Thursday, September 26, 2024

I was listening to how in some sections of Florida the Storm surge will not be survivable

When you have 20 foot high storm surges it might be important to understand that single story houses and many 2 story houses are going to be washed away because it is a storm and the weight and power of water moving like that will push many homes off their foundations and turn them and any people there into rubble. Cars would be washed away very quickly and eventually sink to the bottom of the water with anyone in them if they were still alive too. So, simply being where there is 20 foot  of surge from the ocean in as flat a place as Florida is basically death unless you are in an enclosed boat of some kind that can weather this storm safely and effectively. So, if you are in these areas that will receive this much surge getting away from there might be the only effective way to survive by driving inland  10 or 20 miles away from the Storm surge. You survival and life and the lives of those you love might depend upon this now.

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