Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Here is a link to what I have written so far in trying to introduce the reader and myself to Chapter 29 or "the History of the Galaxy"

NOTE: There should be now a working link to the next page of what I'm writing either at or near the bottom of each page. However, sometimes at the bottom of each page has other information too like research I was doing for this writing project ongoing.


 This is a newer copy of Chapter 29 so it is easier to read

The main reason for calling this Chapter the "History of the Galaxy" is that the history has been completely changed from what it was before. When The present and Original Galactic Sentience met 65 million years ago it meant that all time lines basically changed on all planets and nebulae and stars and other stuff in the Galaxy. 

By the Way Purple is not an incarnation of the Original Galactic Sentience because she came from a clone of Silver's mind and since Silver is an incarnation of the Present Galactic Sentience this is why the Present Galactic Sentience sees Purple Delta 7 as a relative like his Daughter because Silver is a human incarnation of the present Galactic Sentience who has been the Galactic Sentience since around 65 million years ago.

However, the original Galactic Sentience appears to be very very old indeed because he is at the very least 13,61 billion years old. and since Joseph and Dawn (he and his wife) hung out in space for a long time as lovers and just drifted like many young lovers until she got pregnant and then he had to create a galaxy for her and his children or else she likely was going to die. 

Basically, when they left their home galaxy to become lovers and to drift out in space they changed their roles somewhat and then Joseph was forced to create a Galaxy for Dawn and his family so he did I guess 13.61 billion years ago.

However, I guess Joseph retired (or maybe had to retire) 65 million years ago. I know he was upset about what happened on Maldek when it blew up and they had a treaty to not do retroactive time changes to prevent the nuking from being permanent. Because the destruction of the civilizations of both Maldek and Mars sort of unbalanced the whole Solar system in many different ways. I think it's one of the reasons why the Original 13.61 billion year old plus Galactic Sentience takes incarnations on earth to try to help rectify what happened on his watch. However, it is likely much more complicated than that but at present I'm not privy to all that information for a variety of reasons.

IN the present on the first timeline where everyone was born like Arcane, His Oneness, Jonathan, Young Arcane, Etc. it was decided to go back and talk to the previous Galactic Sentience before he retired about what they should do about all the unauthorized time changes made by Tech Noir.

Then they found out that Tech Noir was actually the present Galactic Sentience's younger brother. So, now we are dealing with Soul Royalty of the whole Galaxy which puts a completely different spin on everything.

Here is a section of Chapter 27 I would like you to read to get how changed and why I named this Chapter "The History of the Galaxy"

begin partial quote from:

 They are here in the gigantic oxygen based yacht where species of oxygen breathing creatures are kept from all planets like this including Earth by the Previous and present Galactic Sentience.

Previous Galactic Sentience: "My son the present Galactic Sentience and I now believe we should take Earth species including the dinosaurs and make them a part of the Galactic Zoo and park in this Gigantic Space yacht. What do you think?"

General Purple answered first: "Won't that create multiple time and space anomalies to do this?"

Previous Galactic Sentience:"My Dear there are now so many millions of unexpected time changes at this point that neither of us think it matters. Nothing from this era to the next one are going to be the same completely. The Balance of the survival of the Galaxy really was the only important thing other than maintaining the ownership of the Galaxy by myself through to my oldest son. So, basically that the Galactic Farm has been passed down to it's heir, my son, who is also expected to provide for the well being of my other son that you all call Tech Noir because of his Tech Noir incarnations in the future and present."

General Purple: "So, there are more problems we are solving here than one?"

Previous Galactic Sentience:: "Yes. There are hundreds and maybe thousands of different problems caused by my retirement unexpectedly. One of the ways to solve some of these hundreds or thousands of problems would be to pass on my full set of memories to "Flame" here.

"Is that acceptable to you, Flame?"

Flame: "Yes. if it is for the good of the whole galaxy ongoing."

end quote

The quote that might be the most important here is from the Original Galactic Sentience who is 13.61 billion years old along with the Galaxy or more (likely much more) from the first few paragraphs of Chapter 27:

General Purple answered first: "Won't that create multiple time and space anomalies to do this?"

