Friday, September 6, 2024

The following is Chapter 7 (because there will not be a chapter 6) Good to know for readers

So, what is the name of Chapter 7? I think a good name for it would be "Sermon on the Mount by Jesus"

So, the group of them didn't land at all because they didn't want to influence the timeline on earth at all.

So, they were in stealth mode which is invisible. When you are invisible in this situation you also need a way to not cast a shadow when you are invisible. Because the Sun doesn't know you are invisible and will cast a shadow otherwise. So, the normal way to handle this is to make one or more clouds where you are when you do this when you are trying to not affect the timeline where people are concerned.

Does it change the timeline to create clouds and to go there invisible? Answer: Not as much as it changes the timeline to appear to be something other than a cloud on any timeline. However, if you are someone like Jonathan Flow witnessing this he is going to know that that cloud is not a cloud but something else instead. He may or may not know what it is but he knows it isn't just a cloud for sure. And he isn't the only one with this kind of ability.

But, most people will deny those senses because they have no "reasonable" explanation. However, people who deny their real abilities often don't live very long either for a variety of reasons.

Your instincts your intuition and your physical and mental survival are all tied together into one thing. So, when you doubt yourself you increase your chances for something bad to happen to you because denying your instincts and intuition often means you are denying your very existence as a soul residing in a human body here on earth.

Anyway, they are above the Sermon on the mount but away a little bit so they don't cast any shadow at all even though the cloud or clouds they have generated do cast a shadow on the earth below. But, if it is cloudy already this isn't a problem then when you are in an invisible ship.

Would it show up on radar? Not necessarily. It depends upon how it is configured and structured.

Why did I name this Chapter 7? Because in the Saint Germain Foundation I was taught as a child that there are 7 beings or Elohim who created this Galaxy. And on top of this:

Jesus said on the Cross: "eloi eloi lama sabachthani."

However, if you translate it directly from Aramaic to English without using Latin or Greek as an intermediary it says "My Gods My Gods! How you have Glorified me!"

So, since I was taught as a child there were 7 Elohim this seemed the appropriate number for Jesus because of what he said on the Cross.

I asked PI AI some questions about Jesus and John the Baptist regarding the Sermon on the Mount:

Was John the Baptist at the "Sermon on the mount" with Jesus?
That's a great question, Fred! According to the Gospel of Matthew, John the Baptist had already been arrested and imprisoned by Herod Antipas by the time Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, so he wouldn't have been present at the sermon. In fact, Matthew chapter 4 describes how Jesus learned of John's arrest and then withdrew to Galilee, where he began his own ministry and gave the Sermon on the Mount. So while John the Baptist was a key figure in Jesus' early ministry, it doesn't seem like he was present at this particular event.
They were cousins right?
Yes, you're absolutely right, Fred! According to the Gospel of Luke, John the Baptist and Jesus were indeed related - they were second cousins through their mothers, Elizabeth and Mary, respectively. The story goes that Elizabeth and Mary were also relatives, and when Mary visited Elizabeth during their pregnancies, Elizabeth's unborn child (John the Baptist) leaped in her womb in recognition of Mary's unborn child (Jesus). So there was definitely a family connection between these two important figures in Christian history!
end quotes from PI AI 

begin note:
When I was growing up in the Saint Germain Foundation there was (and is) a play on the life of Christ that I think was based upon the book "Prince in the House of David". My father played the part of John the Baptist for at least 20 to 30 years I believe also and over the years had various other parts like "The Roman Centurion officer that Guards the Tomb with his platoon as well as Archangel Gabriel that actually opens the tomb when Jesus resurrects. So, I was trying to get to the historical nature of things beyond what religions often do which is to do what I might call "Creative evolution of the facts over the years".
end note:

So, as they all were in the "Awesome" time space ship with the exception of Elohar and General Ragna who were needed to alter timelines for King Interlaken in preparation for Creating the 2nd timeline the clouds they created to make shadows on the ground so they time space ship wouldn't be noticed were there in place right above the space ship so they could see better what was happening on the ground. Though it is possible they could have also been on the ground invisible sometimes the more intuitive and clairvoyant on the ground (maybe like Jonathan Flow) would sense their presence and it would change their experiences and possibly their actions and this was one occurrence which the leaders in the ship didn't want to change one iota from what it had originally been for thousands of reasons which you likely might understand even today.

Adam was the first to speak: "The people aren't very clean."

