Thursday, August 29, 2024

The problem with anthropomorphising the Creators of this Galaxy:

 If you didn't know what Anthropomorphising means, basically it means giving human attributes to things not naturally human. It's sort of like go back now to when Disney created Mickey Mouse. Disney was anthropomophising a mouse and giving it the attributes of a human being. Same thing with Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear and any other characters in that story. So, what I'm getting at is don't you think it is basically imposible to compare any human being to a being who is literally eating hydrogen and turning it into Helium so that their natural state in this Galaxy at least is feeding on energy while they are eating it which makes them a STar or Sun in this Galaxy.

Am I saying all the STars of this Galaxy are Creator beings. Though this is true this isn't exactly it.

The Creator beings don't naturally have any form in time or space but they can eat energy when it's int he form of a star consuming hydrogen and turning it into Helium and on down the periodic table.

NOw this is where it gets interesting because we as human beings are actually physically composed literally of "Star Dust" as are all the planets or moons.

So, on one level anthropomorphising like I'm doing is sort of like a true fairy tale made to seem like something that might be culturally comparable or acceptable to human beings.

However, a being (a CREATOR) who doesn't breathe air, Doesn't eat Food, Doesn't drink Water and doesn't naturally have a human or even an animal body of any kind is literally beyond the scope really of any human being on earth including myself.

You and I are human beings who have to breathe and eat food and drink water and stay warm enough to stay alive but not too warm. A Creator doesn't naturally have to do any of these things and doesn't even need Time and Space to Survive like humans do. They naturally at least don't even need Galaxies theoretically to survive because for Billions of years before Galaxies were thought of they survived as a species on and on and on without any Galaxies at all.

So, what do we as humans do with this information?

I'm not really sure but I'm trying to share what I can share in a way that I can share it.

By God's Grace

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