Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Yes! Blink Twice(2024) is definitely a horror movie!

What I expected was a Poirot murder mystery or something like the movie and Game Clue(1985) movie. But, instead what I got was a Female Tarantino movie that was a horror movie about an Epstein type of Island where young women are abused in various ways. I could also say it's an empowerment movie for women but I'm not sure that's appropriate either. So, if you watch this movie just expect to be traumatized especially if you are a woman but it is traumatizing for anyone to watch this movie too. 

By the Way this likely might be the most Feminist Horror movie of all time which might be good for Halloween when a bunch of empowered females are together watching this. But, just remember it is horrific to watch and there are twists and turns that you will never expect in this movie!

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