Saturday, September 28, 2024

why is it hard to understand what angels are telling us?

Could you ever have imagined (for real) before 9-11 that something like that could ever happen? Could you imagine the weather nightmares around the world in the last 25 years or so before they happened? Could you imagine January 6th while Trump was still president? Could you imagine how crazy the U.S. and World War right now in the way that they are or could you imagine how bad weather events are in the U.S. and around the world before now?

This is why it is hard to understand what angels are telling us because we cannot imagine what has been happening or what will happen in the future (until it actually happens).

So, it isn't surprising therefore that angels who often see the future or potential futures will tend to steer us away from our deaths and our maimings because they see all or many of the things that can or will happen in various places and times around the world.

I sort of look at these events where many people are involved and many might die as sort of the way I view Earthquakes because I live in California and have been through so many many earthquakes both big and small. Most earthqukes are small and might not even move a chandelier across the room or throw pictures and broken glass everywhere and then there are earthquakes like the Loma Prieto Earthquake of Fall 1989 where hundreds of homes were either destroyed or thrown off their foundations with cracks everywhere and some had to be red tagged and condemned for human use forever and torn down.

So, I'm not sure how an angel looks at these things but I do know they live in the past, present and future all at once just like Trees and Rocks and likely oceans do to as living beings. So, angels understand the future as well as the past and the present which most people cannot do or at least aren't aware of how to do this yet.

So, Angels are capable of redirecting our lives when necessary so we all can survive on into the future and help all life on earth to survive better ongoing.

By God's Grace

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