Joseph father of Jesus likely would be best."

Adam: "Wow! I'm going to look forward to that!"

2024: "Life was a real shithole then but it taught us all a lot then. That's why I'm recommending it because it teaches you things you never thought possible as a Creator. The difference between Stars as Creators and humans is very very great and learning this the hard way helps a lot in balancing out how you see everything on earth in the short and long run."

Adam: "Will you eventually retire there?"

2024: "I doubt earth will last that long. You and I could live 32 billion years too and we've just started out living!"

Adam: "That sort of all boggles my mind of what I should do with all that."

2024: "Me Too!"

At this moment they fully understood deeply each other as brother Creators.

2024: "I'm glad you are here. It is helping me heal myself from what happened to Dad. It gives me hope to see you doing so well now. The work we all went through to create a better future for you and our family has paid off!"

Adam: "Yes. I agree. Should I go to 1974 or somewhere else first?"

2024: Back to Dad's business as Jonathan on Earth. Here's the problem Adam. Dad came from 1970 to ask for my help because he always senses what is coming because he has always been a very spiritual being who senses what is about to happen anywhere which is also why he was a good Creator for this Galaxy.


Adam: "Yes always there's a "But" when it comes to Dad's problems." he laughed.

2024: "But this is a real doozy of a problem. The first timeline is incinerated and basically most everyone dies on September 11th 2001 through a series of accidents and people panicking when they should have been more clear headed. On that day some people were either drunk or on drugs or both around the world and when the shit hit the fan they failed in all their jobs and that was it. 5 billion people died within the first month or two and those that remained were like animals. This is what actually happened and all civilizations ended for 4000 years basically on earth."

Adam: "Good God!"

2024: "Yes! It was a SNAFU beyond anyone's imagination resident only in people's nightmares and nowhere else."

Adam: "So what happens now?"

2024: "I have people, specifically Elohar and Ragna in an area of Switzerland who are in the Kingdom of King Interlaken in the Switzerland Northern Italy area mostly above 3000 feet elevation. I want you to go to the year 7028 or before and meet them and listen to what they need help with to start a 2nd timeline where billions of people didn't ever die."

Adam: "Wow! I could write a lot about this!"

2024: "Yes. You can but I need you to do this first. Have this adventure then write about it and then turn it into a documentary or play for 77 million BC.

Adam: "Wow! The True life Adventures of the two Brothers and Adam and Elohar and Ragna and King Interlaken. I'm already coming up with Titles for all this!"

2024: "We are the two Brothers I take it?"

Adam: "Yes."

2024: "What about father as Jonathan Flow and Arcane and His Oneness and Flame and the others?

Adam: "That's right! They are all there and can be characters in my play too. Only this will have to be a movie or something. This is even better than a play!"

2024: "This is legendary Stuff, Adam. Legendary!"

Adam: "Wow! What a privilege it is to be sent on this mission my first I hope of many for you and Dad."

2024: "Don't mess this up because it's important to Dad!"

Adam: "I will make you proud of me Brother!"

2024: "Great Talking to you again Adam. It's been too long."

Adam: "I love you Brother!"

2024: "I love you too Adam and always will."

Adam: "Me Too!"

Adam returned to the Mother ship in the Galactic Core in 2024 where they were. 

He saw Green and Purple discussing how they should move forward now.

Green and Purple seemed to be deep in Engineering thoughts to make all this work properly.

Adam said, "We are going on a mission for my Father and Brother!"

Green and Purple looked at him in a worried way and Purple said, "People's lives are at stake, Adam. This isn't a play but real life you know?"

Adam said, "Yes. I need to adapt to real life don't I on this mission. It's more like a military maneuver than anything else isn't it.

Purple: "It's more like a Galactic Time Guard deep cover Spy maneuver more than anything else."

Adam: "I think I should do here as you all recommend because I'm a newbie here."

Purple: "We are so grateful that you are saying this, Adam. This could get pretty scary at time keeping all the people we love alive. Do you know what I mean?"

Adam: "No! I don't."

