Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This is a newer copy of Chapter 29 so it is easier for you to read. If you are a writer you can see how I'm acclimatizing or soul traveling to my destination about what I'm writing


Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Alien War: Chapter 29

Sunday August 18th 2024

 We left you with everyone about 65 million years ago in the Galactic Core with the Old Galactic Sentience who built the Galaxy we live in  "The Milky Way" Galaxy and his son the new Galactic Sentience who traveled time to be with his father before he retired so he could once again see how his father was in the old days before he had taken over running the Galaxy after his father retired in that 1 million years around 65 million years ago.

Bear with me a moment. I am reintegrating all this from writing and reading it before.

Basically, when I think about this now (not 2 years ago or so) I realized that all the incarnations except for maybe Purple Delta 7 who is a clone of Silver's mind originally is one of the incarnations of The Original Galactic Sentience who created this galaxy so his children could get enough forms of energy to live ongoing. 

NOTE: By incarnations I mean that His Oneness, Arcane, Flame, Jonathan and several others are incarnations of the original Galactic Sentience who built this galaxy to begin with. For example, it is theoretically possible and probably a reality too that there are thousands to millions of incarnations of the original Galactic Sentience present here on earth as I write this in various types of forms. So, basic human concepts in regard to this are sort of "out the window" completely. So, humans have no idea what they are dealing with now anymore than when the Greeks first talked about the Zeus Pantheon and the Nordics talked about Odin and Thor which is the closest resemblance to the truth of what is happening in this galaxy even though it is sort of a fairy tale too. However, as humans the truth on this level likely will always be beyond our present conceptions. This is likely the reality too. end note.

I have written before that I presently believe that one of the forms of a feeding Creator is looking at all the Suns and stars in this Galaxy. If you could imagine a living radio or TV Station that was sentient getting it's energy from Hydrogen converting to Helium and on down to the heavier elements then you know that a Sun or Star is a feeding Creator. 

However, since the size of a creator when it manifests as a physical being is unlimited large or small then you begin to get who and what the creators actually are which is basically immortal.

Since we also are mostly all creators I believe presently retired on earth then you begin to get what we all are actually dealing with. We take on human forms to experience mortality which makes us value being alive. This causes us to want to live on and not fade out into nothingness and stop feeding on energy to survive.

So, it doesn't really matter whether you understand all this or not (because it has taken me since 1970 to get my present understanding of all of this ever since I visited the present Galactic Sentience of the last around 65 million years who is the son of the original Galactic Sentience who has been around for billions of years. So, what I'm saying if your mind is blown like mine was discovering some of this at age 22 in 1970 then just realize you are only a human being right now just like I am who has chosen to forget a lot while being a human being in order for mortality to become more real for you than it would be otherwise if you remembered all this.

NOTE: I visited the present Galactic Sentience who is the son of the Original creator of the Galaxy in 1970 through soul travel after Archangel Gabriel gave me the ability to do this as a way of keeping me alive through my 20s until I got into my 30s where things settled down some into businesses and family and world travel which worked for me.

Is it valuable for you to understand all this? I think so and if you think about it you will understand why. One reason is it will reduce your suffering as a human being and it also might make you have more feelings of compassion not only for yourself but all your relatives and grandchildren.

For example, even if you are presently a baby you have Creator Grandchildren if you were born on earth as a human being right now. Now that is a heavy concept to take in right there.

I wrote something this morning where I said "The History of the Galaxy". I might name this chapter "The History of the Galaxy" because I liked how this felt in my mind in regard to my experience of all this in real life.

Chapter 29 The History of the Galaxy?

The reason I added a question mark is that I know for certain now that there are at least (TWO TIMELINES) for the whole galaxy as described in Chapter 27 of "The Alien WAr". If you want to read this chapter here is a link.

The Alien War: Chapter 27: Flame is given ALL of t...

This describes what has happened starting the 2nd timeline 65 million years ago. What does this mean?

One of the things it could mean is that you and I didn't exist on the 1st timeline and only exist on the 2nd timeline because we are experiencing all this 65 million years later.

You might ask me why this is important?

It might not be important to you but it was to me when I read all this because it took away the meaning of everything in life in some ways for me. But, that's just me. You might have had a different experience because you are reading this as fiction because for me this isn't fiction this is real life.

Now, there is another way to look at this of course which is to say that "Good Writers believe what they are writing" which is true. And for me what I'm writing about is sort of like my own religion but more like Science and religion combined where I'm exploring the true nature of things as someone seeking enlightenment in the hopes that a scientific approach to all this helps you and me towards our enlightenment ongoing.

It's sort of like the Priest Scientists of New Deva where they are scientists first but also priests helping their civilization survive and prosper in all ways ongoing. However, it's also true that they are amphibian humans who are related to us from colonists leaving earth out into space around 2500 AD. But now, they are in New Deva around 1 million AD Earth time and have returned to a water planet without continents and only a few volcanic islands left that they name this planet "New Deva" or New Spirit because they believe they have finally found the water planet Earth that their ancestors have been searching for for thousands of years. 

If you have read Chapter 27 or any of the other chapters of "The Alien War" you know that when I first began to write "The Alien War" I was trying to share with mankind the FAKE war the galaxy is creating on earth in the hopes that they can prevent human extinction during this 500 to 1000 year period we live in starting around now.

So, whatever wars or conflicts appear to be happening are mostly fake actually and an effort to prevent human extinction by any means necessary here on earth.

 IF time has changed to what it is now 65 million years ago because of Tech Noir what was it before?

On one level that isn't even a useful question because we have had about 50 incidents where nuclear weapons were used since Hiroshima and Nagasaki on towns and cities and nations and military installations of mostly almost all sides at this point and retroactively all this has been changed back to what we see now around the world with no nukes taking out cities or countries in OUR Recorded history.

How (in the end) is this any different than what just happened to the time line of the whole galaxy?

Imagine you are on a ranch and one day the river near your ranch goes through your ranch and floods it away and all the cattle die and all your crops are washed away. If you diverted that river back to where it once ran would that be any different than what the original Galactic Sentience of the Milky Way Galaxy and his son, "The present Galactic Sentience who is running this galaxy did recently 65 million years ago?

I would say it would be the same thing considering that the way a Galaxy is viewed by Creators is very much like a private Ranch or farm (or more likely both at the same time) just because of the nature of what happens when you create a galaxy is pretty much the same thing on some levels as what happens when you create a ranch or farm anywhere on earth.

However, it's at a completely different level than a ranch or farm here on earth too.

NOTE: If you are a writer you can see how I'm acclimatizing or soul traveling to my destination about what I'm writing. IT's hard to actually write about Hawaii in a way that sounds right and believable if you aren't there really to begin with. So, what you are seeing me do is acclimatizing or "getting in my plane or spaceship and beginning to fly to 65 million years ago in the Center of our Galaxy or wherever I need to be to write this as a Soul Traveler. I think I likely have finally come to terms with the idea of there begin 2 or more timelines now for the whole Galaxy and not just Earth or New Deva.


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