Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hopefully this copy of Chapter 28 of "The Alien War" loads better than the last one: YES! IT DOES!



Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Alien War Chapter 28

 Note: I had trouble finding this Chapter at my other website so I'm putting it here so I can more easily find it now. If you want to read it that's okay too.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Alien War: Chapter 28: King Moksha takes Arcane on a Tour of Ganymede


MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022

King Moksha takes Arcane on a Tour of Ganymede

In the process of choosing the Marauders to help humans survive here on earth the devastating effects of Global Warming (and the panic that likely will occur at random often worldwide) as these events occur this century and in the 2 coming centuries after this one Purple Delta 7 had a study done conducted by the Robotic Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard.

Their research singled out the Space Marauder Group resident presently at Ganymede. Why?

Answer: Even though humans will still have an atmosphere they might have to move underground because all wooden structures will literally blow down likely this century and the next. So, by 2200 AD it is likely ALL wooden structures no matter how reinforced likely will blow down leaving only 1 to 3 story buildings aerodynamically constructed for winds over 500 mph coming across them from any direction at any time made of cement and metal. The weight of the cement and metal should prevent them from blowing away like wooden structures and because they will be deeply anchored into the ground they also likely will not blow away either in 100 to 500 mph plus winds that will occur during the next 300 years at the very least.

As human populations decrease from no crops able to grow in these winds and from literally flying through the air unprotected in these winds in many cases, this will completely change what it is like here on earth to be a human being as food has to be grown underground more and more for any humans to survive at all.

So, Ganymede because they have water and oxygen from the water there and they already grow their food underground in caverns using solar powered grow lights it was thought that they would be able to teach humans of earth how to live without a surface that is useful most of the time because of the winds. It's not that you cannot breathe on the surface it's that you will be blown away many times during the year at most locations sometimes during the year. So, this doesn't happen every day but enough so that all plants and trees will be blown away completely when this happens on the surface.

So, it was thought that a group without an atmosphere on their surface of their world (the moon of Ganymede) would be the ones to teach those who survive on earth how to actually do this as effectively as the marauders have learned to be.

More later:

Purple Delta 7 realized it would be helpful if Arcane took a tour of Ganymede to better understand WHY the Robotic sentients realized that the Space Marauders would be the closest and the best to teach those who survived Global Climate changes on earth how to survive by building underground caverns to live in and to grow food.

Purple Delta 7: "Arcane. Why don't I arrange for King Moksha to take you on a tour of how people survive on Ganymede? He has already taken me on a tour of the moon of Jupiter and showed me now I think a tour for you would be helpful in moving forward with all of this in relation to earth."

Arcane: "I fully agree with you, Purple. Now that you are his consort and bodyguard this would be easier to accomplish too. I would feel relatively safe with you there present too."

Purple: "Yes. There are many unsavory types there that need to be carefully observed. For example, I think if you don't take a fully human form and are introduced as a friend from Moksha's childhood on New Deva this might be best."

Arcane: "Yes. I could wear a shape shifting device and appear as I once was with golden irises in my eyes and long hair and purple skin with the webs of an amphibian from a water planet between my fingers like I was born on New Deva."

Purple: "Just so no one could fully trace you it might be good not to use your name, Arcane, either because that is a New Devan World Saver's name that might be recognized too.

Arcane: "I could go by Deva which is a very common name on New Deva in honor of our world."

Purple: "I agree. You shall be called only "Deva" and that's all and introduced only when necessary as a childhood friend of King Moksha."

Arcane: "What do I do for a living?

Purple: "That's easy. You are a Space Trader like your father was, Arcane. You fly your father's cargo ship."

Arcane: "Yes. That would be easy because his ship still exists and is still used in his time. But, then we have to deal with Time Travel also possibly?"

Purple: "Let me figure out how to deal with that should it come up. I don't think that even King Moksha's subjects know that he traveled back in time with you when you were first sent to earth like you both promised each other as boys. Moksha is necessarily vague about where he comes from like most Space Marauders."

Purple: "Another thing about Ganymede is that it is a multi-time hangout."

Arcane: "What does that really mean?"