Purple: "Some people might try to rub out the people we all love and care for. Not just people on earth but also beings from other planets or even jealous Creators who live in this galaxy or even Creators who live in other galaxies too. So, it could get dangerous for your survival and mine (at least for your present human form."

Adam: "What should I do?"

Purple: "You likely need to create a time duplicate of yourself so that if something happens to the other one of you that we can activate your duplicate."

Adam: "It's really that dangerous? I'm sort of attached to the one human body I have!"

Purple: "Yes. if we keep another body in reserve on your Mothership then you will always have another body in an emergency."

Adam: "Do each of you have other bodies?"

Purple: "Each of us have at least 1000 other bodies waiting to rescue us in various times and spaces in an instant."

Adam: "Why so many bodies?"

Purple: "Because almost anything can happen when you create order from a chaos like the first timeline is for earth."

Adam: "Actually that makes sense. How many duplicates should I have?"

Purple looked at Green and they electronically spoke a while. Then she said, "I think we should make a dozen time duplicated bodies put 10 of them in the Mother ship and if the mother ship is destroyed we prevent it's destruction and go back before it was destroyed so it won't be destroyed again. Then we take 2 of those bodies and leave them with His Holiness Your Brother in the Galactic Core in 2024 far away from 1974 where we are going or 7028 on the first timeline."

Adam: "Whatever you say? Is it painful to be time duplicated?

Green: "It's not painful to be time duplicated but if you are residing in a body being killed it might be. But, then you would be in another duplicate body suddenly and then it would all make sense."

Adam: "Okay. Whatever you say." But, this was getting scarier by the minute and he wasn't used to "Real Scary" only fake scary."

Green: "We've set up a time duplicator on the Mother Ship."

Adam: "Okay. Just lead the way to where you have it installed."

And they did.

After he had the duplicates made and two sent to his brother in 2024 they began their time and space Journey on Adam's Mother Ship to 7028 on the first timeline. 

Adam: "Have you been to this timeline before?

Purple Delta 7: "Oh yes. We approached Ragna and Elohar before this to bring about the 2nd timeline. We knew they wanted to do this and had asked your brother the Galactic Sentience if they could help create a 2nd timeline. Like your father Elohar sees into the future and also as a girl she was sent into the 2nd timeline by Saint Germain otherwise also known as Arcane from New Deva."

Adam: "I have heard about the legend of Saint Germain. Is Arcane really Saint Germain?

Purple: "Apparently yes."

Adam: "Wow! This is getting more interesting every day now! Arcane is a Legend not only on earth but now also throughout the Galaxy."

Purple: "Yes. You are also becoming a legend too, Adam alongside of your Brother throughout the Galaxy."

Adam: "That appears to be true doesn't it?"

Next Section: 7028 on the First timeline of Earth.

The Mothership was in space and the flying saucer Adam Chose to come visit King Interlaken was landing at the Crystal Palace (that is in the mountains near Aosta, Italy. When I first visited this place on the 1st timeline in 1999 In October with  some of my family it was called: "The Dalai Lama Camping Club" now here in 2024 it is called "Dalai Lama Village".

It is built on the location of the original Crystal Palace on the first timeline by the way.

So, Purple and Green Delta 7 had arranged with King Interlaken and Elohar and Ragna for a public ceremony so the people could see who was coming to help build a 2nd timeline where civilization didn't end for 4000 years. It was here at the Crystal Palace (Now The Dalai Lama Village) above Aosta, Italy that they landed in their flying saucer from the mothership which is exactly the same basic design as visited Jonathan in June of 1974 at Bunny Flat on Mt. Shasta in California.

NOTE: by the way the Flying saucer that was given to the U.S. Government under the auspices of the United Nations was stored in 1974 at a hanger at Klamath Falls Airport in Oregon when it visited Jonathan Flow in 1974 and then again in 1992 when it flew above his house on an acre of land then in the summer as well. Air Force Officers of the U.S. Air Force flew this same saucer to the future to see if the human race went extinct then in 1992. It did. So, the 2nd timeline had to be changed a lot to prevent human extinction starting in 2085 to 2095 regarding the 2nd timeline. So, Global Climate change was not the only thing that needed to be addressed but also human extinction between 2085 and 2095 in order for the human race to continue even on the 2nd timeline here on earth. end note. 

