Thursday, August 29, 2024

Experience has taught me that the Universe literally is part of "The Mind of God"

 Experience you might say of what?

I would have to answer this by saying I made a paradigm shift when I almost died astral projecting by accident and my arm went through the wall around 1970. After this everything changed a lot for me.

Then a month or two later I woke up in Rancho Bernardo near San Diego and sat up out of my body and watched another me (my angel self) wearing the same pajamas as the other two of me and I said to God "I understand" because I wasn't terrified out of my mind like the first time and didn't almost die because of accidentally? being out of my body likely put there by God to learn something. So, what God had taught me was that we all have souls that can live in our bodies but also travel at will too. Of course I had been praying in my own way to travel with the angels ever since they had come at my age 2 to save my life from whooping cough.

So now, after learning to soul travel 54 years ago I understand a whole lot more than I did then. And I realized scientifically that the "ONLY" way these things work the way they do is that "WE ARE ALL LIVING IN THE MIND OF GOD"  which is a part of what God is which is bigger than the physical universe we live in.

However, what I have learned to do (with God's and Angels permission) is to be literally everywhere with God. I find this is the safest way to be. Why?

Because if you are everywhere with God "What if the planet blew up?" If you were or are everywhere with God it wouldn't really matter whether Earth blew up or not because you would still be everywhere with God.

So, this is why I say "Being everywhere with God is the safest thing to do as a human being if you can."

By Everywhere I mean being everywhere in the universe with God 24 hours a day every day.

By God's Grace

NOTE: This is possible to do because this is how I live every day. Unless I get distracted here and there by people's suffering including my own. However, most of the time I am EVERYWHERE wih God.

I AM everywhere with God when I sleep peacefully every night.

I AM everywhere with God when I wake up in the Arms of God every morning.

I AM everywhere with God as I drive my car or walk my Corgi dog on the Beach nearby.

I AM everywhere when I travel to all points around the world.

This is something that other people can do too and I find it is one of the many forms of Enlightenment.

By God's Grace

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