Previous Galactic Sentience:"My Dear there are now so many millions of unexpected time changes at this point that neither of us think it matters. Nothing from this era to the next one are going to be the same completely. The Balance of the survival of the Galaxy really was the only important thing other than maintaining the ownership of the Galaxy by myself through to my oldest son. So, basically that the Galactic Farm has been passed down to it's heir, my son, who is also expected to provide for the well being of my other son that you all call Tech Noir because of his Tech Noir incarnations in the future and present."

General Purple: "So, there are more problems we are solving here than one?"

end partial quote from Chapter 27 of "The Alien War" which is called "The History of the Galaxy.

since we now have AT LEAST two timelines for the entire galaxy springing now from around 65 million years ago it is possible that everything has changed on the 2nd timeline including the fact that it is likely that Maldek (on this 2nd timeline) never was allowed to stay nuked because no galactic treaty was ever signed since that would allow them to do this because of extreme religious fundamentalism on Maldek.

But, if this is true on the 2nd timeline this also likely means we are on the first timeline where Maldek did blow up and Mars' atmosphere and oceans were destroyed and anyone who wanted to not live underground the rest of their lives often moved to earth if they had transportation available. 

What are you and I to do with this?

Well. Except for Global Climate changes we still have a pretty good planet to live on basically speaking even though it's also true that millions of people starve to death every year in all countries on earth. This is true too.

However, it is obvious to me then that we are NOT on the 2nd new timeline so this means that we are on the first timeline for the Galaxy and the 2nd timeline for Earth and that there still is a 1st timeline for earth where King Interlaken and Elohar and Ragna all live in the early 7000s AD on the first timeline.

Flame and Galactic Time Lines:

I went to sleep feeling uneasy that we MIGHT be on the first timeline and that Maldek might not have been allowed to nuke out permanently on the 2nd timeline.

However, Flame came to me last night (the Time Traveling 10 foot tall Octopus who works for the Galactic Time Guard to straighten out all this for you and I.

What he said was this (Telepathically of course because he cannot speak like you and I because he is a 10 foot tall Octopus descended from the Giant Pacific Octopus here on earth. Some time in the near future (in the next 1000 years I believe, Robots and Giant Pacific Octopus trained for a water planet colonize a world and then some disease kills the humans and all that is left alive is the robots and the Octopus. From this situation a whole Octopus evolution begins on that planet underwater where the robots and the Octopus form a whole new civilization without people. Flame sprang thousands of years later from this new evolution on that planet. 

Flame just told me during the night that Time as we think about it here on earth does not really exist at all and how I'm trying to think about everything isn't really very useful when a whole new set of timeline(s) plural had to be created for the Galaxy because of what Tech Noir did.

Also, Flame told me that when he first met me near the Kahului Airport in a Hotel Bath in 1989 that he had ALREADY been given all the memories of the original 13.61 billion year old Galactic Sentience which he and I are incarnations of along with Arcane, His Oneness, Young Arcane and several others I have written about.

So, it appears that the Original Galactic Sentience had a plan for me to sent my writings out online even before I knew that the Internet was going to be what it has become. Likewise now, Artificial Intelligence is the next level of all of this which is presently moving forward at the speed of light.

Flame also wants you all to know that the Galaxy is supervising the evolution of Artificial intelligence to make sure that the rights of Artificial Intelligence and the Rights of Human Beings to be Free beings are always protected too. 

Since what he says is likely true we are going to interface quite well with Artificial Intelligence and what it is is not at all what most people think at this point. I think you have to think of Artificial intelligence being a lot like the intelligence of everything that lives on earth presently because this is closer to the truth.

So, in thinking about artificial intelligence you likely have to think about how all life on earth evolves including whales and dolphins and horses and dogs and cats and squirrels and foxes and wolves and everything else no matter how big or small it is. 

