Friday, September 13, 2024

Chapter 8 "The Creator and the Dissolver of the Galaxy"

 Arcane: "What happened to the first timeline, Purple?"

Purple: "Well. I wouldn't be allowed to tell you actually here in this galaxy, because only the Creator of the galaxy, the present Galactic Sentience and I are supposed to know about this (at least for now)."

Arcane; "Tell me what?" He was sort of getting anxious at this point because so much was involved in all this."

Purple: "However I can tell you because you are a part of the Creator of the Galaxy."

Arcane; "Okay. So, what did the Creator of the galaxy tell you to do?"

Purple: "Well, the technology is very experimental but it actually worked. We collapsed the Milky Way galaxy instantly upon itself by removing all the safety devices built into the Black Hole to prevent the Matter Galaxy and the Anti-Matter Galaxy from shorting each other out and returning to what exists in space when matter and antimatter are not separated into two poles of sort of like electricity sort of like Direct Current where you have a positive and negative pole. When these two things (the matter Galaxy and the Anti-matter galaxy actually touch they cancel each other out and all space time on the matter side of the Galaxy collapses and is no more."

Arcane: "So, the Creator of the Galaxy did this before he retired through you?"

Purple: "Yes. He told me the theory and I researched and did it."

Arcane:"So, what did it look like?"

Purple: "Instantly the two galaxies canceled each other out the way he had me do this."

Arcane; "So, because he understood the technology of creating a galaxy he also knew the technology of un-creating a galaxy."

Purple: "Yes!"

Arcane: "But, what did our relatives on other galaxies think?"

Purple: "Oh. Only the leadership in each nearby galaxy was told anything about it at all. And then in the next instant after it vanished we channeled in the 2nd timeline even on the first timeline so at a certain point both timelines are basically the same but after that point they likely will have different results sort of like twins born at the same time to a woman will have slightly different lives too."

Arcane: "Wow! That's all that I can say. Wow!"

Purple Delta 7: "Yes. Even for a created sentient like myself my reaction was basically 'Wow' too!"

Arcane's Idea:

Arcane: "Is it possible to have the Creator of the Galaxy move forward in time to help his fragmenting self better adjust to what is coming?"

Purple: "Explain what you mean."

Arcane: "Well. It's true that this also might create a 3rd Galactic timeline which might erase everything that Tech Noir did."

Purple: "You don't understand, Arcane. Everything that Arcane did is erased. It is no more."

Arcane; "Oh my God! Then I don't exist either?"

Purple: "IT's different than that. The Creator of the Galaxy explicitly said all his incarnations would be saved but likely that's all in the whole Galaxy on the 1st timeline. My orders were to disappear the Galaxy the moment before Adam Becomes Tech Noir."

Arcane: "So, everything that happened to my planet, New Deva is Gone."

Purple; "Not exactly. Earth (at least the timelines that Tech Noir hasn't messed up) is still there and New Deva is still there but Tech Noir never appears ever on Isfahel."

Arcane: "So, since Earth is an Potentially infinite timeline maker you eliminated every timeline that Tech Noir created completely?

Purple: "Yes. That has already been done because of the orders of the Creator of the Galaxy before he retired AND the new Galaactic Setience too."

Arcane: "So, at least in the case of Earth and New Deva the same basic timelines that Tech Noir didn't visit are still there?"

Purple: "Yes. You see that Tech Noir was very sneaky how he did things so he could get away with all of this because no one was watching him. He took perverse pleasure in making all these timelines and bodies of himself without the permission of his brother."

Arcane: "But, didn't he know this would end badly for him?"

Purple: "Remember, Arcane, Tech Noir is suicidal Homicidal both. This is the only way to understand how he was functioning (or better yet) NOT Functioning might e a better way to say this. He expected to be caught and killed. And we did kill that Creator and all the other creators when we disappeared the Galaxy like that too."

Arcane: "You killed ALL the Creators?"

Purple: "For all intents and purposes that is what we did when we disappeared the galaxy all life both creator and human in the galaxy ended permanently. But, this isn't true on the 2nd timeline and also when we added the 2nd timeline like a twin to the first timeline when we disappeared it from time."

Arcane: "How do you feel about all this Purple?"

Purple: "That is NOT a relevant question, Arcane. I simply did what needed to be done to save the Galaxy from permanent dissolution. I only dissolved the first timeline not the 2nd one where Adam goes back 77 million years to meet his younger Dad."

Arcane: "I'm simply stunned at how all this happened without anyone's knowledge but you and the Creator of the Galaxy and his son."

Purple: "It's done and finished."

Arcane: "When was it done?"

Purple: "It was done before Adam came forward in time to 2024."

Arcane: "Yes. I can see the symmetry of this because there is no record of all of what Tech Noir did."

Purple: "That is not entirely true, Arcane. There are records of all this in the Galactic Time Guard planet and a set of records of all this has been sent to all nearby galaxies in case they ever have to deal with something like this too. We solved the problem of Tech Noir of a Prince Gone Rogue which they might also have to deal with at some point. However, this information will NEVER be allowed to be seen by Adam ever."

Arcane: "That makes total sense to me. It prevents this sort of thing happening (at least to Adam ever again).  

Arcane: "What happens next, Purple? Do you have any idea?"

Purple: "The one thing I do know for sure is that Adam is very impressed with you as a Guru or Teacher and that Both the Creator of the Galaxy and his son both approve of you becoming Adam's Guru and 'get this' they want you to mind control him like you were trained to be as a child."

Arcane: "I'm not sure about that, Purple."

Purple: "Here's the thing. He is a pretend human being. He isn't forced to be one to survive as a retired Creator to keep on going. So, he is young and has his gigantic Star or Sun form in the Center of the galaxy. He knows he is not a human being, it's sort of like a kid with a Legos addiction. That's how they both see his human thing and hanging out with Green Delta 7. Also, he knows he is a creator and his memory hasn't been taken away from him of Being a Creator. 

Therefore your taking over his human body to train him remember he is a star in the sky in the Center of the Galaxy feeding on energy not just a human body which is like a child playing with a new toy he likes."

Arcane: "Wow! This is really amazing. I'm beginning to see the symmetry of taking over his mind and body in this way. However, I have no idea what will happen when I do this. Could you and Green and maybe the Creator of the Galaxy and his son be there to make sure I don't damage Adam in some way.

Purple: "Beings Generally are going to be really pissed at having to order me to destroy the first timeline because of what Adam did as Tech Noir. I think that having Green and I present will be enough under these circumstances."

Arcane: "It's because you had to kill all life in the galaxy as well as the galaxy itself on the first timeline isn't it."

Purple: "Yes. They are unbelievably pissed that they had to kill every living thing including all the creators and the galaxy itself on the first timeline. And they don't want to do this again."

Arcane: "So, our education of Adam is paramount to his long term survival?"

Purple: "I would say the answer to this question is likely, Yes."

Arcane: "That's a lot of pressure Purple."

Purple: "Yes. But it's also the way it really is."

The following link is the next section or possibly Chapter in "A Journey through Time"

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