Sunday, September 1, 2024

Chapter 3 of "A Journey Through Time" Chapter's name: "Is the Elaborate PLAN working for Adam (2nd Son)?"

Well. At least for now the Elaborate plan to retrain Adam (2nd son) is apparently working to try to prevent this version of 2nd Son from losing it when his father passes on. And the way it is working is very interesting. Green Delta 7 (Immortal) consulted back with the Created Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard to see what scenario would work the best. What they came up with is pretty interesting.

They thought (rightly so) that since Adam (2nd Son) is motivated by entertaining others. Why not train him as an actor to fight like a stunt man after 77 Million years BC Father of the Galaxy asked for a play written by Adam about life on earth sometime from 5000 BC to 5000 AD regarding wars in Europe and or the U.S.

Adam being who he is was very smitten with Green because she had become his best buddy and he was really liking wearing a human body in all this to match what Green Delta 7 manifested as too. So, the idea of writing about historical wars like the war between England and Spain when Queen Elizabeth I came to power including the beheading of her Cousin and all of that and the intrigue she was a part of during her reign which likely was the longest reign of any Monarch in England up to that time only to be exceeded maybe by Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II and those reigns were mostly because of the fact that medicine was better than in Queen Elizabeth I's time otherwise she likely would have lived longer too.

So Adam would dress Green up in a Red Hair Wig as Queen Elizabeth I and he would play various roles at court. So, 77 million year BC Father of the Galaxy wanted Adam to have Combat training for this purpose. So, he had his people build a 2500 AD Holodeck from Earth especially for this. (Actually he just went and bought a 2500 AD Holodeck (Hologram Deck) and placed it inside of Adam's Mother ship which was the type of Mother ship that also brought the UFO landing craft to visit Jonathan on earth first in 1974 on Mt. Shasta. In this way Adam could practice Battles to the death with he and Green playing different roles. And by watching Humans die or be maimed in battle started changing how Adam thought about everything.

The first thing is he learned the Spartan way of Ancient Greece of he and Green Delta 7 fighting against all comers while being back to back fighting to the death. This helped him a lot in seeing why mortality helped his Species of Creators want to stay alive longer when they were old.

Also, he had met Arcane (Saint Germain) and Jonathan, and Flame and His Oneness and likely also Young Arcane and possibly his wife too and others. So, to begin with he was starting to deal with what retirement and even what death was as a human being because he decided he liked playing the role of a human being. Also, Green played his love interest in many plays he wrote too.

So, they were bonding too through all of this. So, Adam was no longer at all who he had been when they left 67 million years BC in the Galactic Core. Soon he was very different than he had ever been before.

Next, Adam studied Shakespeare in the play Julius Caesar along with "Et Tu Brute" which means "You too, Brutus?" as all the Senators as well as Brutus (one of his best friends) also stabbed him. He very enjoyed playing the part of Julius Caesar in all of this because he really could relate to the betrayal which likely was his fragile part worrying about his father retiring and his brother becoming the Galactic Sentience at some point.

So, through Shakespeare play "Julius Caesar" Adam got his first real inkling of politics and political activity and how fatal it could be for people of almost any era, especially on earth.

He began to understand the concept of "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" which changed him fundamentally a lot too. So, after several years of writing and acting in plays which showed what it was like to be a human being from 5000 BC to 5000 AD on Earth Adam (2nd Son) was a very changed young man from who he had been before.

Also, during this time of many years Adam had maintained his human (potentially mortal body) over 100 years or more along with Green Delta 7 (immortal).

They had become very close more like a brother and sister during this time and even Green had become more emotionally attached to Adam sort of a combination of a brother and even potentially as a lover as well since they acted scenes like from "Romeo and Juliet" from Shakespeare together too.

And when the Royal Creator Family gathered for one of Adam's and Green Delta 7's plays they came someitmes light years to see his fabulous plays in real time to learn of how one could extend Creator's lives beyond Retirement in this way too (which is one of the reasons why so many retired Creators are presently living on earth today from these plays by Shakespeare acted out 77 million years ago in the Galactic Core. It was very very popular to come dressed in costume for these events as human beings too for all the Star Creators that wished to see this in the Galaxy. 

