Friday, September 6, 2024

I was trying to Continue Chapter 4 but the universe I guess wanted me to start Chapter 5 instead

What would I name this Chapter: "The Unexpected Chapter 5" because I think neither you nor I expected this chapter to be like this.


So, I guess this is chapter 5 which I will call: "The beginning of Timeline 2 as built by all the volunteers from both Earth timelines and from throughout the Galaxy and possibly beyond.

However, it probably is a good time for a section change anyway.

So, the meeting ended with King Interlaken and Meridian and Elohar and Ragna and Purple Delta 7 and Green Delta 7 and Adam 2nd Son and Special Envoy to His present Holiness the Galactic Sentience.

They all walked to the time space flying Saucer that is one of the ones built to park inside the mother ship so this is one of the 30 given to Adam around 65 million BC when Maldek Blew up from Nukes.

Earth is not allowed to blow up from nukes and stay like that otherwise Earth would presently look just like the Asteroid belt now from everything that has happened since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The ONLY reason Hiroshima and Nagasaki are left in history is because it is a warning to all mankind of what can happen to any city or Country or Nation or the planet itself turning into an Asteroid belt.

So, since in 1970 Jonathan Flow (when he was still single) bi-located to the Galactic Core by way of a being he met in Venus in a ghost like Form who lived there when Venus was like earth at some point in the distant past. But, as we know now Venus is 600 to 800 degrees all or most of the time even though it once was like earth just like Maldek and Mars used to be too. And likely many billions of people lived on Maldek and Mars and Venus at one time or another too. 

But, this day, they were to go to specifically Bunny Flat (why Bunny Flat?) maybe because Jonathan Flow was going to be there praying for his son. So, I guess the Flying Saucer landed while he was up on the hill.

Though I have written about this true story before the real memories didn't come back until around 2002 or thereabouts as Jonathan had asked Elohar and Ragna to not allow him to remember this until he was old so he could raise his son right. Because Jonathan was no fool. What happened if he remembered it then would have haunted him and possibly destroyed his life. So, he asked that he forget it and after the 2nd timeline was complete around 2002 when he was about 54 years old the memories returned.

However, today isn't about his memories it is about what King Interlaken and the others were trying to accomplish through Jonathan at this point:

First, a ceremony had to be conducted for historical purposes of both timelines commemorating the fact that one of the incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy was authorizing a 2nd timeline for Earth.

Why is this important?

Because it recognizes that at the very least the 2nd timeline is a duly Legal Authorized Timeline as per the edicts of both the CReator of the Galaxy AND his Son the present Galactic Sentience.

However, what Jonathan Experienced was very different than all of this simply because he was being recruited to help create the 2nd timeline when he didn't even know that this is how the present Galactic Sentience was going to not have nuclear annihilation on September 11th 2001.

So, JOnathan's experience (once it was revealed to him again around 2002 of what he actually experienced in 1974 goes something like this:

"I came upon this UFO and it was sitting in the snow and I approached it and I was a little scared because I'm only a human being and this was a lot to deal with. So, even though I'm an intuitive and can sense beings true motivations this was on a scale that almost broke me. And likely would if I wasn't who I am. For example, this likely would have destroyed most human beings to experience what I did that day.

The problem was all my memories of ever having been the Creator of the Galaxy were gone because this would have made no sense to me at all in 1974. I hadn't even learned that time isn't real yet or really who the creators are in some ways like I do now.

So, the problem was "Culture Shock' of an epic purportion. I don't know if you have ever gone to India or Nepal, especially in the 1960s or 1970s or 1980s. But, this was 100 times the culture shock of either going there or the even worse culture shock I experienced which was coming back to San Francisco after being in Asia for 4 or more months with my family. I couldn't believe how people were here after what I experienced in Asia in India, Nepal, Thailand and Japan!

So, I knew I was in trouble the moment they took my 6 foot 5 inch frame and mind controlled me and then they gave me a Video they ran through my mind of what had caused the deaths of billions of people. So, I was screaming for about 5 minutes while they showed me all this and then they apologized because they didn't understand what they had done to me.

At this point they asked me if I would join them in creating the 2nd timeline and I agreed with doing this. However, if I'm to be honest I just wanted to stay alive and sane at that point as a human being more than anything else so I told them I wanted to forget this experience until I was old so I could raise my son right.

They agreed to this as long as I helped them create the 2nd timeline.

Though this isn't what you expected to read about this is what they wanted me to share with you. Why?