Meanwhile, as Adam and Purple and Green landed in the spinning UFO there were literally thousands of people there to welcome them to help build a 2nd timeline where civilization hadn't ended in 2001 for 4000 years.

King Interlaken was recorded on something like TV like we have today in 2024 here on the 2nd timeilne. It went live to all the households interested in watching him greet people from the center of the Galaxy to help bring about the 2nd timeline you and I presently live on  in 2024.

King Interlake spoke to the thousands present as well as those watching TV in the Civilized part of the world in 7028 AD:

"I would like to introduce these envoys from the Galactic Government. They have agreed to help us create a 2nd timeline. In return for our work we will also receive one of their time travel devices and they will help us build another larger one that I will personally Call "The Awesome" and we have a contract to build an even larger one "the size of a Cruise ship for Diplomatic relations between this time line and the other one. Both Time Lines will work together to protect our world from harm from within or without according to Galactic Proclamation. By doing this we assure ourselves and our Civilized Nations that once were Europe and other places the survival of the human race on both timelines.

The Killing war that destroyed civilization on September 11th 2001 will NEVER occur on the 2nd timeline we are building."

Great Cheers erupted from the thousands present and tears ran down the faces of all those present and watching on TV or who would watch this into the future.

Note: All the technology that had been stored in 2001 regarding DVDs and CDs and books and other non-magnetic materials were eventually deciphered and technology brought back between 6000 AD and 7000 Ad. However, in 6000 AD on the first timeline the area of Switzerland was still sort of like a type of human island with wild Animal Wolf like people at lower elevations below 3000 feet in altitude that had to be kept out of the higher elevations where people's bodies and brains weren't as harmed by the dust and the radiation of the nuclear weapons of 2001 that went off. For example, Weapons Grade Plutonium has a half life of 25,000 years and this is only 4000 years after they all went off worldwide. end note.

So, what I am learning and you are learning now is that the Time Travel Devices that General Ragna uses came into the EArth in 7028 from Adam 2nd Son of the Galactic Creator. The diplomacy for this event was conducted by Purple Delta 7 through the United Nations on the first timeline before 2001 and by King Interlaken of the Switzerland area of Europe on the First timeline. So, there was agreement between the pre-2001 United Nations group and the World leadership Group headed by King Interlaken to create this 2nd timeline too before it happened along with the Galactic Government who brought the technology to bear to actually create the 2nd timeline to begin with.

So, I'm thinking that they arrived in 7028 and then at least one of the devices went back to almost 6000 AD in order to protect their timeline from the past and the future. This assured the government of King Interlaken to not be interfered with by beings from the far future or the far past or from off worlders too from the past, present and future.

It was necessary for Purple to authorize this stabilization of the time lines before they tried to create the 2nd timeline because off worlders had something to do with "The End of Time" as King Interlaken's people called it of what happened on September 11th 2001. So, Purple had to stabilize the first timeline in order to create the 2nd timeline which is why she said what she did to Adam before they embarked on this "Dangerous" journey to Earth on the first time in 7028. 

The United Nations representatives that crafted this agreement from before 2001 requested Sanctuary in the 1st timeline to go to 7000 AD after civilization had returned. So, they were were granted Asylum and  transported along with their families to the 1st timeline around 7000 AD before September 11th 2001 actually happened. However, for many reasons Purple could not end Timeline 1 and it had to take place simply because the 2nd timeline does not exist without the 1st timeline occurring first.

Question: Why would they request sanctuary in 7000 AD on the first timeline? I was asking myself this same question actually and here are some theories of mine.

1. They didn't understand that they (MIGHT) not die like everyone else did in the U.S. on September 11th 2001 (or China) or (Russia) or (North Korea) Or (Iran) and many other countries. The least likely for everyone to die in that country would be neutral or non-aligned countries because nukes wouldn't likely be aimed at them (or would they?).

