Monday, August 26, 2024

King Trisong Detsen of Tibet was one of the Dharma Kings of Tibet. Padmasambhava helped Buddhism blend with local Bonpo to make Tibetan Buddhism then


Trisong Detsen
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Tri Songdetsen was the son of Me Agtsom, the 38th emperor of Tibet. He ruled from AD 755 until 797 or 804. Tri Songdetsen was the second of the Three Dharma ...
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This incarnation was Trisong Detsen, who ruled over Tibet from 754 CE to 799 CE. Known as the second of Tibet's Three Dharma Kings, he was the monarch ...
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Trisong Detsen ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེ་བཙན་ is the 38th King of Tibet. He ruled Tibet from 755 AD to 797 AD, and he retired after passing the throne to his second son.
Apr 24, 2019King Trisong Detsen, the 38th Yarlung King, had ruled over Tibet from 754 CE to 799 CE. He was the monarch responsible for the official adoption ...
Emperor Tri Songdetsen was known as the second Dharma King of Tibet and was an influential patron of Buddhism. The epithet “Tri” is a title, ...
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Trisong Detsen was born to King Me Aktsomchen and Princess Chin Ch'eng Kun Chu in 790, and at the age of thirteen he was enthroned as the thirty-seventh ...
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Jul 11, 2022It was due to his efforts that the great masters Shantarakshita and Guru Padmasambhava came from India and established Buddhism firmly in Tibet.
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The master replied: Listen here, Your Majesty! To “possess the experience of meditation” means to leave your mind uncontrived, uncorrupted and fresh. Let your ...
Emperor Tri Songdetsen was not to be thwarted, however, in his intent to strengthen the position of Buddhism in his realm. He was an extremely powerful and ...

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