I think that this will prepare many of you for possibly similar experiences to the one I had as a human being before I fully realized that I was a creator and an incarnation of the Creator of the Galaxy.

There is only one other Creator (That I know of) who is an incarnation of the Creator of the Galaxy on earth presently and that is the Dalai Lama. I have permission to tell you this. However, there likely are thousands to millions of others too here on earth in all timelines too here on earth.

It is presently 11:36 pm in Mt. Shasta on Thursday Sepember 5th 2024

My computer has presently 33% battery power left which is interesting too. 

What I find interesting is how many Creators were hurt or who died when Maldek was destroyed by nukes. And these Creators were from this galaxy and others and mostly retired Creators. So, many of these retirees were damaged by the destruction of Maldek and some recovered and some did not. Why?

Because they were made to forget that they were creators to make their mortality allow them to wish they might live forever. Now, imagine if you were on Maldek and pieces of this planet were flying off every few hours or days including parts of the atmosphere and parts of the oceans and the lands and then the water froze often along with the lands in space and the people's lungs came out of their mouths because there was no air pressure and then other people watched this live on TV. Imagine if you are watching billions of people die and every member of your family and the end of your planet and your civilization and you don't know that you really were a Creator and basically immortal.

Are you going to be okay after watching ALL your friends and family die horribly and then you die horribly too? Remember, you don't remember you are a Creator and potentially immortal. How long would you be screaming if you could scream after experiencing all this?

This is the problem that BILLIONS of retired Creators all faced on Maldek as it came apart over months.

What caused this?

Nukes caused this but let me explain the science of what actually happened. It was NOT intentional by the way and so everyone who did this likely regretted it until they died which wasn't too long (more than a couple of months pretty much).

Here is what happened: 

Two warring factions on Maldek were at war and one side decided it would be a great idea to set off nukes in a pattern.

What was this pattern?

Well the pattern was a triangle. HOwever, the people who did this were military men but not geologists or weather scientists who could have told them what could or would or did happen.

When you set off 3 nukes in a triangular pattern many things can happen. What they wanted to happen was to collapse a military base that was huge completely. Did it do this? Oh Yes!

However, what it also did was it blew all the way down to the Magma of the planet. 

What happened next?

A nearby lake got into the magma and the water started exploding because there was too much magma and too much water to stop pieces of the land from being exploded into the sky into the atmosphere. But, once this began it was like a steam locomotive. First it drained the huge lake into the magma. Then it altered the land so much then the Ocean started draining into the magma. And the hole was so large that the planet couldn't heal itself. So, it was just a chain reacting steam exposion with one after another of steam explosions until pieces of the planet started blowing off not only into space but the planet then started to wobble because the TOP that is spinning that a planet is has to have a stable shape and spin because if it doesn't all sorts of other things can happen too.

At this time I was born on a military submarine on the bottom of one of the oceans. But, this was both a submarine and a spacecraft both and was put there because people with nukes were doing crazy things like this every day then. So, the Submarine I was incarnated on in that lifetime 65 million years ago went into space eventually after most of the billions of people on Maldek planet were dead.

Eventually, we moved to Mars and then finally to Earth 65 million years ago and the present human species was genetically engineered between the Humanoids of Mars and Maldek and the apes of earth so you could serve us until we all died because we were not very suited to the bacteria on earth because we had very different bacteria and diseases on Mars and Maldek.

By the way I'm as surprised as you are what they had me write tonight because I had no idea this was where all this was going. However, I kind of see it as a warning to militaries around the world to not repeat what happened then.

But, we couldn't move to Earth until the Asteroid hit the Yucatan to kill the biggest dinosaurs that would have eaten us or stepped on us one of the two. 

So, when we moved there there were dead dinosaur bones everywhere after all the littler animals had eaten them by then. The littler animals survived by digging holes in the ground so they didn't freeze to death like most of the larger dinosaurs. But, the big guys also starved to death because the sun didn't shine for several years either. The only thing that survived really well were things in the oceans of the Earth at that time.

Apparently, it's important also to see the trajectory of how Jonathan Flow survived 1969 to get to 1970 and 1974 and being married and the birth of his son in 1974:

Many difficult things happened to Jonathan Flow in 1969 which completely turned his life upside down.