2. They were scared that reality was beyond anything they could actually cope with no matter what happened.

3. They wanted to be sure that they would survive whatever came and they knew they likely would or could survive by 7000 AD on the first timeline.

4. They knew that Global Climate changes basically did NOT happen they way they do on the 2nd timeline simply because ALL technology and civilization ended for 4000 years and within 300 years this caused Global Climate changes to subside slowly as Weather scientists have often said.

What they actually said was that if humans stopped all burning of all carbon based fuels completely that within 300 years of progression Global Climate changes might abate (YOU NOTICED I SAID MIGHT ABATE NOT WILL ABATE) because really no one knows for sure what happens next on this timeline unless they have a time machine and go forward and see for themselves like Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back (fictitious names for American Heroes who went forward in time as Air Force Officers in it looks like one of Adam's Flying Saucers like the one that visited Jonathan in 1974 (and in 1992) when Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back flew forward in time to find everyone dead by 2095 on earth from a plague. 

So, then they returned to 1992 and to a secret meeting at the Defense Department and the United Nations to show videos of everyone dead in all cities on earth and out in the country from a plague

But, everyone after September 11th 2001 in the U.S., China, Russia, North Korea and Iran was dead. No one lived through this at all there. So, within one month it was so bad that everyone had died and civilization had permanently ended for 4000 Years. Other countries were different stories but still unless you live above 3000 feet or so your genetics were so damaged by Weapons grade powdered 25,000 year half life Plutonium that you didn't have much of a chance then to grow up and even if you did 20 to 30 years likely was the maximum lifetime as a hunter gatherer of whatever you could find to eat because farming mostly didn't happen again for 4000 years either for a variety of reasons. end notes.

Adam was overwhelmed at meeting Elohar and Ragna and King Interlaken. Elohar reminded him of a female version of her father. He wondered if she was genetically related to Arcane or Jonathan or possibly both?

Soon, Purple and Adam and Green had all been whisked away and secreted in the palace and Adam asked Purple and Green about building time ships for King Interlaken.

Purple: "Yes. Adam. This was decided by your brother the present Galactic Sentience to make sure enough time and money was spent on making the 2nd timeline actually happen. Giving them 3 ships will work simply because all your earth landing capable flying time saucers are self evolving and self replicating like I can also do."

Adam: "You mean that you and Green can self replicate without using time replicators?

Purple: "Yes. This is true.

Adam: "Do many beings and people know this?"

Purple: "It's not something we share usually beyond Galactic Royalty because what if you have to become the Galactic Sentience one day?"

Adam: "Is that really a possibility?"

Purple: "Why do you think your father saved your life. It wasn't just for you it was for all beings in the Galaxy and beyond. We have to be prepared for ANY eventuality, Adam."

Adam had not considered this possibility: "Does this mean my brother would have to die for me to be the Galactic Sentience?"

Purple: "You and I do not know what will happen in the future. Also, remember there are many timelines on planets and in the galaxy not just one. For example, we are now living on the 2nd timeline right now not the first."

Adam: "Can you tell me more about the 1st timeline?"

Purple: "I am not at liberty to discuss that with you at present."

Adam: "That's kind of what my brother said to me too."

Purple: "He's the authority in the Galaxy now and we all work for him to protect and keep the Galaxy operational in all ways."

Adam: "What does operational mean?"

Purple: "Well. I think Jonathan says it best when he compares the Galaxy to a Ranch or Farm. Have you ever read about farms or ranches on earth?"

Adam: "A little bit. I obviously need to study what ranches and farms actually are. Do you mean they are like our Galaxy?"

Purple: "Yes. They bear a striking similarity to how the Galaxy operates too."

Adam: "So, we are like ranch hands?"

Purple: "No. Green and I are like Ranch hands. You and your brother are the owning family who built this galaxy. You and your brother own this Galaxy because your father built it for your brother and you  to run ongoing and then it will be passed onto his or your children. And so on and so on.