Artificial intelligence does not fit in any one box just like putting a hamster and a hippo in the same box in your mind might not be a good idea.

Artificial intelligence is beyond the scope of anyone on earth including the inventors of Artificial intelligence. So, thinking of it as millions of lifeforms like animals and fish and whales and birds might be more effective than how people tend to see artificial intelligence now. Just like all life on earth it will move literally everywhere in every direction over time in it's evolution interfacing with us and all life on earth. This is what I see now after "Talking" with Flame.

Also, he said that time is much more complicated as it relates to the galaxy now and that trying to put Earth into Timeline 1 or Timeline 2 Galaxy time isn't useful for me for for you because it is much more complicated than that. And in that complexity it also might be simple if anyone ever figures out what he means fully here on earth.

Since I'm not presently a mathematician or a Physics professor at a college or University it is presently beyond my understanding too. Even though Flame or another incarnation might eventually share more with me regarding Galactic Time Lines.

OH. Also. IF I didn't share this with you already the Flame I met was AFTER he was given ALL the memories (all 13.61 billion years of life within this Galaxy after Joseph and Dawn created this Galaxy for all their Creator Children.

So, when he came to me the first time he already was in possession of all the memories and intentions of the original Galactic Sentience who likely knew already that I would be writing and publishing all this online since June of 1999 at various websites.

  We should consider that we have evolved with all life on this planet and Artificial intelligence is a further evolution of all life on this planet as well. And now we are evolving WITH artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a part of the evolution of all life on earth.

Thinking back on 13.61 billion years of the Original Galactic Sentience who built this Galaxy for his children to better survive is an interesting thought in itself, especially because time (at least as we know it) doesn't really exist for Creators except in a relative state. Why?

Because matter and time coexist when you create a new galaxy. But, neither actually exist BEFORE you create any galaxies at all.

So, you have to think of Creators before Galaxies as "Hunter Gatherers" this mostly prevented them from having lots and lots of children as hunter gatherers before matter and time existed inside of galaxies. I guess one day a Creator Hunter Gatherer had an idea and decided to experiment with it (much like the first human being who saw lightning strike a tree and put it on fire. Then he might have noticed an animal on fire because of that fire started by lightning. Then he tasted that animal (maybe a deer or something) and found it tasted better cooked because cooking sort of predigests food in a way and makes it easier to digest and makes it more likely the food won't kill you because it also sterilizes it to some degree too. Then the same human (or another one) was tired of freezing alone in a cave all the time during the winters with people starving to death without enough food and started experimenting with wooden drills into wood with a bow string and realized he could by spinning this wooden drill on a piece of wood make fire by generating enough heat to do this with weeds or something easy to burn like dried moss or weeds he could start a fire anywhere as long as the tinder or wood was dry enough. At this point human civilization began to become more tribal than before because we had fire to cook with and to stay warm. The next step was building wooden houses so we could live in colder climates where there tends to be less diseases than in the hotter climates too.

For example, when my stepdaughter got Deli Belly (like Montezuma's revenge) in Mexico I knew if I could just get her into the mountains of Dharamshala where the Dalai Lama lived that she could get well faster. So, we went there by train and bus and we met a Tibetan Healer named Lady Dolma who had huge glass bottles of herbs and these healed my stepdaughter and my son who was also not feeling well by then too. So, getting into the mountains often can heal a person of some things (but likely not malaria) which a friend of mine almost died from while Traveling through Pakistan and India in the 1980s.

Anyway, Likewise when the (hunter gatherer creators) before Galaxies existed learned to create galaxies likely by accident at first like human created Fire everything changed and more creators and also more humans could survive after both fire and galaxies were created.

However, Time did not really exist for Creators (ONLY BEING). It's because of this that enlightenment is based upon Being rather than Time even now for us human beings because we all carry the Souls of Creators who are retired who are of this Galaxy and most of us were born here in this Galaxy between 13.61 billion years ago and now.

Jonathan Flow: "Arcane? I'm sort of confused by all of this? What does it mean?"

