Thursday, August 29, 2024

Though you can read the bottom link all the links are contained in the top link

what do I mean by this? It means that I started writing on the bottom article. Then it got too long and so I started the top link article. Then as I wrote more I put links at the bottom of each page I was writing. I might continue to do this until I'm finished for now writing about "A Journey Through Time" which seems to be a sequel to "The Alien War".

When I first began writing "The Alien War" I'm not the only person on earth who is aware and Alien war is presently going on put on by the Galaxy to prevent human extinction.

What is going on actually is wars right now on earth are mostly to prevent a Civil War in the U.S.

If a Civil War actually happens in the U.S. time travelers have already seen this causes eventually human extinction because all democracies are killed by dictators if Civil war actually occurs in the U.S.

So, an Actual Civil War in the U.S. (for sure) causes the end of the human race on earth.

The Galactic Government understanding this quite well and not wanting humans to totally disappear and go extinct on earth are creating "The Alien War" as a way of preventing human extinction by preventing a Civil War in the U.S. which would basically end all human life on earth if the Civil War actually occurs eventually. A Civil War would likely cause human extinction between 2050 and 2100 AD. This is what the Galactic Government knows for sure by going forward in time and checking this first hand if a Civil War in the U.S. actually occurs.


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