Friday, August 23, 2024

Drove NOrth to Greater SF Bay Area today from Santa Barbara

It was a pretty nice drive because it was NOT a Friday or a Sunday Afternoon basically. After the 7 hour drive because we left too late several weeks ago from Santa Barbara to Rancho Bernardo we were very grateful for a normal drive time from Santa Barbara to the Greater SF Bay area on the coast. It was sunny the whole way there and I think the hottest it got was around 91 somewhere between Paso Robles and San Ardo around there. Things are still very green for this time of year because from 2 years ago to around 2000 AD we would be having all sorts of fires in Southern California and I didn't see that on this trip except for one near Temecula which happened while we were in Rancho Bernardo. So, all the rain helped and there were only a few dry grassy areas along 101 where they were black from having been burnt off in the last few weeks or so. Also, as we drove north the coast is much cooler generally speaking than in Santa Barbara usually around 5 to 10 degrees cooler in the Bay area compared to Santa Barbara normal weather.

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