Monday, September 30, 2024

I think if you are in a flood prone area where it rains a lot you need to prepare non-perishable food and obtain water so you can better survive these floodings

Because if it is doing this now it could be worse this winter when all the storms tend to be the worse (at least in the more northern States and Western States. Though we did have a year ago a Tropical storm Hilary that had been a Hurricane in Western Mexico up through Tijuana then it hit Palm Springs and buried that area in mud and water about 2 to 3 feet deep which I believe was around this time last year. One of the stranger things about this storm is that it trashed everything in the Sierras and up through Mt. Shasta where it made a new stream from the flooding down the mountain from about 11,000 feet where it brought flooding down the mountain consisting of rocks and boulders and mud and pieces of wood all the way into the High School in Town and across the playing field of the Junior High school too. So, the city has to pay around 30,000 dollars to 60,000 dollars to clean up every time it rains hard in the area ever since last year. So, the point is that where it floods and changes the landscape various places from these storms of Hurricanes or Tropical Rain Storms often these physical changes to the landscape become more permanent over time. 

For example, the Montecito Mudslide happened in early 2018 and killed about 25 people and washed away many very expensive homes. As a result of this it changed the whole landscape there and whole areas have been condemned where wealthy homes were from rebuilding:

Begin quote:

Jan. 9, 2018
Residents were awoken in the pre-dawn hours of Jan. 9, 2018, to the horrifying sound of mud and boulders plowing down the Santa Barbara hillsides; the sky glowed orange from fires blazing from a ruptured gas main.
begin next quote of maps of this area:
Montecito mudslides | Map shows homes, buildings destroyed ...
Montecito Debris Flow Devastation Concentrated Along Creeks ...
New Interactive Map Shows Homes Damaged in Storm – edhat
Lessons learned from Montecito mudslides lead to new ...
Identifying the Causes of the California Mudslides - The New ...
County Releases New Debris Flow Map for Montecito - The ...


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