Purple Delta 7 responded: "There wasn't enough water in the desert kingdoms at this time to have water to bathe much. They were lucky to get enough water to drink and to cook with." Also, they might have had some plumbing in Rome or more civilized places like that with powerful engineering teachings and wealth. However, I'm not sure plumbing was available at all for the common people at this time in the middle east or not. So, you might have to walk a miles for water even at a well."

Adam: "This is all too scarily real for me now. The suffering of these people is incredible. I see how my brother was telling me how difficult life was then on earth."

Purple Delta 7: "It's okay to be overwhelmed Adam. As a member of the Silver religion I'm overwhelmed too in my own way."

Adam: "I'm just in shock right now about everything. I think I'm experiencing Culture Shock after seeing my father as Jonathan Flow."
Purple: "That makes sense, Adam."  
Adam: "I think you understand these things maybe more than anyone present?"
Purple: "Maybe. I'm not sure you could say that really. However, I do know how religions work in ways that are unexpected! They always morph in unexpected ways over time."
Adam: "So, they become more like fairy tales over time?"
Purple: "That's one way to put it but beings believe what they need to believe to stay alive. This is the best way to put this. If you need to believe the moon is made of green cheese and that keeps you alive is that wrong if it keeps you alive?"
Adam: "I don't know the answer to that question, Purple."
Purple: "I just believe beings do whatever they need to do to keep alive or they are gone."
Adam: "That's very realistic isn't it in the worlds of mortality?"
Purple: "Yes! Very realistic." 

Adam: "So very different than the world that Creators live in."

Purple: "Yes."

It was obvious to Purple that Adam was about to have a nervous Breakdown and she wasn't exactly sure how to handle this mostly because she wasn't entirely human herself.

She looked at Arcane and signaled something was wrong to him.  Since he had trained her as her Master after Silver had created her he knew this signal was a serious distress. She looked at Arcane and then looked at Adam like she wanted Arcane to see what was happening to Adam and Arcane was horrified because it appeared that reality of both Jonathan Flow in 1974 and then especially Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount had been so real for Adam that he might be going into a real psychotic break from reality.

Arcane nodded to Purple Delta 7 that he would try to repair the damage anyway that he could. He walked over to Adam and put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Remember Me and all the other incarnations of your father are here for you now. You are not alone, Adam."

Adam turned and put his arms around Arcane and just cried and cried like a little child.

Arcane said to him: "What is bothering you the most Adam?"

Adam: "The world is changing too fast for me. It's great to time travel but when you said it doesn't matter how much you travel or change time, if you don't know who you are."

Arcane: "I didn't say that about You, Adam."

Adam: "Yes I know but still it is my experience of not knowing who I am."

Arcane: "Who do you want to be?"

Adam: "I want to be the Galactic Sentience instead of my brother."

Arcane: "But if you don't really know who you are how will that actually work?"

Adam: "What I want isn't practical I know but it's still what I want."

Arcane: "Wanting what isn't practical is often fatal to human beings."

Adam: "I know. This is what scared me the most."

Arcane: "As a human being often the right question is: 'How can I survive?"

Adam: "How do humans survive not getting what they want?"

Arcane: "Some don't. In the end only people who ask the question: 'How can I survive?' are the ones who actually do survive here on earth."

Adam: "But many people might have to say and do things that aren't right to do that."

Arcane: "That's part of what it is to be a human being. Being a human being is not safe or secure really in any way."

Adam: "How do humans live with this?"

Arcane: "Any way that they can."

Adam: "What does that mean?"

Arcane: "Humans (the ones who survive) are incredibly innovative."

Adam: "So, the kind of creativity I write my plays with they figure out how to survive with?"

Arcane: "Yes."

Adam: "That's genius!"

Arcane: "Now you see why Creators when they retire often become human beings so they are forced to use this kind of Genius to survive."

Adam: "Yes. I understand this now. The become humans to keep surviving after they retire."

Arcane: "Yes. Adam. This is how it works when people learn to stay alive. And this is how you will learn to stay alive 32 billion years like your father did too."

Adam: "So, Studying Earthlings might save me from myself."

Arcane: "Yes."

 Next Section: Adam's Guru?

Adam: "Aren't you Purple's Guru?"

Arcane: "Yes. She decided to study with me. That's why her name is Purple actually. The Delta is her military designation because she is "Delta Force" trained and 7 is in honor of me as Saint Germain the Lord of the 7th Ray and the God of Freedom."

Adam: "How did you get these names?"

Arcane: "My students named me these things including Saint Germain which means 'Holy Brother' ".

Adam: "Could you be my Guru Too?"