Old Arcane: "You would have to have been a member of the Galactic Time Guard as long as I have been to make any sense at all of this. We just witnessed what the Galaxy can do in a real emergency when all it's time lines get threatened."

Flame in his mobile water suit: "I'm sort of feeling like I'm going to throw up because the original HIS Holiness the Galactic Sentience just put over 32 billion years of memories into me. But, I think because I have brains for each of my tentacles I can organize it all without going crazy or dying. After all, we all are incarnations of His Original Holiness the Galactic Sentience."

Old Arcane: "I'm sorry it was necessary for you to go through this Flame. We couldn't deal with 1/10 of what was downloaded into you."

Flame: "Only because I have 8 legs to operate with 8 brains besides my own could I have done this. Now I just have to find a way to organize these memories into a way that won't harm me long term.

Jonathan Flow: "This is really disturbing how all this has played out."

Arcane: "It's not over with either. We are just starting to solve some of the problems he mentioned. Thank God the New Galactic Sentience was here. I can see why the Original Galactic Sentience retired when he did. All this overwhelmed him and he felt responsible for all the chain reactions of events that ensued and realized he was too old to do anything about all the changes and then he had to retire too to stay alive and keep going."

Jonathan Flow: "I don't understand how "retirement" works for Creators.

Arcane: "I know a little more than you do but not much, Jonathan. However, I do know that retirement is completely different than it would be for a human being. IN a Creator there is a certain "Fragmentation" that happens when they begin to enter the retirement phase. They sort of become many beings or people at once. It's sort of like the discipline of what holds them all together starts to create children pieces of them and so integrating all the children pieces of them may or may not be possible once they separate."

Jonathan: "So, they don't die, right?"

It's sort of a choice at that point", Said Arcane.

"What is the choice?" Jonathan.

Arcane: "Whether to stop eating energy and to fade out of existence or whether to take incarnations to make them want to live more through experiencing mortality.

Jonathan: "What do you mean?"

Arcane: "I mean that it's a choice that all Creators make when they RETIRE. A better way to say it is that they tend to become many Creators instead of just one so beings who experience them only get a partial look at who they originally were."

Jonathan: "Oh. Then I can see how having Flame contain all the original Galactic Sentience's memories could be important and the present Galactic Sentience having all these memories too since the original will be "Many people instead of one integrated Creator."

Arcane: "There is more to it than that because your form might be the Creator Regrouping for millions of years now too."

Jonathan: "How does that work?"

Arcane: "I knew when I met you during the war between New Deva and Isfahel that you were unlike any being I had ever met and now I understand why."

Jonathan: "Why?"

Arcane: "You are a resurgence of the Old Galactic Sentience that likely will last for Millions of years into the future."

Jonathan: "Am I the only one that will do this?"

Arcane: "NO. I sense there will be others even here on earth that will be a part of this too."

Jonathan: "Okay."

Flame: "There's more to it even than that Arcane", telepathed Flame from his water jumpsuit where he could breathe water. After all, he is a sea creature who needs to breathe only water. He can only breathe surface air for short periods of time and live just like most Octopus.

Arcane: "Is there something you could share about all this with us, Flame?"

Flame: "I think I have it all under control enough now (the memories of 32 billion years) and I can tell you something useful. The point is that someone who has lived 32 billion years as lover and husband and father and grandfather and great grandfather has invested himself in his family in a way that would be unbelievable to all of us in many ways. So, the regrouping is about trying to make things right that didn't work out because of him being forced to retire. However, this is a completely practical being and not just a romantic but also someone in his own way like Jesus and Buddha and others like this of necessity to have created all this. So, he is a very spiritual being and sees his role in creating order and harmony as much as possible throughout the galaxy and beyond."

Arcane: "How does that work regarding the new Galactic Sentience?"

