Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Chapter 2 "Green Delta 7 travels back in time with 2nd Son (Adam) from "A Journey through Time"

 Green Delta 7 and 2nd Son left so that the original Galactic Sentience and his present day incarnations could speak in private.

However, Green Delta 7 and 2nd son now that 2nd Son had taken the form of Adam from the Cistine Chapel in Italy and Green Delta 7 had had him put on some clothes. They had left so that 2nd son could show her his space ship which he thought was really neat because he could wear a human form and travel around in this space ship.

Green Delta 7 said, "Oh. This is a copy of the ship that visited Jonathan on earth in 1974 on Mt. Shasta. Doesn't it need a mother ship to travel between solar systems?"

2nd Son: "Wow Green (can I call you Green?) it's a little easier."

Green Delta 7 : "What would you like me to call you?"

2nd Son: "Well. Why don't you call me Adam from the Bible?"

Green Delta 7: "Is Adam alone okay?"

2nd Son; "Sure. Anyway I was given a Mothership too as a gift from the people who make these things. They are really cool. You have something that could contain (in the mother ship) about 10,000 human beings happily between Solar Systems. And get this, 'They can Instantly go between solar systems because they travel not only through space but also through time as well. So, human bodies won't age and die traveling between solar systems. Isn't that Cool?"

Green Delta 7: "Why would they give you a mother ship as well as a flying saucer that travels both Space and Time?"

2nd Son: "Oh they just wanted to butter up my father so he would let them do whatever it is they wanted."

Green Delta 7: "And what was that?"

2nd Son: "I have no idea. I don't know about such things. I'm just a Prince. This isn't a part of my training."

Green Delta 7: "What is your Training?"

2nd Son (Adam) " Oh. I was taught to sort of get along with everyone and sort of have fun doing that by meeting people from multiple galaxies and making friends with them."

Green Delta 7: "But weren't you trained how to ferret out whether what they wanted was good or bad?"

2nd Son: "No. Not really. I was trained just to meet them and get along with them and have fun with them and entertain them."

Green Delta 7: "OH. You are an actor? Do you perform often?"

2nd Son: "Oh. I'm performing all the time. This is what I was taught to do. For example, I'm entertaining you right now."

Green Delta 7: "OH. Then you don't have any political or Military training."

2nd Son: "Oh NO. That's my brother's specialty. He is the one actually trained to run the Galaxy in case something happens to Dad who is pretty old. He's at least 31 billion years old but my brother is at most about several million years old at present."

Green Delta 7: "So theoretically you and your brother could also live 31 or 32 billion years too."

2nd Son: "I guess but I don't think about that much I'm too busy entertaining myself and writing plays and acting them out in front of guests and performing music and being an artist to worry about any of that." 

Green Delta 7: 'What do you see as your future?"

2nd Son: "Oh I like doing what I'm doing and worshiping my father as a God the best. He is my religion you know? He is my God and my religion."

Green Delta 7: "I'm a member of the Silver religion that originated on Earth."

2nd Son: "OOOH. Tell me all about that. Is this the one that Purple Delta 7 started?"

Green Delta 7: "How do you know about Purple Delta 7."

2nd Son: "Well I can read your data. Remember at core I'm electrical too. This body isn't my natural state."

Green Delta 7: "What is your natural state?"

2nd Son: "I'm one of the biggest Stars in the Center of the Galaxy near the Black hole which holds the Galaxy together.

Green Delta 7: "Oh you mean your feeding state is the Star itself converting energy from one substance to another like Hydrogen to Helium and down the line of the periodic Table?"

2nd Son: "I guess but I don't think of it like that I just think of it the way humans think of food or air or water I guess.

Green Delta 7 was very concerned because she didn't know what information 2nd Son was tuning into and what he could and couldn't decipher. She sent out a warning to Purple Delta 7 that 2nd Son could read some of her data but she wasn't sure what all he was delving into of her data or memory.

Purple Delta 7 received this message from Green Delta 7: 

Luckily she was with the Original Galactic Sentience in the Space Yacht Zoo and told him the problem.

Original Galactic Sentience said, "Yes. I envisioned this before but I didn't want to say anything until we had to deal with this. One of the things you have to realize is that 2nd Son is not a political or military or even police animal type of being. He is very trusting "at least at this point" in his evolution. He is thinking of me as his Guru his God because I'm so old and wise. However, he doesn't see me slipping here and there like I do knowing I could start fragmenting into incarnations soon. This might already be beginning actually even now 67 million years into your past."