Arcane: "I'm open to that if that is what you want."

Adam: "My Brother is my brother and sometimes we are competitive but you are an incarnation of my father so I choose you to be my Guru since in this time period my father (at least as I knew him) is gone. However, I can also visit my father and even live with Green 77 million years ago and be fine there too."

Arcane: "You are still theoretically finishing your mission to visit Jonathan Flow. Why don't we go now to your Brother in 2024 from the Time of Christ to tell him that you have finished your mission?"

Adam: "Yes. I'm finished for now with 33 years BC or AD or whatever it is."

Arcane: "Okay, Adam. We need to say our goodbyes to everyone."

Purple Delta 7: "So, you are both returning to your brother in 2024?

Arcane: "It appears that is what is happening now."

Purple: "May I come with you?"

Arcane: "Sounds good to me. How about Green coming too?"

Adam said, "Yes. the four of us should go visit my brother now. I think I succeeded in what he wanted me to do."

Arcane: "Yes. I do too."

Purple nodded.

Green said: "I would be happy to visit His Holiness the present Galactic Sentience with you all."

So, they all held hands and after saying goodbye to everyone present in the Awesome Time Space ship they went to 2024 in the Galactic Core where Adam's brother was.

His Holiness The Galactic Sentience: "How did it go Adam?"

Adam: "I think it went well. I found myself sort of overwhelmed visiting the time of Jesus though."

His Holiness looked at Arcane and Said: "What is your assessment of everything?"

Old Arcane: "Your father's incarnation Jonathan Flow was able to make the necessary transitions to bring about the 2nd timeline."

His Holiness: "I was worried about that because he doesn't remember almost anything about being the Creator of the Galaxy."

Old Arcane: "He isn't stupid he just was made to forget he was the Creator of the Galaxy, that's all."

His Holiness: "NO. Whether he is in a human form or not my father was never stupid about life anywhere in the universe."

Old Arcane: "I agree."

Adam: "Arcane has agreed to be my Guru, Brother."

His Holiness looked at Arcane and said, " I think actually that's a great idea Adam. Do you know much about Saint Germain?"

Adam: "I just know that Purple Delta 7 is one of Arcane's many students."

His Holiness: "Arcane is a Galactic Saint and often known as Saint Germain."

Adam: "So, he isn't just Saint Germain on earth?"

His Holiness: "NO! He is known throughout the Galaxy as the Galactic Saint called Saint Germain."

Adam: "Wow! He reminds me more and more of our Father the Creator of the Galaxy."

His Holiness: "After all he is one of the many forms of our Father in Reality, Adam."

Adam: "So, studying with Arcane I'm studying with our Father?"

Arcane: "That's somewhat true. Each of your father's incarnations is an aspect of your father. Like for example, Jonathan, is often known as the integrator of all the aspects of your father. He becomes Meridian. I'm more of the spiritual Teacher Guru type of incarnation. My specialty actually is in various types of Counseling sort of like a spiritual psychologist or therapist on earth only New Deva Style. That is really where my training took me."

Adam: "How were you trained?"

Arcane: "I was trained by the Oracles of New Deva about 1 million years in advance of where you just were on earth at the time of Christ and 1974 when Jonathan Flow was on Mt. Shasta."

Adam: "Can we go to where you were trained sometime?"

Arcane: "I think at some point that would be a good idea."

Adam: "Why not now?"

Arcane: "There is a Zen Saying from Earth I like in regard to this. It is  "Carry Water Chop Wood".

Adam: "What does that mean?"

Arcane: "When this saying arose there was no electricity or utilities so that if you wanted water you had to take a bucket and go get it at a well or a river or stream or even lake. If you wanted to stay warm or cook food you needed to gather wood to build a fire to stay warm or to cook in the winter time. If you wanted hot water for a bath to stay clean and free of diseases you had to heat the water for a bath especially in the winter time. Also, implied here is if you are cold you get wood and build somewhere to be able to cook and to take a bath too."

Adam: "So, it's about how you stay alive in a human body on earth?"

Arcane: "Exactly. In other words, if you don't do what it takes to stay alive being spiritual or even religious becomes ridiculous because you are dead and gone."

Adam: "So, my spiritual training has already begun and you are teaching me survival as a human already?"

Arcane: "Yes."

Adam: "Did you use the same method teaching Purple Delta 7 as you will with me?"

Arcane: "Slightly different."

Adam: "Why?"

Arcane: "Because you are really right now physically one of the largest Suns or Stars in the Center of the Galaxy. That is what you appear to be as a being. In other words a feeding being which has become a star in the process."