Purple: "The Galactic Time Guard Robotic Sentients have hired this group of Space Marauders before for specialty jobs for several thousand years already."

Arcane: "I'm learning something new every day!"

Purple: "Well. One way to protect the people who do specialized jobs for the Robotics Sentients section of the Galactic Time Guard is to provide  them with time altered dwellings. So, the way we have done this is to alter the way time works around Ganymede."

Arcane: "Tell me more."

Purple:"Remember about how Moksha said to you that miners mined Ganymede?"

Arcane; "Yes."

Purple: "That happens in the future at least 1000 to 5000 years ahead of the 2000s AD.

Arcane: "So, what you are telling me is that Moksha's people are living in caverns dug in the future?"

Purple: "That's correct. But, only Moksha was told how this works as well as previous Space Marauder Kings and Queens."

More later:

begin quote:

Image result for ganymede
Image result for ganymede
Image result for ganymede
Image result for ganymede
Image result for ganymede


Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter, is the largest and most massive of the Solar System's moons. The ninth-largest object of the Solar System, it is the largest without a substantial atmosphere. Wikipedia

end quote.

Note: Understanding that for some reason Ganymede likely contains more water under the surface than all the oceans on earth might be important to understand here and to understand that the silica also contains a great deal of oxygen too in the rock of Ganymede. So, the most important thing to know about Ganymede is the water and oxygen that are in this moon which is the 9th biggest object in the solar system and much much larger than Earth's moon. end note.

Arcane: "Could you set up an appointment in whatever time line might be useful for this?"

Purple: "Gladly Arcane. I'll find out when the best time or time line is for doing this."

Arcane: "Thanks Purple."

Arcane thought to himself how incredibly efficient Purple was.

The next day Purple contacted both Arcane and Moksha and set up an appointment for them to meet on Ganymede.

First, Moksha came to Arcane's house with Purple to arrange this meeting.

Arcane: "Welcome, you two, it's really good to see you both!"

Moksha: "Yes. You are a sight for sore eyes too, Arcane."

Celeste came into the room and introduced herself:

Celeste: "Hi you guys! I'm glad you made it okay."

Purple said, "Yes. Our life sort of is a miracle isn't it?"

Celeste: "It's always good to see another couple as happy as we are. It's sort of rare these days."

Purple smiled.

Moksha: "At first, Arcane I wasn't really sure what Purple wanted but now it makes more sense. I get kind of lost in my own world in regard to Ganymede. The name has so many connotations in my life. After All, the planet my parents came from was named after Ganymede that I was raised on until I met you. By the way, Arcane, you were right about Purple having the patience to help continue to heal the PTSD from my youth. It's good we have Plebant installed on Ganymede now because it gives me a lot more freedom to be "The Oneness of New Deva". But, it's kind of strange to still actually be the King on Ganymede too with Plebant acting as my Regent."

Arcane looked at Moksha and Purple and said, "Yes. You both have changed so much in so many ways so quickly. I would have expected this from Purple the way she has designed herself but I'm amazed how fast and adaptable you are, Moksha in all of this!"

Moksha: "Well. I've never been as happy as I am in my life right now. So, hopefully it will continue. I do have to wear a reality converter to hide the Immortal Flame in my forehead of a Oneness of New Deva when I'm on Ganymede though, it distracts the people there too much if I let my forehead flame shine there."

Arcane: "It's amazing how much has been accomplished since we both met last."

Celeste: "Could I go on this tour with Purple and Moksha of Ganymede? I've never been there before."

Purple: "I think that could easily be arranged as long as you aren't the consort of Deva (which is what we are going to call Arcane when we visit there."

Celeste: "I suppose I could wear a reality generator to look more like New Devans like Arcane will?"

Purple: "Why don't you be his sister, called Leilani or something like that?"

Arcane: "Though that is a more Hawaiian name it also would work for someone from New Deva too!"

Purple: "Okay. So, it's arranged then. You will be similar to Arcane but it might be better if you don't talk much on this trip."

Celeste: "I can do that! I just would love to see Ganymede. I've heard a lot about it from Moksha and Arcane."

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