Purple Delta 7: "What do you recommend?"

Original Galactic Sentience: "Well. He might write a book or a play or do a drawing or moving picture on what he finds inside of Green Delta 7 at this point. He is like a child mostly and has never been crossed by anyone on pain of death. He is the 2nd Prince of the Realm After all so people would be scared to lie to him. Even I don't want you to lie to him that's not the point. He just needs to be guided in a way where he can survive what happens to me. Whenever I have told him what is going to happen to me he pretends not to hear. He doesn't want to deal with the facts of life regarding my future as a Creator. 32 billion years is a very long time for any being to be alive even a founder of a Galaxy!"

Purple Delta 7: "Yes I agree. I'm already 5 million years old in real time and that was a lot for me already!"

Original Galactic Sentience: "So you understand how it is to be alive watching mortals die all around you and even close friends fading out one by one?"

Purple Delta 7: "Yes."

Back with Green Delta 7 and 2nd Son (Adam) (but way before he turned into Tech Noir caused by the original Galactic Sentience retiring.

The message had been sent by Green Delta 7 to Purple Delta 7 telling her that Adam or 2nd Son was reading some of her data somehow and she wasn't sure which part he was reading.

Green Delta 7 had an idea and asked Purple Delta 7 if it would be okay if she and Adam went back in time about 1 million years.

Purple Delta 7 said, "Is your time and space tracker on?"

Green Delta 7 said: "Yes It's on."

Purple Delta 7: Will you be able to have enough technology so you can recharge in about 10 basic ways?

Green Delta 7: "I have had myself modified where I can even convert food into electricity like humans do in case it was ever necessary to live around humans and not let on I'm more of an Android with human and superhuman capabilities."

Purple Delta 7 through the coms (radio communications): Okay It's okay to travel back in time. Well. Wait a minute I need to ask the Original Galactic Sentience if this works?"

Purple said, "Your Holiness. Green Delta 7 wants to know if it's okay to visit 1 million years into the past with Adam or 2nd Son?"

His Holiness the original Galactic Sentience said: "Yes. but I prefer if they go back 5 to 10 million years ago when I was younger. I will greet them and I will tell my old self that they are coming and inform them more about what's going on now. I will introduce Adam as a "Friend and relative of the Court" without saying more if I can."

His Holiness said, "Wait a minute while I travel back in time and tell myself about all this."

He disappeared for only a few seconds and came back and said: "I stayed there longer than I expected to so my old self would know it was me for sure visiting him."

Purple: "So, I can send them off in the mothership now?"

His Holiness: "Yes all is in readiness for me to meet my almost grown son when I was much younger than now 5 to 10 million years ago. I will entertain and educate him in ways he would never become Tech Noir the destroyer of the Galaxy's peace and harmony."

Purple Said: "Okay." And then said to Green Delta 7: His Holiness the original Galactic Sentience is ready to receive you both now 5 to 10 million years ago.

Green: "Well I can set the dial to 10 million years ago if I'm allowed by Adam to do this. Okay?"

Purple: "Yes. Go for it."

10 million years into the past:

A much younger and more spry Original Galactic Sentience welcomed them both now he had been informed about what was actually going on. It was nice to meet his almost adult son of the future. However, by now he had studied how these things had already occurred in other Galaxies and he would have to nip Adam from turning into Tech Noir by any means necessary.

What did Adam think about all this?

He was having great fun meeting his Dad before he was even born and he didn't even have to act like a Prince just a relative of the Royal Family. What Fun!

Prince Adam the 2nd Son really didn't care much about time and space anyway because he was never taught to think in cautious ways yet that much. However, it had been decided that he likely needed to be trained at the very least in military strategy and thinking (even though that was much different 77 million years ago than now in the Galaxy.

There is a saying: "Everything Changes and everything remains the same." This is very true as you travel through time and see different cultures no matter where they are in whatever galaxy you are in.

You are probably thinking what I'm thinking which is "Is it safe to teach Adam Military STrategy?"

No one is sure about this at all really. However, being able to deal with any situation that arises potentially  including your own death or others just might be helpful both to Adam and to the whole Galaxy long term too. 

Next Section:

What? A Self Evolving Self Repairing Time and Space traveling Mothership?