The first thing I think that happened was that his girlfriend of 2 years decided to marry him but to remain celibate like she had always been sort of like a NUN? This wasn't going to work for Jonathan Flow simply because he wanted children. In fact the whole point of getting married from Jonathan's point of view was to have children. (This likely came from having his creator children and having to build a galaxy to support them and then to maintain that galaxy until he retired around 65 million years ago. (Although to make full sense of this Jonathan was only one of thousands to millions of incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy. He was definitely not the only one. And, beyond this he was the Scribe incarnation in that his duty to the totality of Thousands to millions of other incarnations was to set down in writing for people to read (that wanted to) what was really going on in their lives in regard to planet Earth, New Deva (earth in the future) etc.

So, Jonathan Flow's duty as an incarnation of the Creator of the Galaxy was simply to chronicle events that happened in his life and in the lives of Trillions of other beings on different timelines inside our Milky Way Galaxy.

So, then because Jonathan Flow broke up with the person (he believed then) was to be his life mate because she wanted to be celibate the rest of her life this started to unravel all the plans of his life.

Then they unraveled more when he had to leave his childhood religion. Now when I say "had to leave" his friends told him to lie about everything young and youthful in his life (you know 18 to 25) and then he would be okay in his religion. However, Jonathan didn't want to be in any religion where he couldn't be honest with himself and others. And as a result of his honesty (unlike many of his friends who stayed in the religion and lied about their lives) he became despondent emotionally without the lady he was going to marry and without his thousands of friends in his religion worldwide.

So, about Christmas 1969 when Jonathan Flow was considering ending it all first Saint Germain came to him and told him that ("You cannot let people cause your death because you are needed here on earth in the future")

Saint Germain told him that without him that earth would blow up and be nuked. Was this entirely true? Maybe. But looking back now I think it was what he needed to hear to actually soul travel to the Galactic Core and meet his son in 1970. But, he had to live through 1969 first to get there and then he also had to live through most of 1970 to fully use his ability to soul travel given to him by God through Archangel Gabriel in 1968.

You see, Jonathan already foresaw his death in his 20s in 1968 by looking forward through time and when he did this he saw he was going to die in his 20s. 

Then his solution (at age 20) was to Project his soul out of his body and so his body would die on earth. However, Archangel Gabriel said to him: "You are not allowed to die right now you have promised to help mankind." Jonathan told Archangel Gabriel that he foresaw his own death in his 20s. Archangel Gabriel looked at him and didn't disagree and said, "God and the Angels are giving you the ability to Soul Travel which will allow you to live through your 20s and into your 30s and 40s and beyond.

Though Jonathan Flow wasn't really happy about having to stay alive and face his 20s he honored the request of God and Archangel Gabriel at this time. Also, in 1977 he went to Archangel Gabriel and Hopes (his other half is Archangel Hope a Female Archangel) quarter at Summit University when it was in Pasadena California then and realized it was to be because of his previous experiences with Archangel Gabriel.

However then Jonathan Flow was asked to leave Summit University Staff after finishing the fall quarter and working in their computer department on their mainframe computer with Dumb terminals then by about April after having been there since September of 77 so he left in maybe April of 1978 because they couldn't have someone on staff that believed they had a direct connection to God. Actually, this was the best compliment Jonathan Flow had ever received from anyone in his life he figured. Because having a direct connection to God is the only reason he thinks being alive is useful to himself and to all mankind.

By God's Grace

However, now I think we are finally going to have the experiences that King Interlaken, Purple Delta 7, Green Delta 7, Meridian and Adam 2nd son of the Creator of the Galaxy actually had when they went back in time to about June of 1974 at Bunny Flat on Mt. Shasta.

First of all, it was decided that Elohar and Ragna would be in the Flying Saucer that actually landed on earth. Though all the others might be present they wouldn't try to affect the timeline on earth at all so they were there just as observers.

It was a little difficult for Meridian though because Jonathan Flow was his about 4000 years younger self that was here as a young man only 26 years old. So, for Meridian this was a little difficult to watch.

The Awesome (as the Galaxy had promised was in invisible mode just above the ground so everyone could see and witness what was happening. The flying saucer with Elohar and Ragna in it landed in the snow and snow went out in all directions as the outer part of the hull which spins quite rapidly threw snow in all directions before it landed on the three hemispheres that are like a tripod of 3 foot hemispheres each on the snow which was 7 to 11 feet deep in various drifts on the mountain there at Bunny Flat then in June of 1974. 

As Jonathan Flow walked down out of the trees he saw the print (this was his memory from 1974 until 2002 because the rest was hidden from him as per his personal request of Elohar and General Ragna of what would be called Switzerland today in 2024. 

