Saturday, June 5, 2021

Is it necessary to believe in God to become enlightened?


But you do need to believe in Compassion and civilization which is based upon kindness to become enlightened. Otherwise you will self destruct at some point possibly including some of those around you.

So, developing Compassion for all life is a part of the civilizing influence of kindness and compassion which hastens your enlightenment.

Tibetan Monks are taught to imagine all beings as having once been their mothers in a previous lifetime. So, honoring your mother whether that person or being is a human being, animal, bird, fish or even insect or other aquatic or land or air life is how they develop compassion.

But, if you don't believe in reincarnation at present (if ever) then other methods of developing compassion for all life in the Universe must be utilized.

Because compassion and kindness for all beings in the universe including your self and your family is the primary key to enlightenment.

By God's Grace

Note: I believe in God because it saved my life as a child growing up so I see no reason to give up my present way of looking at things because it has saved my life ongoing since I was born.

By God's Grace 

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