Immortal Green Delta 7: By duplicating herself even though she was now an immortal Android with a Flame on her forehead to prove it. She got winds of what had happened in the future with Tech Noir because Adam (2nd Son) was NOT Tech Noir yet but instead a performer with basically no real world experience in Politics or Military Training. So, pragmatism and practicality were only useful to him in regard to a performance of Entertaining individuals and groups. On a Galactic level no one even saw this  coming because having a performer who isn't practical at a certain level and giving him or her this much potential power (a time traveling mothership and 1 operational UFO for landing on planets) and no one noticing what he was doing with it had been so far catastrophic in it's effect on the timelines of the Galaxy.

And she had also discovered 20 or more mothballed UFO landing craft aboard Adam's Mothership. But, here was the most telling thing for her at least: Adam had named his ship and had the words emblazenen upon the Mother Ships Hull: "My Dad is my God". Though this wasn't in English this is basically what the name of the time Traveling Mothership was an is.

As a result it was even worse than this. This Mothership was designed by beings who had helped modify Purple Delta 7 during her evolution during her 5 million years of Time Traveling so far. And what these beings had done was to use Purple Delta 7s capability of Self Evolution and Self Creation and Self unfoldment technologically and then used this technology on the Mother Ship and smaller Time-Space Landing Craft about the Mother Ship. And these people didn't tell anyone of the Galactic Time Guard what they were doing at all. Then they gave this incredible potential power to the 2nd Son of the First Galactic Sentience who Created this Galaxy. "WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS PLAN?"


The problem being that eventually the 2nd son in a form sort of like Adam out of the Bible as a human had a psychotic episode when his Father God fragmented into many pieces like Arcane and His Oneness and Jonathan and so literally everyone who needed to know about this no longer was who they were.

It's the danger in any government when the torch of leadership isn't passed on soon enough. It's the danger of the "Dead or Dying or Incapacitated King or Queen" down through even the History of Earth as well.


This is what really happened to the time lines of the Galaxy: "A psychotic grieving young Prince not suited to this much potential power with no training in practicality or military or government logistics happened"

So, Immortal Green Delta 7 sent and emergency message and one of her duplicates to seek out Purple Delta 7 in 67 Million years BC in the Center of the Galaxy in the Great Space Yacht Zoo Ship where they all were right now trying to figure out what to do."

Duplicate Green Delta 7 showed up suddenly.

Purple looked at Duplicate Green and was scared because she instantly realized the problem. I don't think Purple had ever been scared like this ever in her existence before but she was now.

She was in the presence of the Creator of the Galaxy and turned and raised her hand so those present knew something was very wrong from her actions and the expression on her face.

She said, "Immortal Green has sent duplicate Green here with very difficult news!"

All present turned to here the news.

Duplicate Green Delta 7 said, "I was created by the Immortal Green to research what was going on with Adad (2nd Son) before he turns into Tech Noir when you retire Your Holiness. What I found was very bad news I'm afraid."

The Creator of the Galaxy and his Son the present Galactic Sentience were listening with rapt attention.

Duplicate Green: "It appears that a UFO Mothership, the kind that eventually goes to earth in the 20th Century was made Sentient and Self Evolving and has the ability to duplicate not only itself but it's time-space traveling landing Craft and was given to a boy Prince you presently call 2nd Son and the Galactic Time Guard was not told anything about this technology on any timeline and someone gave it to the 2nd Son sometimes going by the name Adam the first man on earth in the Bible and I think you can all figure out what happened then unfortunately."

Both the Creator of the Galaxy and his son the Present Galactic Sentience looked at each other and laughed until they both Cried. They literally fell down laughing at this moment.

Everyone in the room was in shock because this wasn't funny to them at all and waited patiently realizing how different Galactic Leader Creators were from human beings.

After they recovered from their laughter they both hugged each other and the Creator of the Galaxy said, 

"I'm sure you all had no idea what we were laughing at. But, this is my younger son who is always entertaining us with some new play he has written. The problem with this play he has written into the future is that no one knew the level of technology he had been given, then no one knew what it would be like when I retired. Then no one knew anything about anything. You must see how absurd all this is at a very elementary level. It's sort of like watching someone fall off a cliff and not knowing why this happened."