Adam: "Well. I have never looked at in this way. I find this very helpful in understanding it from this perspective."

Purple: "Study farming and ranching on earth so you can understand your place in all this better."

Adam: "I will."

Next Section: Adam and Purple and Green Meet privately with King Interlaken, Elohar and General Ragna

The fanfare of all of this pageantry was really going to Adam's head. To be in a physical human body and to get this much attention was pretty heady when so many thousands of people (who he also knew to be Creators Souls within these physical bodies as humans here on earth) was soo heady and amazing and mind altering for him that he could barely speak. That there were so many that he likely knew personally or directly or indirectly through just being around his father at court was beyond his present ability to integrate in a useful way. So, he just felt sort of overwhelmed by the whole thing.

He took Purple and Green Aside for a moment and told them of his overwhelm in this situation and why.

Purple said to him first: "This is pretty normal for someone in your position, Adam. These people are all mostly relatives or friends of you and your father. In fact, some of the incarnations here present could be incarnations of your Father or Mother or Sisters or Brother or even of you."

Adam: "But I haven't been allowed to take incarnation as a human being other than in the present body I wear or in the duplicates you made of me."

Purple: "Don't forget that your brother likely will let you incarnate many thousands of times in different eras on earth to begin with. You could be near thousands potentially of your own incarnations now and not know it simply because it hasn't been granted yet. It doesn't stop it being true and manifested from the future decisions of you and your brother."

Adam: "This is way over my head what you are saying. So, I feel the need to protect all these people if they are retired relatives from the past, present or future as well as them being incarnations of myself from a future time coming back and being here. I will definitely have to give all this much more thought than before."

Purple: "Yes."

After this private consultation they were ushered into a private room and guards were posted at the door while they all sat around a round table. It made Adam think of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table more than anything else. However, where was Merlin?"

And then he saw his father in the form of Meridian and almost fainted. He wanted to get up and greet his father but realized this wasn't the time for this demonstration of affection and worship of this form of his father. His father looked at him and nodded in recognition of his Son. Adam almost fainted that Meridian knew who he was. Jonathan wouldn't have known who he was but Meridian definitely does right now he thought. Amazing!

Adam Thought: "What was Meridian doing on the first timeline?"

Then he thought to himself. This was an incarnation of his father who created the whole Galaxy. Why wouldn't he be able to do anything he needed to do as an incarnation here on Earth?

Adam began to relax a little knowing his Dad was here in a human incarnation too. He sighed and started to relax while sitting at the Round table with his Dad and Purple and Green. He thought that it doesn't get much better than this! and he smiled.

As King Interlaken Joined the group presently sitting there was Elohar and General Ragna and Purple and Green and Adam and now Meridian. This was the group other than assistants and guardians for the group to make sure what was said would stay secret.

King Interlaken began: "I'm very grateful like I said to the public outside that we can help mankind in this way and to forge a new and better relationship with the Galactic Governmenet. And I am honored to receive the Brother of His Holiness, The Galactic Sentience as an envoy to earth as well as General Purple Delta 7 and General Green Delta 7 of the Galactic Time Guard in their help with creating a 2nd timeline for earth where "The End of Days" as we call it never happened on what likely might be called "Literally the 2nd timeline of earth. But, for us, on the first timeline it is a God Send that we can participate in this because it has been a dream of millions of us for thousands of Years now that something like this could be done."

Purple being the main envoy up until now said, "Yes. Your Holiness, I would like to introduce Adam the 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy. And I would like you to recognize if you didn't know this before that Meridian and you are both Incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy and that as Creators of the Galaxy Adam is also your son in this sense.

King Interlaken: "I think at some level I already knew that Meridian and I were kindred souls but learning that we are also incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy is pretty awesome and a lot to deal with right now. But, I think that since Meridian is likely already around 4000 years old in real time here on the first timeline he might understand all this better than I do."

Meridian: "Thank you your Holiness, King Interlaken. I must say that seeing our son here Adam doing so well and as an envoy to his Brother the Galactic Sentience does my heart good."

