Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Is what is happening in Bangladesh and Sudan worse than what is happening in Gaza?

 The likely answer to this questions is: Yes.

The reason people focus on Gaza is it is a war and not a natural disaster.

However, the death toll for this year in both Bangladesh and Sudan will be much much greater than the death toll in Gaza. I'm not sure how you quantify something like this because what we are seeing in Bangladesh and Sudan is happening every day now (also in the U.S.) to the point where insurance companies will no longer cover homes various places, because of fires, hurricanes flooding or you name it.

When you cannot insure your home (at any price from anyone) this means that when a calamity strikes you lose everything (possibly even your life) which is much more common in places like Bangladesh or Sudan to begin with.

Whereas here in the U.S. our countries basic wealth is the lifeboat for the people. So, even if they lose their homes, their cars their livelihoods usually they won't die but instead possibly be with relatives or homeless somewhere. At least in the U.S. they might still be alive somewhere even if they lose their homes, their vehicles, their livestock etc.

So, you are likely going to see hurricanes put many more people on the streets or moving to other places having lost their businesses, their homes, their livelihoods and everything that they worked all their lives for.

Whereas in other countries more people will just be dead within 2 to 3 years from losing everything and not having shelter or food and then getting sick and dying which is caused by Global Climate changes more and more.

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