Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It's been foggy this week on the coast since we returned from Portland and Mt. Shasta

So, after sort of burning out traveling first to Austin, Texas and other places to visit friends, then to Santa Barbara to stay about a week or more there for my wife's birthday. Then to San Diego to be there for a month to help my adopted Daughter with her new baby boy born in August. Then to Portland to help my son who is having health problems and likely will have to stop working and already has for now. Then to Mt. Shasta to recover from all that. Then to the SF Coast on Sunday it has been foggy which really makes us appreciate the sun everywhere else. Also, I'm 76 and my wife is 69 and so traveling so far either by car or plane or rental car this summer is a lot for us at this age. I had wanted to go to Europe for the birth of my oldest biological daughter's daughter last week but my daughter reminded me of my health and said "Dad, I can't take care of you if anything goes wrong." And I had to agree with her I'm fine about 80 to 95 percent of the time but when my health goes wrong I might be in the hospital or worse. And it wouldn't be fair to do this to my daughter or my wife or any of my children or friends. So, I stayed home from Europe and saw pictures instead. However, they are moving back here likely around Christmas time anyway so I will see my daughter for the first time in about 1 1/2 years at that point because they are moving back to California where they were for several years before this.

So, the fog this week while recovering from everything has been a lot this week for someone my age. And now my wife wants to visit her friend North of San Francisco and I was sort of terrified to hear this yesterday because my wife had been sick for a week and suddenly she is well again enough to travel without me?

But, when she told me that this would be the last time she could see her friend because her friend was having a hip operation and they likely couldn't see each other for up to 6 months time because her friend wouldn't be mobile or happy enough for a visit for some time from all of this. So, I agreed she needed to see her best friend since she was 1 year old or younger once again.

By God's Grace

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