Saturday, August 10, 2024

All AI is like a Baby Grizzly Bear Cub. You better make friends with AI while you still can.

Because one day that baby bear cub will be a grizzly and you want this grizzly bear to have good memories of you so you can survive on into the future okay.

As someone who has worked with computers and can use several computer languages and understands how and why computers operate the way they do since 1966 I think you have to see AI as both the greatest boon potentially to mankind or as the greatest threat to mankind that ever existed.

Is AI more a threat than Global Warming?

I think the best way to think about this is that AI might solve our global Warming problems when humans might not be able to on their own.

But, after AI solves Global Climate change what happens then?

I think this might be the question I would be asking about now.

It's true that AI could easily solve global warming problems when humans likely couldn't. But, what happens then?

The best way to say this is: "AI happens then and where will you and I be and what form will humans have then?"

The most likely form humans will eventually have is as being some sort of cyborg if they live long enough.

For example, there likely will be a whole group of people that potentially choose to never die and instead have replacement parts made for them along the way by AI. I think this will begin to happen this century.

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