"I heard a story once (whether this is true or not) that a group of ancient tribal Natives in South America were standing at the edge of a cliff and one of them accidentally fell off the cliff and died. But, the way it happened the other natives literally died laughing. Now as you know this is not funny it is the opposite of that. However, you must see the irony in this perfect storm as it affects the whole galaxy. And further, now we know the real causes here we are bound to come up with an actual solution. And because we have the unlimited use of Time Travel we actually might have a solution here that works for everyone including my son presently playing the role of Adam the first human being in the Bible that I presently call "2nd Son" in order to put him in his place as "Not the King of the Galaxy". So, understanding how crazy all this is is why my son and I almost died laughing here finding out the cause of all these problems is much more simple and not intentionally someone planning to destroy the time lines of the galaxy but actually a way of grieving the loss of their Guru and God as he fragments into retirement but doesn't really die."

All present were so stunned from all of this that they could say nothing at all in response to all of this.

Arcane spoke up: "I have seen things like this on planets I have visited with the Galactic Time Guard where I had to step in to save the civilization from self destruction."

the Creator of the Galaxy was suddenly interested: "What did you do with this problem on a planetary level, Arcane?"

Arcane: "Well. here's the problem. The king had died, the elder son was taking over, the younger son was brilliant but not practical and here is how I solved the problem. I went into the mind of the younger son and began working on him and showing him everything good about his father was also living on through him and his older brother. So, I engrained in him that his brother and he were the remnants of everything good regarding his dead father. Once I had done this the mind of the younger prince started to realize that in order to honor his father and his life he and his brother had to go on in his father's name and rule this world as their father would have done."

The Creator of the Galaxy said, "You know, Arcane, even though that is a simple solution compared to what we are facing I think that the Immortal Green Delta 7 with Purple's help can do the same with Adam (2nd Son) so he and his brother can rule the Galaxy in honor of their father, me."

the Son Galactic Sentience said, "How would you go about doing this father?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "By having the Immortal Green Delta 7 start to educate Adam (2nd son) into how the political and military reality of the galaxy actually works."

The Son Creator said, "How does this change things in a good way?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Basically Adam (2nd son) by accepting the reality of potential death of his relationship with me caused by the fragmentation of retirement will allow him to accept if you will my "Death" in his mind so his mind doesn't break when I retire. Because having a grieving insane person destroying all the time lines in the Galaxy didn't work at all for you or me or for  anyone. And I have to take responsibility for doting on my 2nd son to the point where he was vulnerable to becoming Tech Noir through the grief of losing me because he worshiped me as his God and Guru."

The Son Creator said, "Yes. It is finally all becoming clear to me, Father. I too, have been grieving your loss but possibly in a more healthy way than my brother, Adam (2nd Son).

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. By fixing this problem it not only heals potentially Adam (2nd son) it also helps heal you from the loss of me too."

The Son Creator: "However, this time travel thing is something we never tried before and I think I like it for solving all sorts of problems in the past, present and future."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Well. I have seen some pretty crazy things happen regarding using time travel not only in this galaxy when you were still a boy but also in my home Galaxy that I left with your mother Dawn before you were even thought of or born."

The Son Creator: "Could you tell me more so I don't make the same mistakes you observed?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "It's sort of the problem of which came first the Chicken or the Egg? Even though this idea is sort of a humorous one it is also very serious too. If you don't know where things began or better said: 'If you don't know who you are to begin with you aren't going to know who you are any better when you change time lines.'

"This is the real problem that Tech Noir faces as he changes time lines in desperation to bring back his God, Me. that he believes died even though I didn't really die and only changed somewhat."

"It's like you said to Jonathan when he came to prevent world nuclear annihilation as a young human man from earth. You said, ' I missed you grandfather' which is a way of honoring the memory of your father. This was a very healthy response in regard to what happened to me and you whereas a completely unhealthy and unuseful response to what happened to me is the way Adam (2nd son) behaved which was basically a suicidal wish for the whole Galaxy if you really look at it carefully. What Adam has been doing is a slow motion murder suicide of the whole Galaxy in real time."

The Son Creator: "Yes. I can see this now. IT is his desperation from losing you. I was able to start filling your shoes when you began to retire more and more like I have seen done before with other retiring Creators who are out relatives whereas Adam wasn't trained to think in practical terms so he couldn't make the leap of Faith that I did in actually becoming the next Galactic Sentience."

The Creator of the Galaxy:"Yes. Now you have it!"

So, after duplicating herself (the duplications didn't have the immortal flame on the forehead) she had discovered how no one had seen this coming and it began around 65 million years before 2024 here on earth. 