There were even televised renditions of it available either live or taped so people could witness the very popular Creator in his human form along with Green and others acting out these famous (in the future plays and others that Adam had written himself.

About this time it occurred to Adam that he never had to give up his father in his life. All he had to do was to stay here or some place like this when his father was still alive. He then asked his father 77 million years BC Dad if he could travel even further back in time.

His Father said, "No. A dispensation was made for you to come back this far. If I let you go back further than this it would change all the timelines ever after."

Adam "But if that's true I have already changed all the time lines from 77 million year BC and more on into the future!"

His 77 million BC father said, "Yes. That's true."

Adam: "Then why did you let me come back this far father?"

77 million BC Father said, "It was to prevent your grief from overwhelming you when I retire."

Adam: "Why was this important?"

77 million BC Father said, "Because before it happened too soon in your life for you to recover properly. So, we decided that it was worth sending you back in time another 10 million years to protect you from the harm it did the first time we did this."

Adam: "So, you were protecting me because I was too young to properly survive your retirement?"

77 Million BC Father: "Yes."

Adam: "You honor me to do all this for me father. How can I ever thank you for all of this."

77 million BC Father: "By coming and visiting me before you were even born you have honored me already more than you know."

Tears came to both their eyes because they both happened to be wearing human bodies at the time.

They hugged as father and son and this deep bond would always continue through all time and space.  

Next Section: "Earth is definitely here in 2024 on the 2nd Galactic Timeline"

The resurgence of health mentally and emotionally and spiritually in Adam is remarkable from any point of view. Here is what happened next.

Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy: "Green. I would like to go visit Jonathan one of my father's incarnations in 1974 on Earth."

Green: "Yes. It is foreseen that you do this on this timeline we are presently on.."

Adam: "So, there are at least two Galactic Time Lines like my father seemed to intimate?"

Green: "Yes."

Adam: "Something bad happens on the First timeline?"

Green: "Yes."

Adam: "Is if because of me?"

Green: "I don't have permission to answer that only your father does."

Adam: "I understand." Adam had heard stories about what had happened on other Galaxies when something went wrong like a Prince or Princesses Father had retired unexpectedly so he wasn't surprised."

Adam: "I still want to visit Jonathan and his son in 1974."

Green: "Like I said that happens on this timeline you are on so I'm not surprised."

Adam: "Can you arrange it then Green?"

Green: "When you mentioned it I asked Purple Delta 7 (immortal) to help us facilitate this. She is already at the United Nations Building in New York City doing this secretly."

Adam: "Wow! You really work quickly. Are both you and Purple Delta 7 a part of the Galactic Time Guard?"

Green: "We are both Time Generals of two different Battle Groups."

Adam: "I remember years ago now father saying that you two wore uniforms to protect mortals from themselves and that they would not survive fighting you."

Green: "Oh. You still remember that?"

Adam: "Yes. I was disturbed by that at the time but now I completely trust you and likely if I trust you I could trust Purple Delta 7 (immortal) too?"

Green: "Of Course. In some ways we are sisters with similar traits and technologies even though we have custom designed outselves for specific things we have had to do along the way too."

Adam: "So, you were assigned to me to protect the Galactic Time line?"

Green: "Yes. But now I want to stay with you always because I have grown very fond of you."

Adam smiled: This was exactly what he wanted to hear. "I want you to stay with me too. We are a great performing duo but I Love you Green."

Green: "I love you too Adam. I have from the very beginning. At first I loved you as a son but not I love you as a mate as well."

Adam: "I can see that every step of the way you have proved yourself and your goodness to me."

Green: "Though I am designed to be ultimately efficient I also wanted always for you to know that I loved and cared for you in all ways."

Adam: "Wow! I didn't know that we were going to pledge our love for each other today."

