Monday, August 26, 2024

My wife thinks that "The History of the Galaxy" is the wrong title for what I'm writing

 Her present choice (this can change on a dime by the way) is "A journey through Time" presently instead of "The History of the Galaxy".

I greatly appreciate her input because she would be a much better writer than me and would be a great editor because she has 3 college degrees including a Master's degree in Business Specializing in Non-Profits. 

However, her dynamic in many ways is the opposite of mine in that if I'm allowed to by life I prefer to be very very spontaneous because I believe in Spontaneous Accomplishment like Buddha and Jesus and also Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet around 750 to 800 AD from Nalanda University in Bihar state of India. He was a Mahasiddha from Nalanda Buddhist University then. I visited the ruins of Nalanda University. When the Islamics came at some point they knocked down the university and likely killed everyone there I believe. I haven't studied the history enough to know more than this.

So, my wife is great at editing and planning because she has really great organizational skills and is a great artist like my youngest daughter too. However, she is so organized that what she wrote would have to be perfect as she first typed it or wrote it longhand. So, as a result she doesn't usually write much.

However, I'm a storyteller like my father and Grandfather were before me back to 1900 or before (my dad was born in 1916 by the way and I think my Grandfather was born in the late 1870s or early 1880s. I knew them both quite well. and my Grandfather passed in 1970 and my father in 1985.

So, being a storyteller I'm not about editing at all. I'm about sharing what I know about whatever it is I'm writing about. I could actually care less about editing at all beyond trying to make sure what I say is correct and the words are spelled correctly. And even then I still miss things the first or second time I read what I actually wrote whether it is an article, short story or book.

And since I type about as fast as I can talk it's all pretty interesting to me.

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