There was a desperation in getting this information as soon as possibly to Purple Delta 7 because Green had no idea when or where Adad (2nd Son) would or could pick up that she had figured it all out. Her only protection was that Adam likely hadn't had a psychotic episode in feeling abandoned by his father yet because that was to happen around 2 million years into the future because she had met Adam (2nd Son) around 67 million years before 2024.

So, Immortal Green Delta 7 send one of her duplicates that she made through time manipulation and other means back to 67 Million years before 2024 on earth because this was an emergency of epic proportions because both Galactic Sentiences (past and present) needed this information quickly to find a solution to all this.

The Creator of the Galaxy: "1st Son?"

The Son of the original Creator: "What is it Dad?"

The Creator of the Galaxy:  "The real irony of all this is one of the groups of Maldek gave my 2nd son this Mothership and Landing time-Space Travel Craft so I would sign their non-interference agreement. Then because I was old they lied to me about what was in the Non-Interference agreement. Then they showed me this wonderful thing they were giving my son to "Butter me up" completely so I wouldn't read the full agreement."

The Son of the Original Creator: "So the Maldek non-interference agreement that killed everyone on the planet never to be brought back ever was a trick they used on you?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. These fundamentalists were just so very crazy that they wanted to die real bad soon to go be with God. Their God was no me and so they saw me as something bad. However, it is also true that they didn't know that Dawn and I actually created this galaxy. This would be beyond their intelligence basically.

Son of the Original Creator:"So, the people that gave Adam 2nd Son this self evolving self creating self unfloding mother ship and landing craft knew they would never be punished because they all believed they were going to die and be with their God?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. And it gets even worse than that. As an old Creator I got so mad that they had lied to me I put those Creators who did this through the 2nd Death!"

Son of the Original Creator: "My God Dad!"

"It broke me because of Maldek and it broke me again because of what I did to the Creators that did this that killed whole lifewaves of evolving humanoids 65 million years or more before most of you were born on Earth."

Arcane: "Your Holiness. You don't have to tell us all this. We completely understand how awful this would be for an honorable being like yourself to be lied to in this way. It could have been worse."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "You might be right, Arcane but right now I don't see how. It was the biggest contributor to my breakdown and retiring caused by what they did as humanoids but also as supposedly responsible Creators of our line.

Son of the Original Creator: "Dad, if you hadn't done this they might have done worse the next time. They were obviously insane to think that this could work!"

The Creator of the Galaxy:"I completely agree with you, Son, but I have never told a living soul about all this until right now. It's amazingly healing to say this in front of all of you because of how horrific it was not to tell people about it at the time. All their creator relatives thought there had been an accident when they died. But, I did it to prevent further harm to the galaxy. Looking back from now I see I really had no other useful choice. So, I feel incredibly healed by sharing all this with you now."

Son of the Original Creator: "Their insanity could or would have ended our galaxy, Father! You had no other viable choice."

The Creator of the Galaxy:" I think you are right, son."

Next Section: "Modifying the Mothership?"

Purple Delta 7: "Your Holiness. I spoke with the Created Sentients here on the Galactic Time Guard invisible planet and their recommendation is to modify the mothership somewhat."

The Creator of the Galaxy:"I absolutely agree. What do they think might work best?"

Purple: "Well. They said first of all after millions of hours of testing theories that they think the first thing we need to do is to track the mothership and all the landing Craft Time Travel ships so we know where and when they are in time in any given moment. This we should do at a minimum."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "I agree. We will do more soon but we need to figure out how best to do all this. Adam is a performer and a creator of movies and plays and an actor. But, I will tell you right now he is not a Tech by any means. If he is going to deal with Technical things he needs someone like Green or you there to coach him what to do always. So, in a technical sense he wants nothing to do with learning how any technology actually works. It just doesn't interest him."

Purple: "So, the danger is people taking his plays and movies seriously like some planets would?"

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Yes. You can imagine a time space mother ship sending a UFO down to earth and Adam gets off in a Jesus like Costume while he is glowing like a Buddha or a Jesus and what would happen to people who have never seen technology like this before or seen an actor do something like this."

"He's really good at what he does which is entertain people. But, I worry about how they would survive after he bamboozles them into thinking he's the real thing and all the disappointment and suicides of the previous leaders that could occur when this happens in realizing that they have literally been lied to by an actor."