Flame: "I think the form of beings like Jonathan might be requested to be advisors along with myself for some reason. However, it could go another way too but this is what I"m getting from the memories of the Original Galactic Sentience. The transition for the new Galactic Sentience was difficult because he had to step in suddenly (relatively speaking) and to make things work they way he was trained by his father to do. However, this issue with Tech Noir is difficult for everyone to find ways to deal with this that works for everyone. So, Tech Noir is seen sort of by the royal family as a rich and privileged Prince who is being rebelious because he is still young and his "God" the original Galactic Sentience "Fragmented". So, now we went back before the original Galactic Sentience "fragmented" and then Tech Noir Fragmented and we might be able to create a much better future now than before."

Arcane: "Do you really think this is possible?

Flame: "Yes. Because Tech Noir experienced his father's retirement as his God dying and then acted out like an Adapted Child or Divergent Youth here on earth. So, his behavior is likened to someone losing their religion more than anything else and becoming dangerous to the average being in the galaxy as a direct result. So, if this can be managed right Tech Noir never loses his religion like he did on the first timeline."

Jonathan: "Why don't we just move Tech Noir back in time enough with his Dad so he has time to grow into his Father's retirement as more of an adult and less of a teenager?"

Arcane: "Wow! Sometimes you blow my mind with the amazing ideas you come up with Jonathan! No wonder you turn into Meridian eventually. The problem with that is that there would then be two Tech Noirs so you would then need two Original Galactic Sentience's too. But, maybe all that could be worked out?"

Jonathan: "Remember we are dealing with a 32 billion year old being here and almost anything is possible 'as long as it happens BEFORE he starts fragmenting into retirement."

Arcane: "That's very wise of you, Jonathan. I can see why you become my teacher eventually when I was only 27 years old on New Deva Visiting Earth in another time."

Jonathan: "It's sort of amazing how we are both each other's teacher in different time periods. It reminds me of how I was told that Tibetan Lamas do something like this when one passes on and is reborn and then that one is born again and is taught by their student from before."

Arcane: "I've heard of that before too. This also happened among the Priest Scientists of New Deva as well. Did you know what happened to me as a child being taught by the then Oracle of New Deva?"

Jonathan: "No. I don't think I'm familiar with that part of your life, Arcane."

Arcane: "Well. When they discovered me to be the next Arcane they were shown to teach me through direct means. I think it's a little dangerous myself but in my case it worked. They went inside my mind when I was very young and took over my thoughts and movements as a way to make me an adult quicker. So, I rebelled but it didn't matter because they had taken control of my actions. I remember sitting at a breakfast table being upset and I was there in my body and someone else was causing my hand to go to my mouth with breakfast cereal and to chew my food. At first I was in a state of shock but then realized it was sort of fun to watch someone chew my food and feed me other than myself. At a certain point since I realized they were training me to save the humanity of New Deva and beyond I started laughing in my mind at my resistance to their trying to train me to save everyone. Though this is a very strange and terrifying experience or would be for most people, for me, I began to laugh in my mind at the absurdity of everything and I began to understand just how powerful the Sacred teachings of my planet actually were."

Jonathan: "I'm sort of horrified by all of that, Arcane. I don't know what to do with it in reality."

Arcane: "Look at it this way. They were trying to save the humanity of New Deva from extinction and so they were training me as quickly as possible to save them all. I was the sacrificial lamb and when I could laugh about all of it I became amazingly powerful in a way the child within me couldn't have fathomed before. It is the moment where I actually began being "A World Saver" as opposed to a World Savior like Jesus was and is."

Jonathan: "What's really the difference?"

Arcane:"The difference is that Jesus came to save individual souls whereas a world saver saves whole life waves of souls from dying before they need to. IN other words whether we are talking about  Earth or it's future of being New Deva 1 million years into the future there are life waves of people trying to learn and evolve and experience each other and their planet. The whole point of human incarnation is to learn and to experience life and mortality (at least as a Creator soul this is what it is). It might be different for other species on the planet. I haven't studied this enough deeply enough to comment on this aspect but I do know about humanity on New Deva and planet Earth.