King Interlaken nodded in agreement and they both smiled and tears came to Adam's eyes for the first time during this visit to earth in better integrating all aspects of his life into something he could better deal with.

King Interlaken: "I would like to defer to  Time General Purple Delta 7 for the next phase of all of this.

Purple Delta 7: "Through many negotiations, King Interlaken and I with the help of the Created Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard we have devised a plan for how to create the 2nd timeline more effectively without outside interference from groups of the past, present and future both from planet earth and beyond planet earth. WE have created a very intricate and useful design that will eliminate most potential problems to the successful completion of our goal of creating a 2nd timeline.

General Ragna will now be the new Time General of Earth since his training already goes in this direction. The main difference now is that instead of using Time Belts to travel time he will be given ships to travel time with and "The Awesome" will by one of these ships for the Use of specifically King Interlaken and General Ragna to use. First we need General Ragna to go back in time to around the time of "The End of Days" as you have come to call it, King Interlaken and to ferret out who was responsible really for "The end of Days". Though I could do this too it will have more meaning to everyone on both timelines if General Ragna your Time General does this with his crew. As we do this we will be reshaping timelines not only of the past but also reshaping timelines of the present as well. It's important King Interlaken that you know that we have also had to create a 2nd timeline for the whole Galaxy as well as this effort to create a 2nd timeline for Earth as well."

King Interlaken: "Is it important that I know more about the 2nd Galactic Timeline?"

Purple Delta 7: "It's important that you know we are presently on the 2nd Galactic Timeline but not more than that at present. It depends upon how things go here on earth now whether you need to know more than this."

King Interlaken: "Okay."

Purple Delta 7: 'The important thing is that Jonathan who is also an incarnation from the Creator of the Galaxy also who was born before "The End of Days" soul traveled to the Galactic Core to meet with "who he then thought would be God" but who was his son the present Galactic Sentience. He then asked "The present Galactic Sentience to prevent nuclear holocaust on earth because he sensed it coming. The present Galactic Sentience said he would help prevent the Global nuclear holocaust of the first timeline and the method is to now create a 2nd timeline to fulfill his father's wishes as the incarnation Jonathan Flow who originated in the 20th Century well before the 2001 event. I need General Ragna and Elohar to go to him on a specific date in order to convince him to stay alive to do this work for the Galaxy because he needs to stay alive until 1970 when he will travel to the Center of the Galaxy as a soul and ask for this from his son the present Galactic Sentience."

King Interlaken: "So, this all is coming about because one of the incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy asked his son to prevent Global Thermonuclear holocaust?"

Purple Delta 7: "That's correct your Holiness. It is the son granting the request of his Beloved Father who created the galaxy to begin with for his family on into the near and far future. The other thing you may or may not know about is that Earth is a retirement place for retired Creators.   

King Interlaken: "I had heard this but didn't entirely believe it until now."

Purple: "Yes. It is not a widely known fact for many reasons."

King Interlaken: "Is it partly because of what happened on Maldek Severely traumatizing billions of Creator Souls?"

Purple: "Yes. This is part of what this is about."

King Interlaken: "Yes. I can see how this could literally create billions of problems if the past memories of all those Creators had been removed and then they had to watch their whole planet die along with the whole civilization and all their children and relatives and friends."

Purple: "Exactly! It traumatized or killed many of the elders of the Galaxy who were creators defeating the whole purpose of them incarnating on Maldek to begin with.

King Interlaken: "Didn't this do the same thing to Earth on the first timeline on September 11th 2001.

Purple: "NO. It wasn't as bad because most people had no idea what was happening whereas on Maldek people died over several months and parts of the planet fell off one by one and oceans and air went off into space. When you have no idea what is happening at all it isn't as hard on a person's soul.

"It's sort of the difference between dying in a sudden traffic accident and being tortured to death slowly over months."

King Interlaken: "Maldek then is the single most horrific thing that has happened to Humanoids in the Solar System so far?"

Purple: "Yes."

  writing up to  Wednesday 7:11 pm September 4th 2024.

I was trying to Continue Chapter 4 but the univer


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