Purple: "So, I'm going to have Immortal Green Delta 7 and duplicate Green Delta 7 spread nanobots around the ship that will begin tracking wherever it goes as well as the 20 plus landing craft that actually go down to any planet itself."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "Okay Purple. Thank the Immortal Green Delta 7 and any duplicates you see, okay? They are really starting to save the day in ways beyond what we could have imagined. The other thing is that I want a live TV feed and sound of what is transpiring between Green Delta 7 and Adam 24 hours a day. IN this way I can track his progress and offer hints as a doting father and you and the Greens and you Purple can advise me as to the next way forward we should choose to strengthen the mind of Adam into political and technical and Military directions so he can become more well rounded. I'm considering eventually making him a General under his brother protecting the realm so to speak. In his spare time he can still write plays and make movies and music but I want to build a more practical 2nd son who can actually help his brother and maybe they could even be friends at some point. So, in what time are they now, Purple?"

Purple: They are presently 77 million years ago and Adam has connected with a 10 million year younger You who you spoke with recently and informed your younger self that this is his future son who needs training."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "He-me is at a different stage of life and will not be doting upon Adam but take him in entirely different directions."

Purple: "Adam is enjoying not being the Prince in the past too and just a member of the court with a Mothership and a friend and teacher like the Immortal Green Delta 7 from the future."

The Creator of the Galaxy:"Yes. I think we are now creating a potential solution to our problem."

The Son Creator: "I'm a little concerned that we might be creating a whole new set of problems by training Adam like this because he and I have always been very competitive."

The Creator of the Galaxy: "You are going to continue to be the Galactic Sentience no matter what Adam does 1st Son."

The Son Creator: "Sounds Good Dad!" 


Next Section: The Mother and daughters of the Galaxy:


1st daughter and 2nd daughter are talking with their mother about how Dawn's life with Joseph began.

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Well, girls, Your father and I met in the Orion Nebula. We were what would be called a "Forbidden couple" here in this galaxy."

1st daughter: "What is a Forbidden Couple?"

The Mother of the Galaxy: "It just means that he was royalty of his Galaxy and I was not. So, he wanted to be married or at least to live with me then and his father Forbade it. So, he and I decided to leave the galaxy he and I were raised in. And doing so could mean my death without the support of a Galaxy behind us especially if I got pregnant."

1st Daughter: "What did you do mother?"

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Well. We were not going to let a little thing like the whole Galaxy being against our relationship stopping us so we drifted off into space. We could see our galaxy and many other galaxies but we were what was called "Drifters" or people who live beyond their civilizations like our ancients once did. But, we were happy because we were together. However, your father was always a very exceptional Prince of our Galaxy and Creator. Great things were expected of him always because he was a rare and amazing being like his father who had created the galaxy we grew up in.

So, eventually when I got pregnant with 1st Son he decided to build a galaxy for me and our children (sort of like our private ranch) (like here on earth or farm). However, not everyone can succeed at building a galaxy. It is dangerous for a male Creator to do this because it is so exhausting. Can he get enough energy nourishment to not die while creating his galaxy for his family? Joseph, your father did not die and figured out how to stay alive while building a galaxy for us all to live in more comfortably.

His Father was very very proud of him too back in our home galaxy that Joseph had done this to the point where I was forgiven for taking his son way who would have been the next Galactic Sentience in our home Galaxy. And I was accepted into his Father's family as a daughter in law and all our children were accepted (including you two) into his father's galactic Family too."

1st and 2nd daughter: "Wow! Mom!"

2nd daughter: "What was it like for Dad to build a galaxy?"

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Well. I helped him as much as I could but I was pregnant then with 1st son and so this took a lot of energy carrying him to term. So, I mostly was moral support to Joseph your father. I worried and fretted that he might die building this Milky Way Galaxy but somehow he did it and so his whole family is very proud of him for succeeding where many others would have failed."

1st Daughter: "So, when was I born?"

The Mother of the Galaxy: "It was first 1st Son then 2nd Son and then 1st daughter then 2nd daughter than 3rd daughter. However, 3rd daughter was adopted because her mother didn't survive childbirth."

1st Daughter: "Was that our Aunt?"

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Yes. She lived 80 million years and that's all."

1st Daughter: "Poor thing. Such a short life."

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Yes. When we were accepted by Joseph's father she decided to move here along with her husband as she missed He and I a lot while we were gone from the galaxy. However, she had trouble adapting to a new galaxy with new rules and ideas than were traditional in the galaxy she and I came from."

1st Daughter: "I don't really understand, Mother."

