Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Sword which pierces all defilement or The One Thousand Buddha's Empowerment

These are the two basic names for the first Tibetan Buddhist initation I received in Ashland Oregon likely in Winter of either 1980 or early 1981 then with my wife and children. My life changed a lot after this for the better from then on in many remarkable ways.

There is a Tibetan Buddhist Saying called "Turning the Dharma Wheel" which basically means to me that your life changes when you meet the Dharma and as you do the dharma work you live in a greater and greater state of Grace throughout your life while praying for all life everywhere in the Universe to be free from Suffering. 

By God's Grace 

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss

May all beings be free from Suffering and the Cause of Suffering

May all beings never be without the Supreme Bliss that is free from all 

Near and far all grasping and aversion

By this merit may I become like the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas of the

Ten Directions and the Three Times.


The ten directions are for navigating through Space

The Three times are the Past, Present and Future.

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