Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More regarding "The Ocean is overflowing'

 In both California and Hawaii on Maui and Kauai I have seen this first hand how the ocean is rising. ON Kauai last October I noticed that Palm Trees were dying from saltwater on the ocean side of one of the resorts we stayed in there. I saw this again on Maui and have seen it for years now (since we usually go now at least once every year since around 2010 when we could afford to more. 

So, the road between Kihei and Lahaina along the ocean often now has waves that at high tide can sweep across the road so the highway department have put those 2 to 3 foot cement barriers that you see a lot in California while road crews are working on freeways for safety. So, the waves can hit the cement barriers and though the water might splash a little sometimes at high tide, at least it won't wash cars or trucks all the way off the road usually.

Also, in California one of the state parks (I think it was Refugio state park lost 3 palm trees into the ocean this last winter because as the oceans rise if you have a bad storm at high tide Palm Trees die in both Hawaii on the islands and in California.

These things I have seen personally over the years now get worse and worse.

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