Monday, September 16, 2024

Arcane teaches Adam the way of the Planet Saver:

Adam and Arcane are hanging out and Arcane says to Adam: "Purple Tells me that your father and brother want me to teach you the way of the Planet Saver which I was taught. What do you think of that?"

Adam: "I think whatever you can teach me likely will help me in how I conduct my life. I have trouble empathizing with other beings and tend to be narcissistic I realize now.

Arcane: " I think that the method used upon me as a child might work for you too."

Adam: "What is that method?"

Arcane: "Remember you are a being that predated the Galaxies in who you and I are to begin with and remember I'm an aspect of your father, specifically the spiritual part of your father that is sort of like a Saint and so I have become a Saint through this training. So, in doing what I'm going to do you might also become a Saint like me.

Adam: "What does that really mean in real terms?" 

Arcane: "When this method was asked of me for you I thought it a bad idea at first until it was mentioned that you are really an energy being who is one of the biggest stars in the Galaxy."

Adam: "Oh. Actually you are right about that."

Arcane: "So, because you are actually an energy being feeding on a star as it breaks down into helium and all the other elements towards becoming stardust like Planet Earth is now and all human bodies are now, it must make sense to you that being a human being isn't something absolutely necessary for your physical survival even though it is helping your psychological survival by making you more efficient as a human being and learning to survive in the ways of humans."

Adam: "Yes. I'm aware of all that and how being a human being too helps me be a better person or Being wherever I am."

Arcane: "I'm going to have you sit down at that table over there and I'm going to bring you cereal for you to eat and then I'm going to take over your human body and cause you to eat it. Tell me what you think as you are experiencing this."

Adam: "I don't like the idea but then again you are training me to be a planet saver like you are and so I get that this is important not only to you but to my father and brother as well."

Arcane: "I hated when this was done to me as a 6 year old too, Adam."

Adam: "Go ahead. I'm beginning to understand why this is important."

Soon Adam was at a table and Arcane was controlling his mind and all his actions and Adam Starting laughing like Arcane did all those years ago now as a child.

Arcane said, "This is a very good reaction, Adam. It's the same reaction I had as a 6 year old child. I realized that they were training me to save lives on whatever planet I was on and that I could succeed at doing this."

Adam: "I think it's funny because it's you eating my food and swallowing and all that."

Arcane: "I thought it was funny too."

Adam: "So, this is where they started to make you a Saint who could help beings and especially human types of beings and Amphibians like on your planet?"

Arcane: "Yes. This is where they started to train me to be a better and more exceptional human being whether I was an amphibian or regular earth born human. We were modified when our group landed on New Deva because there wasn't enough land for all of us to live on the land so we modified ourselves to better survive on New Deva. However, over time we dredged more of the ocean floor up and made more islands and bigger islands to live on too."

Adam: "Wow! Human adaptation in the extreme!"

Arcane: "Yes."

Adam: "Now I really want to learn what they taught you even more."

Arcane: "The point is that my name Arcane was first held by a young man who died to save our people. So, I was trained also to sacrifice my life if necessary to protect our people too."

Adam: "So, you are actually training me to protect all the beings in the galaxy and to get me to go beyond being so narcissistic?"

Arcane: "Yes. Actually I think you will like it better. Jonathan Flow on Earth experienced this too when he went from being a handsome tall bachelor to becoming a father and husband. He preferred not being so narcissistic and taking care of others instead."

Adam: "I think you or Jonathan actually talked to me about this."

Arcane: "I think you could help Jonathan in writing about the "History of the Galaxy" together some too."

Adam: "I like writing stuff more than anything and now I can write about factual things not just fictitious things too."

Arcane: "However, people on earth depending upon what time they live in are in various different types of awarenesses. So, you have to be compassionate to them in the way you tell the truth about everything."

Adam: "That's very complicated Arcane."

Arcane: "Yes. But, it's necessary for them to be able to benefit from what is actually written. I want you to know about a historical person on Earth. His name is Milarepa which is one of the most endearing souls of Tibets history.

Adam: "I have heard of him. Why do you want me to study him?"

Arcane: "He was tortured by his uncle after his father died and his uncle stole the father's money and made Milarepa and his mother and sister his slaves instead of doing what his brother wanted in helping his wife and daughter and Milarepa.

Adam: "That's awful! It sounds horrific!"

Arcane: "And yet, Milarepa survived all this and so did his mother and sister."

Adam: "What happened next?"

Arcane: "His mother wanted revenge upon the Uncle for stealing their money and wealth and enslaving her and Milarepa and his sister so she hired a Sorcerer to teach Milarepa to do things to the Uncle and his family. So, one day during a wedding Milarepa brought down a hail storm which collapsed the wedding roof and it killed all the people including his uncle at the wedding."

Adam: "This is for real?"

Arcane: "Yes. it's unfortunate but true. Then Milarepa felt great sadness for what he had done to protect his mother and sister and wanted to become a monk studying with Marpa the Translator and spent most of the rest of his life meditating in caves in the Himalayas to expiate his sin of murdering all these people who had wronged his mother and sister and himself."

Adam: "All this seems pretty crazy but very human like in the way all this happened, especially after what I saw during the time of Jesus with you recently at the "Sermon of the Mount". I wanted to throw up it was so bad for the people then in the Middle East."

Arcane: "Now you are getting the idea, Adam. It's about trying to help everyone and not just about revenge or suicide."

Adam: "Sometimes revenge and suicide are combined in people's lives."

Arcane: "Yes. But, I'm teaching you to overcome all this and become more Christian and Buddhist in your thinking where you think about others needs first."

Adam: "But, if I think of other's needs first how do I survive?"

Arcane: "Adam. Get Real! You are one of the biggest stars in the Galaxy near the Black hole. Basically you may live 32 billion years like your father. You are pretending to be a human being and I am teaching you how to be a good human being here like me. Just think of me as your father teaching you all this because I am a part of your father here right in front of you now."

Adam began to cry in the full realization of all this.

Adam: "You are saving me and helping me become like you, Father."

Arcane: "Yes."

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