Adam began to cry with happiness. This was unlike his new self but somehow he understood the love of his family for him that they went to all this trouble to have Green Delta 7 (immortal) become his best friend for life. His life had even further new meaning for him today. He was immortal and Green was immortal so likely he would never lose her because she would just keep self evolving along with him forever.

Green: "Purple says that all is in readiness for you to come to earth. However, you have to come to earth and give one of your landing craft to the U.S. Government. This was one of their stipulations for you to do this."

Adam: "Isn't that unusual?"

Green: "Since your landing crafts (all 30 of them) that I have counted are self replicating we simply ask one of them to self replicate and then you will have 30 landing craft for your Mother Ship once again."

Adam: "Wow! You and Purple are so very efficient aren't you. What will they do with the landing craft?"

Green:"They will send it back in time to President Eisenhower so he can have it to prevent nuclear wars once they occur on earth."

Adam: "I'm so glad you did this for me. This way Jonathan and his son will be safe on the 2nd timeline of Earth without living through any Nuclear wars along with everyone else there."

Green: "Yes. But, instead of Nuclear war Global Climate changes on that timeline are going to mostly thin out people a lot instead."

Adam: "But, in order for the ecology to survive along with the human race there that was necessary anyway?"

Green: "Yes. That's unfortunately true. Also, I just need you to know that Jonathan, as one of the millions of incarnations of your Father on Earth contains both Galactic Timelines too. Are you ready for this outcome?"

Adam: "You will be there with me, my father and my brother will be there with me so I think I will be just fine being the thing that begins to write the "History of the Galaxy" including "A Journey through Time".

Green: "Yes. That makes sense to me. You are quite the writer of stories."

Adam: "Also, while I'm there I can visit Arcane as Sir Francis Bacon in the 1500s and 1600s and beyond too."

Green: "Yes. There is all sorts of fun stuff you can do."

Adam: "It will stimulate my creativity to be there on earth with my father. I can even visit him when he was the father of Jesus. He is also called Joseph then too."

Green: "Yes. Because Silver is a Christian and because Purple and I are of the Silver Religion I have gone and heard Jesus Speak too then in his native Aramaic."

Adam: "Could you take me there and translate for me?"

Green: "Yes. Of Course as long as we are only observers and not a part of history because that particular part of history has to remain Sacrosanct for thousands of reasons."

Adam: "I fully understand as a Playwright a little like Shakespeare."

Green: "You might either be Shakespeare or one of his friends in reality, Adam."

Adam: "What fun! Can you teach me old and new English Starting from the 1500s in Elizabethan England?"

Green: "It would be my pleasure. So, you want to actually learn it rather than having a technological automatic translator?"

Adam: "I would like both for different situations. I have learned even if you learn a language sometimes for clarity you need and automatic translator because of nuances and differences of the same language in different time periods.

Green: "Yes. That is true. As I travel time on business without a period (within 10 years) automatic translator I would have been lost as to what was meant from what was said many times."

Adam: "Fascinating how humans actually are. They are much different in many ways than I believed they were before meeting you, Green. Also, by visiting earth in these time periods I also visit my father in retirement there on earth too."

Green: "Being Jesus' father was before he retired."

Adam: "Interesting, Green."

Purple Delta 7 (immortal) arrives from 1973 from Earth.

Green: "Here is my sister, Purple Delta 7."

Adam: "I think I met you about 100 years ago in 67 million years BC Earth time."

Purple: "All is in readiness Prince Adam for your journey to earth in your Mother ship to 1973 and whatever times you want to visit earth."

Adam: "I think I want to go to the time of Jesus first before my father retired."

Purple: "Yes. May I travel with you so we don't alter time in any way we shouldn't?"

Adam: "Of Course. I would love your company because you are the sister of my Beloved, Green."

Purple: "I'm glad to hear you two are getting along so well."

Adam: "Me too!" And he meant it.

Next Section Link:

Maybe Chapter 4? Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of th...

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