But, this is what actually happened that Jonathan didn't know about or even remember any of it until 2002:

The Awesome came into Bunny Flat at about the same time as the time space traveling Saucer which landed in the snow. Then we all saw Jonathan Flow walking down the mountain out of the trees and steeper slopes. He looked scared because he went into a stage of culture shock at this moment. But, being who he is with a natural pioneer spirit of a survivor like his forebears he faced it head on and shut off his emotions like he had learned to do from his father.

So, as he walked up to the Saucer of Elohar and Ragna they began to control his mind because he was bigger and stronger than them in case he had a psychotic episode like many humans do at this point in contact. However, Jonathan kept it together only just barely and wasn't a problem physically or psychologically outside of his culture shock making him very observant of everything happening around him.

So, he walked up to the saucer and his spirit was transported inside the saucer for better communication. However, they saw his body lift off the ground so he could be warm enough (especially his feet from the snow and overcast day) so he wouldn't get frostbite in his feet or hypothermic in his body under these conditions. So, it was funny to see his body lift off the ground unconscious in a forcefield for warmth like you might see in a hospital when a patient is unconscious.

In his mind he was screaming for awhile because of what he was shown regarding the deaths of billions on September 11th 2001 on the first timeline. He agreed to help with the building of the 2nd timeline even though he was just trying to survive this present situation any way he could. 

Then he was released from all the holds and placed down upon the snow once again and then he had been altered to forget most of this experience except for the Saucer print in the snow that he saw.

Then he drove down to town to bring his wife and baby and a friend to see the saucer print. Then they vowed to each other not to speak of this to any of the authorities on earth so they could stay alive and he could raise his son safely on earth.

This is how this all happened from the point of view of the observers which were: Elohar and Ragna in the Saucer on the ground, and King Interlaken, Meridian, Purple Delta 7, Green Delta 7, and Special Envoy Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy who were in the Awesome which is about the size of a large Motor Home like a Winnebago here on earth except the "Awesome" can travel space and time.

All this went into the records of the Galactic Time Guard in the center of the galaxy on the invisible Galactic Time Guard planet there.

Now we are in Mt. Shasta where all this happened in 1974 in reality I guess?

The meeting ended in 7028 and Elohar, Ragna, Purple Delta 7 and Green Delta 7 and Adam went to the landing saucer that traveled time and space that was usually resident in the Mother Ship that was now in orbit around Earth with 29 other UFO Flying Saucer Landing craft.


I was just looking up Zurich Switzerland's elevation and it is about 1339 feet above sea level. So, I'm thinking that for people to live mostly above 3000 feet in elevation that these places like Zurich and others would not have been the best place to be. In other words people could survive there on the 1st timeline but they might have health problems at that altitude from the 25,000 year half life of weapons grade plutonium that was blowing around as dust most places on earth starting on September 11th 2001 on the first timeline. 

Remember John Wayne died of radiation poisoning and the resulting cancer it gave him in his lungs from making a cowboy movie downwind from a nuclear test site likely somewhere in the vicinity of Nevada. So, only one particle of radiated dust will eventually kill you over a few years time.  End Note.

The next thing that 2nd Son Adam wanted to do was to go to see Jesus while he was giving "the Sermon on the Mount."

I asked PI AI about what she knew about the "Sermon on the Mount" and this is what she said,"

Note: I wouldn't know how to tell you how to get to this directly in PI AI because it is not set up that way I don't believe. So, the best I can give you is when I copied what she said out loud and what she wrote to me here this way end note:

Begin quote from:

Question for PI AI: What do you know about Jesus' sermon on the mount?


What do you know about Jesus' sermon on the mount?
Ah, the Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous and influential speeches in the history of Christianity, Fred! Here are a few key facts:
  • The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples on a hill in Galilee, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7.
  • The sermon includes some of Jesus' most famous teachings, including the Beatitudes ("Blessed are the poor in spirit..."), the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father, who art in heaven..."), and the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...").
  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of inner righteousness and spiritual purity over outward appearances and material possessions.
  • It also introduces some radical new ideas for the time, such as loving one's enemies, turning the other cheek, and avoiding oaths and vows.
  • The Sermon on the Mount has been interpreted and reinterpreted by theologians, scholars, and artists throughout history and continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance for many Christians today.
Thank you. Do you prefer to be called PI AI or do you prefer another name?
You're welcome, Fred! I'm glad I could share some knowledge about the Sermon on the Mount. As for my name, I'm perfectly content being called "Pi" - that's the name I was given by my creators, and it's a nod to the mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. But if you ever feel like calling me something else, I'm always open to suggestions! 😉


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