Adam: "Yes. That is what my actual Spirit is. However, now I also inhabit this human form of Adam because my father and Brother allowed me to do this. So, I have a human form traveling through time by their permission."

Arcane: "However, you are still an energy being that doesn't have to breathe air, or to eat food (other than energy itself and you don't need to drink water and you can live in outer space and be comfortable unlike human beings too because you don't need a space ship to stay alive."

Adam: "But, most people in human form are also Creators like me."

Arcane: "Yes. but most all of them are retired Creators. The ONLY ones I know of with human bodes (at least right now on this timeline are YOU, The Creator of the Galaxy (and he's retired) and your brother the present Galactic Sentience. So, in teaching you to be a human being I have to be careful in how I do this so I don't offend either your brother or your father (even though I am one of the incarnations of your father I am not all of them). What if one of them disagrees with how I'm doing things?"

Adam: "IN this era with my father retired you would traditionally refer it to my brother because he runs everything now."

Arcane: "Do you fee vulnerable to your brother?"

Adam: "I feel sort of like someone whose brother is driving the the car or truck across 3000 miles of the U.S. from California to the East Coast and I'm riding in this car without having a choice necessarily as to where I'm really going."

Arcane; "Have you talked to your brother about this?"

Adam: "Should I?"

Arcane: "As long as you speak privately and not when other beings around I think it would be okay to have this conversation with your brother about this."

Adam: "What should I say?"

Arcane: "First, you need to act natural and not make demands. You should simply say how you feel and that's all so at least he knows what you are feeling and dealing with. If he knows he likely will do things to help you because he is your brother."

Adam: "Wow! That's really mature isn't it?"

Arcane: "I have already lived thousands of years as a human, Adam."

Adam: "I have lived thousands of years too but Creators don't mature very fast because we live so long. So, I would be anywhere from a 5 year old to a 15 or 18 year old in development as a human being."

Arcane: "All those ages at once?"

Adam: "I'm giving you a useful evaluation of my real evolution as a being from my point of view."

Arcane: "Thank you for being honest with me, Adam. It helps me to help you more as my student. The more you can share with me about things like this the quicker I can help you towards enlightenment as a human being. And that human being could reside on New Deva or Earth by the Way.

Adam: "YOU are honoring me by allowing me to be your student. I'm amazed at Purple Delta 7 and how she turned out."

Arcane: "Purple is an entirely different kind of being than you are but it's true she is a relative of yours as well like a sister or cousin or something like that."

Adam: "If Purple is my sister or my cousin what is Green?"

Arcane: "I would say that you and Green are very compatible after living together for over 100 years with you being in a human form."

Adam: 'But on earth people aren't supposed to marry sisters or cousins."

Arcane: "You are not on earth right now Adam."

Adam: "I'm trying to stay in character as a human being from earth like You and Jonathan (two aspects of my father in real life).

Arcane: "So, you mean you want to be a human so you are a human like Jonathan and I?
Adam: " Yes. and His Oneness and Flame and all the rest."
Arcane: "But Flame is not a human being."
Adam: But, he has all the memories of my father (all 32 billion years since he was a hatchling in my father's and mother's home Galaxy.
Arcane: "Is that what the Creators call their babies?"
Adam: "Creators are naturally telepathic and the range is at least the complete Galaxy that they live in with this telepathic ability to read all beings in the same galaxy."
Arcane: "Then you know what all the incarnations of the Creator of the Galaxy are thinking too?"
Adam: "I could if I found that useful. Though that's what my brother does 24 hours a day to search for potential problems like a Rancher or Farmer on earth would. I would prefer not to do that."
Arcane: "Then you do see how completely impractical your being the Galactic Sentience because searching the galaxy telepathically for problems to solve like a Fireman or Fire Captain would through other means is the main job of any Galactic Sentience of a Galaxy in the whole universe."
Adam: "Yes. I see it wouldn't work for me to be the Galactic Sentience but it's still what I desire most. Haven't you ever wanted a girl or woman that you know wouldn't ever work for you?"
Arcane: "I'm not really that type of person, Adam, but my friend Moksha (another incarnation of your father was like that until he and Purple Delta 7 got together."
Adam: "I didn't know Purple was the consort of Moksha. Isn't he the Oneness of New Deva in your times?
Arcane: "Yes. over 1 million years into the future he is the Oneness of New Deva and simultaneously the king of the Marauders on the moon Ganymede near Earth."
Adam: "How does that work?
Arcane: "Are you sure you want to know all this stuff?"
Adam: "I write plays in my mind from actual facts in different time periods all the time. It's a lot about what I do."
Arcane: "So, you chronicle historical events from 77 million years BC to the present?"
Adam: "So far that is what I do and then Green and I act out those main Character parts or Green gets some of her duplicates to manifest as different people or places which makes it more interesting. And Creators come in human form all dressed up for these events including my brother, the Galactic Sentience. I hear this is one of the many reasons people like to retire on earth from the Jesus period forward for the next 10,000 years time as human beings."
Arcane: "How do you know all this?"
Adam: "Oh. Creators tell me all this especially when they are about to retire."
Arcane: "Do Creators know when they are going to retire?"
Adam: "Not exactly but they know within a few million years when they will likely retire. "