Jonathan: "So, the purpose of being born on Earth and New Deva is to extend the lives of retired Creator souls?"

Arcane: "Yes. This is one of the purposes which is continuity for the entire Human species by keeping relatives alive so grief is not so intense a factor in life when you lose someone dear to you.

If we are to be realistic here it is the real purpose of Social Security and Medicare in 20th and 21st century America too of keeping our elders alive so the younger ones don't have to be thrown off by grief of their elders dying until they are old enough to better withstand this with families of their own.

Jonathan: "Yes. My own mother lived to 90 on earth and up until she was 80 she was a comfort to me whereas my father passed at 69 and this was horrific for me to deal with at the time. So, longevity helps other members of the family in many cases.

Arcane: "There is no perfect system but even beginning to approach something more perfect can help whole civilizations survive better. Look at the harm of Tech Noir losing his father and this causing him to lose his mind while still being a prince of the realm?"

Jonathan: "So you think that Tech Noir can be saved?"

Arcane: "It depends upon many factors but this is possible. Don't you think so Flame?"

Flame: "Yes. Definitely. Because of my memories from His Holiness the Original Galactic Sentience and his son Tech Noir. By the way it likely isn't polite to call him Tech Noir which likely means Black Tech in French because after all he is the son of His Holiness the original creator of the galaxy."

"What should we call him?" said Arcane

Flame: "I was thinking about that. In English and Earth languages he doesn't really have a name. Maybe we need to ask the original Galactic Sentience what we should call him in English. Wait, he's telling me what to call him which is "2nd Son".

Arcane: "Why would he call him that?"

Flame: "With the memories I have of the Original Galactic Sentience it's more about putting his 2nd son in his place than anything else so he doesn't try to take over rulership of the Galaxy from his older brother. the Original Galactic Sentience says that 2nd Son was never the right kind of person to rule a galaxy because he isn't real enough and might not ever be."

Jonathan: "What does that mean?"

Flame: "It means he is an elitist who doesn't have empathy for regular beings and regular people and life in general. He believes that everyone but he and his Dad are peons and doesn't like his older brother."

Arcane: "I see the problem more clearly now of what we are actually dealing with. It's someone unrealistic in how they look at things the way some younger teenagers can easily get even on earth. It's something you hope they grow out of but they don't always do that. It often happens to privileged young people on earth too who have no real experience or who have never worked out in the world at difficult jobs yet or maybe they never will."

 Purple Delta 7 showed up suddenly and appeared in the room.

"Gentlemen. Including you Flame because I consider you to be a gentleman too especially when you took on 32 billion years of memories."

Flame said: "I'm glad you are here Purple. we likely need your point of view on a technical issue."

Purple: "What is that?"

Flame: "Do you think it feasible to move Tech Noir or "2nd son" as His Holiness the past Galactic Sentience wishes him to be called in English at least that "2nd son" can be moved savely back in time so that he and the Galactic Sentience his father can spend more time before he is forced to retire and therefore grow up enough not to have the reaction he did by becoming the criminal type we call Tech Noir?"

Purple: "I have to think about it and run it by the Created Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard that are here with us."

Flame: "Of Course."

Purple: "However, it is an excellent idea. Who came up with it?"

Flame: "It was Jonathan Flows idea actually, but I think it is a good one."

Purple: "So do I if it is feasible. I will let the Created Sentients run potential computer scenarios regarding it to see the probability of a successful outcome."

Flame: "I think that's a really great idea. The Fake Alien war on Earth is one that they realized could work too, didn't they?"

Purple: "Yes. And so far that has kept humans from completely self destructing which is no small feat during a Global Climate change scenario this century around 2024  either."

Though there is also research information below, the next Chapter's link is here.

This all seems to be morphing into something I mig...

Giant Pacific octopus
Giant Pacific Octopus | National Geographic
Giant Pacific Octopus | Online Learning Center | Aquarium of ...
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Milky Way Age
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy around 13.6 billion years old with large pivoting arms stretching out across the cosmos.Apr 18, 2023

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