Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Part of Chapter 26 which is called "The Alien War: Chapter 26: Healing the Time Lines that Tech Noir Created"

 begin partial quote from: https://intuitivefred888.blogspot.com/2024/08/part-of-chapter-26-which-is-called.html

  • So, now we know that Tech Noir is actually the Previous Galactic Sentience's son and the present Galactic Sentience's brother. This changes everything because we are dealing with souls on a soul level and one of the things you need to know is royalty whether on earth on Galactic Royalty, is always preserved and never usually executed as in ending the Creator soul. 
  • This is true for many different reasons. But, we have similar types of things in 
  • Edward VIII of England Abdicating the Throne to marry a divorced Commoner in the 1930s which eventually resulted in Queen Elizabeth II of England who is now Queen of England today. So, both Queen Elizabeth I (mother of Francis Bacon but this was kept secret of course) and Queen Elizabeth II are likely the longest Reigning English Monarchs in history along with Queen Victoria during the Victorian Era of England.
  • And somewhat like today Prince Harry left England for Santa Barbara California, not only because it has probably one of the best climates on earth but also for his wife and children to be happier and more likely to prosper and survive in life. So, Royalty is different than the lives of average people everywhere. This is to be expected.
  • The same is true with Tech Noir. He may have done some very bad things. However, from a Galactic perspective Souls are immortal and everything else isn't that is mortal.
  • So, preserving souls is what is most important because mortal beings are all going to die eventually. So, this is exactly how the galactic government sees all this.
  • But, to make the most sense of this, how do ranchers think about farm animals as well as local wild rabbits and deer and bear? This is sort of how Galactic Royalty thinks of anything mortal on any world.
  • So, the primary directive is to protect Creator souls because they are your relatives or visiting friends from other Galaxy and in this sense they are likely also relatives from other galaxies too.
  • So, this is where we begin in this Chapter I call "Healing Time----".

  • end partial quote from Chapter 26 of "The Alien War".

    By the way, Chapter 29 which I'm calling now "The History of the Galaxy" might be only a Chapter 29 in "The Alien War" but because so much has changed along with all the original time line of the whole Galaxy it's possible that I will just create another book called "The History of the Galaxy" which might be the 2nd version of reality for the Galaxy as well as a completely new time line.


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