Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Global Climate change is going to make more and more 3rd world countries disaster areas

The main problem is that there is no infrastructure to rebuild many places in these 3rd world countries so people often are either going to be homeless sitting in water or a tree without food or clean water or they will have to migrate to new locations in other countries and leave many of their older families behind to die likely who are not mobile enough to adapt. The two places more known right now are Bangladesh and Sudan that are having extreme flooding problems right now.

For example, in Bangladesh the flooding:

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And also there is the dam collapse in Sudan which killed at least 30 people or more. 
These kinds of incidents will become more and more common worldwide. But, without more infrastructure there are no "Lifeboats" like larger richer nations have to keep people alive through things like this. 
It isn't just the 30 or more than died from a dam collapse in Sudan. It's the hundreds or thousands that likely will die without their homes and farms and businesses and the members of their families that friends within the next few years from these disasters one by one worldwide. Most of these people have no insurance to replace what they have lost
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