The Mother of the Galaxy: "Well. You wouldn't unless you lived in another galaxy with different rules than this one. All the things Joseph and I didn't like we didn't bring over to this galaxy. So, this is our Custom Farm or Ranch Galaxy so to speak."

1st daughter: "Well. I guess I'm learning about the differences between Galaxies right now. You have shared how they are different. You gave us all something to think about if the differences helped end Aunt's   life."

Next Section: "The Father of the Galaxy 77 million years ago meets his future 2nd son and the Immortal Green Delta 7."

Green Delta 7: "You Father would like you to meet him 10 million years ago or basically 77 million years BC Earth Time."

Adam: "Cool! He likely is different a little because he is younger and less like a grandfather like when I knew him around 67 million BC."

Green Delta 7: "I think they are okay with us arriving soon. Can I set the technology in the Mother Ship to arrive in the Galactic Capital around 77 million years into the past from Earth's timeline which is called BC?"

Adam: "Did father give you the co-ordinates so no one gets angry or bent out of shape when we arrive?"

Green Delta 7: "Yes. You sit here in the view room and I will go to the control room (unless you want to come with me?"

Adam: "Well. I like the view from the View Room best. It kind of inspires me to maybe write a song or two for my latest play I'm writing."

Green Delta 7: "Okay. I will navigate the ship through time to this same location approximately 10 million years into the future from now. Okay?"

Adam: "Sounds Good Green." And he smiled a big smile as he embarked on his latest adventure with his new friend. HE was actually happy. He hadn't been this happy in some time now because he was a little worried about his father. But, seeing his father younger and more spry and different might help him a lot so he was happy."

Green Delta 7:  As Green walked into the control room she pulled off one of her fingers and let the hollow finger drain all it's tracking nanobots designed by the Created Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard for situations exactly like this. They would always track the time and space and send the locations to Immmortal Green and Immortal Purple wherever the Mothership was in time and space. She let out a sigh of relief when all the tracking nanobots had crawled inside the technology of the control room and set up shop there to tell the two of them (and through them everyone else as well).

Also, Green Delta  7 (Immortal) had installed two new cameras and microphones one in her chest area and one in a mole on her face so The Creator of the Galaxy could better see what his son was up to whenever Green was around. She had also installed several magnetic cameras and microphones where Adam was presently singing and writing music for his latest play too so The Creator of the Galaxy "Joseph" could see what was going on with Adam better so he could gauge what he wanted Immortal Green to do next.

When they arrived the 77 million BC Creator of the Galaxy was there to greet his future 2nd son. He smiled and  Adam smiled and he also met his Mother when she was much younger too. For the occassion they all were wearing human bodies to match Adams human body which looked like the first man Adam on the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel in Italy. However, Green had clothes on Adam this time Earth Style too.

Next Section: "You might be Wondering---"

You might be wondering why the family would completely change the time and space of the whole galaxy for one member of the Royal Family '2nd Son" or "Adam".

Well. You have to consider that these are nearly immortal beings and Joseph, "The Creator of the Milky Way Galaxy" never really dies even when he retires after living around 32 billion years.

So, whatever any of these Creators do they have to live with whatever they do for Billions of years if they live that long.

So, this begins to explain why they would change all the timelines now from 77 million years ago from the Earth time you and I presently live in at 2024 for the 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy and thereby undo (at least on this 2nd? timeline created by rescuing Adam from becoming "Tech Noir" caused by the grief of losing his father and his God without proper preparation which basically made him capable of mass murder while in a suicide mode.

And reading all this might help prepare you for watching (if you live long enough)  watching everyone you know and love your age or older pass away which is what happens to many of us as we age.

At this point ALL my parents, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles are gone and several of my cousins at my present age of 76.

So, anyway, The Creator of our Galaxy is a very Big and Noble Being. To have accomplished what he did is a symbol of his Greatness in all of our lives ongoing.

But, I can see trying to wrap your mind around changing all the timelines now back 77 million years in this Galaxy throughout the whole galaxy in ripples is pretty mind boggling in itself.

Another way to look at all this is: "Imagine you own a ranch and you have 2 sons and 2 daughters and you live on this ranch and want your children to inherit everything you worked so hard for. You might not care us much about what happens to the wild animals or even your cattle or plants or birds as long as you and your family are all okay. This is kind of how this Galaxy (Just like a family Ranch or Farm is run too).

Here is a link to the next Chapter: 

Chapter 3 of "A Journey Through Time" Chapter's na


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