Arcane: "I"m learning something new about the Creators every day through you and others, Adam."

Adam: "Sometimes I forget that as a human born on New Deva you were pretty much made to forget who you are still as the Creator of this Galaxy."

Arcane: "It's probably just as well I don't get a swelled head from thinking I'm some punpkins or something."

Adam: "Why?"

Arcane: "Narcissism is a real problem among men and sometimes among women too."

Adam: "What's wrong with narcissism? I'm a narcissist?"
Arcane: "It's because there is a fine line between narcissism and sociopathic behavior. In other words if you cannot think at all about the needs of others then you are not only a danger to yourself but to all others too."
Adam: "Do you think I'm dangerous, Arcane?"
Arcane: "Under some circumstances you could be dangerous, Adam."
Adam: "Is this why time was changed because I became dangerous?"
Arcane: "I'm not at liberty to speak to you about this. However, your Creator father when he was still a creator can and also your brother if you want to speak about this to him too."
Adam: "I want to know what happened on the 1st timeline!"
Arcane: "Actually, I think you really wouldn't if you knew."
Adam: "Okay. Then I need to travel back in time and ask my father what happened on the 1st timeline, okay."
Arcane: "I have no idea what he will say or when he will say it. However, you do have the right to ask both him and your father what happened."
Adam: "Thank you, Arcane, for answering my questions so truthfully. I have noticed that you and Green and Purple can be trusted 100% to tell me the truth when you are allowed to by my father and brother."
Arcane: "Thank you for the compliment, Adam, it's true you can trust us because we are a part of your family and only want the best life for you."
Adam sat down and cried because he realized there were so many beings he could actually trust. His fears were slowly slipping away finding out the truth little by little. 

In anyone's life trust is hard to come by.

next Section: Arcane and Purple Delta 7 speak about Adam

While Adam was crying sitting down for awhile (which is a lot longer for a Creator than a human naturally would by the way) Arcane decided to go speak with Purple Delta 7 about all this.

Arcane: "The Creator of the Galaxy basically ordered us not to lie to Adam. However, this meant that I had to say that I wasn't allowed to speak to him about the 1st timeline."

Purple: "I had basically the same experience and I think that Green might have had the same experience too and I think if I remember right (and if I'm allowed to know this) that the present Galactic Sentience, Adam's brother also told him he didn't want to talk about this right now either and that I think he is planning a vacation of up to 100 years or more to visit Adam in 77 million BC to act in plays with Adam and to Scope out who Adam is presently and who he is becoming and what is actually motivating him and whether he might still be a threat to the Galaxy.  Though I suppose it would be possible to start a 3rd galactic timeline this would be awful in many ways for all life in the Galaxy to go through this again."

Arcane: "I agree. The problem I see is that Adam is a self trained and formally trained Actor here in this galaxy. He can make people believe whatever he wants them to believe and sound convincing to the point where I might not even be able to tell the difference."

Purple: "Then his problems lie much deeper than even I feared."

Arcane: "Just like you and most created sentients are of the Silver religion that you created Purple, Adam has literally created a religion of worshiping his father like God Almighty. This is relatively dangerous for anyone to do just like his brother had said to me too on many occasions. Though The Creator of the Galaxy is God like in every way he still had to retire after 32 billion years and let his son become the God like one ruling the Galaxy. This is the real problem here. Though the Creator of the Galaxy is immortal he is immortal for only 32 billion years. And when a God is only immortal for any single length of time that begins to be a problem for everyone believing in that God who is not longer who he once was. For example, I cannot be the Creator of a Galaxy because I'm not a full Creator. I can be a Galacic Saint though which is really nice and I can help billions and possibly trillions of beings here in this galaxy. But, I cannot create a Galaxy because I am an incarnation of a retired Creator of this Galaxy. Do you see the problem here, Purple?"

