Thursday, March 19, 2020

The only things I now can compare what is happening now around the world is the Great Depression and World War II

I had wondered why this felt like World War II and the Great Depression times for about 5 years now. But, now I see why. Maybe it's all cyclical or something like a 10 or 20 or 50 or 70 or 80 year cycle or something that we are now in. Part of it is all the people who learned from the last one are mostly dead now (from the Great Depression and world war II) like my Dad and Mom born 1916 and 1919.

They passed away in 1985 for my Dad and in 2008 for my Mom. And they were teenagers in the Great Depression and 20 somethings in World war II. So, they went through both of these things.

And what we are experiencing now I think only compares in any way that makes sense to the crises of the Great Depression and World War II.

The world won't look at all like it does now out the other side of this in any way. Most people are going to have PTSD from so many people dying so maybe 2030 to 2040 will be a lot like the 1950s where people were all crazy from PTSD like when I grew up from the Great Depression and World War II. You had to really run away from veterans then so they didn't beat you up. You looked very closely at ex-soldiers behavior from World War II because you couldn't ever trust what they did next. They could be fine and then go off on you. This is something all children dealt with if they didn't want to die in the 1950s. you had to know when to run away from people much more than now.

But now, if you run away from some people they won't just beat you up they will shoot you dead. This is the main difference now. Before you might go to the hospital but now you are just dead.

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