Saturday, August 31, 2024

Does Dawn "The Mother of the Galaxy" have incarnations like the Father of the Galaxy?

 The answer would be "Yes!" She and he have been together about 30 billion years as lovers, parents and then grandparents of the Creators in this Galaxy. So, Dawn and Joseph as he is sometimes is called have remained friends for billions of years and continue to love and respect each other are parents, grandparents and friends. And Yes, Dawn also has thousands to millions of incarnations here on earth too. Has She retired? Not completely but running and managing a galaxy is a lot of work that she helped Joseph with likely since they created it together to better feed their children.

How do you create a galaxy. I cannot fully answer that but you might be able to if you are a scientist by nature like me.

I can tell you the scientific form of a created galaxy sort of.

A Galaxy is the nexus place (or better said) "The nexus place between the matter and anti-matter galaxies is what we call the black Hole. 

However, Creators call this place "The Black Hole" "The Joiner" because it joins a matter galaxy with an anti-matter galaxy. It's sort of like having positive and negative poles on your car battery. You need each of them to have a battery that powers your car in various ways. Or Like in a Tesla or Rivian the whole bottom of the vehicle is thousands of dollars of expensive batteries.

So, the point of all this is somehow they figured out trillions? of years ago now how to create galaxies by taking non-matter or different matter or unknown matter and breaking it down into Matter and antimatter somehow.

So, basically the matter part of the galaxy that you and I live in is only 1/2 of the dynamic between the matter and anti-matter galaxies that are connected by what they call "The Joiner" which we call "A Black Hole". And if you notice every Galaxy has to have a Black Hole or "Joiner" to exist as a galaxy.

So, this means for every galaxy there is also a dimensional anti-matter galaxy occupying somehow the same space as the matter galaxy in another dimension.

So, just like humans discovered fire and how to cook with it and how to build houses and ranches and farms eventually, eventually the Creator species that existed before any galaxies were built figured out a way to build a matter and anti-matter set of Galaxies that stays stable in space for some time as "Feeding stations for their species of Being.

And this species of Being is what we humans call our "Souls".

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