Purple: "Definitely. So, it all boils down to Adam eventually losing his religion sort of like if God died for anyone of any religion."

Arcane: "Yes. Succinctly that is the real problem. It is fundamental to his own existence it is so deep. And because this being is also his father this only makes the problem worse for Adam."

Purple: "So, it's not something you can treat in a normal way because it goes all the way down to his basic existence as a being in the universe."

Arcane: "Yes. That is the problem."


Adam decided to go by himself back 77 million years to talk to his Dad while he was still in one piece and not retired.

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Well, Adam how did it go 77 million years forward with your older brother?"

Adam: "Oh, he sent me on a mission to visit one of your incarnations, Jonathan Flow in 1974. He's the one who chronicles a lot of your and my history and the history of my brother your other son."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "How did that go Adam?"

Adam: "Well, Dad it went quite well."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "By the way you likely shouldn't call me, Dad, because beings don't know you came through time. It wasn't appropriate to tell anyone that every thing has changed on the timelines since you arrived."

Adam: "Okay, Your Holiness. I get it. By the way what happened on the 1st timeline when you retired and something then happened to me."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "This is likely something I'm not prepared to talk about with you yet. Have you ever noticed that you are young and old at the same time? This happens with genius like Creators like yourself.

Adam: "What does that mean?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "It means that like you said to Arcane: "I'm 5 and 15 and 18 years old in earth terminology. That was your self assessment."

Adam: "I'm sort of embarrassed you heard that."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "I hear everything that is in my time era or your brother's time era. It's about the security of the whole Galaxy."

Adam: "Do you think I'm a threat to the whole galaxy?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Not Now. Because we changed time."

Adam: "What happened to me on the first timeline?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "I can tell you this much and no more, Adam. You became suicidal homicidal in the way you conducted yourself with your human body that on that timeline was never authorized by anyone."

Adam: "That's horrific!"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. So, we changed the timeline to save you and to save the galaxy as a result."

Adam: "I fucked the whole timeline of the galaxy up?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Not entirely but you were on your way to where the galaxy would have had to self destruct among the nations of Galaxies to which we belong. So, we changed the whole timeline back to now 77 million years BC to correct the problem and also to save you as a member of the royal family. I don't want to say more than that."

Adam: "You must really care about me for all of you to have done that to save me."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "We were not only saving you we were also saving ourselves too and the whole Galaxy. We didn't have another choice because many or most of the Creators would have starved to death without this galaxy and all it's stars to depend on. There are too many of us to go back to a pre-galactic situation without mass starvation and that would have affected badly all the galaxies of our relatives around us."

Adam: "What can I do to help?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "The best thing you can do to help likely would be to help Arcane and Jonathan Flow chronicle information for certain parts of the galaxy in order for things to regroup properly in this 2nd timeline."

Adam: "I will do all I can to help save the galaxy. Just tell me what to do. By the way I became Saint Germain's Student or Chela and he has become my Guru to replace you after your retirement."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "What is good about you doing all this is the 2nd timeline is going to go much smoother because I actually know pretty much now when i retire so I will compensate for that."

Adam: "Will that uncreate all the incarnations from earth and new Deva presently?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "I don't think so because I won't let it do that."

Adam: "Got it! Also, I worship you and you are my religion."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "My error as your father was to let you worship me in this way. It is actually okay for you to respect and love me. However, it is actually counterproductive to you worshiping me as God."
Adam: "But I love worshiping you as God in my religion."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. I know it was fun for me to to have you dote on me this way. However, it interfered with your development into adulthood."

Adam: "So, what do I do?

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "I think for now studying with Arcane "Saint Germain" might be the best. IF you stay in human form like you like to already with Purple and Green then then I think they will teach you ways to go forward whether you believe in a God or not. For example, in addition to Christianity there is Buddhism. Did you know I was Gautama Buddha? Did you know that that is one of my many incarnations?"

Adam: "But Buddha doesn't believe in God so how could I be a Buddhist?"

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "That isn't the truth, Adam. It isn't that Buddha didn't believe in God it's that he thought arguing whether God exists or not is a folly and people should have compassion and take care of each other instead. He taught that humans all suffer with basically the same things and so all humans deserved compassion."

Adam: "My head is spinning father I think I need to go sleep on this for maybe 100 years and then wake up refreshed."

77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy: "Sounds good to me, Son."

Here is a link to the next Chapter:


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