Tuesday, June 15, 2021

it's interesting to me that extreme rightists and extreme leftists both often deny free speech to people

 In the 1950s Free Speech was paramount because of World War II. People realized because of what Hitler did to 6 million Jewish people who died what happens when Free Speech is repressed from the left or the right.

So, for example, it was paramount that people be able to say WHATEVER they wanted to about anything and individual people could then ferret out the truth better.

Whereas now both extreme rightists and extreme leftists tend to want to repress free speech because they don't have all the tortured deaths to remember because it is now 76 years since World War II ended and people are now more invested in their individual points of view than they are of life and death of people.

The other factor I would say is the idea of physical Safety which has gotten really extreme in an almost hypochondriac way in American Culture. And this idea of safety has also moved into the idea that you need to shield from people some ideas "Whatever they are".

The problem with this point of view is that it is not realistic to the human condition. It reminds me a lot of the point of view that "getting rid of guns will reduce murders".

This isn't true either. What getting rid of guns would do is to allow someone like Hitler to take over America (or Trump) and kill off whatever minorities they wanted to. This actually would be the natural result given who most people are everywhere as human beings.

So, whenever you eliminate (ANY) point of view you are creating a very dangerous situation.

For example, the Japanese government won't tell people about Japanese atrocities in China and South Korea or Against American soldiers during world war II.

Americans will ban certain points of view getting air time too and this is equally as dangerous as what the Japanese government does in suppressing relevant World war II information.

The Chinese government will not acknowledge what it is doing to the Uighers  in China and how they are put in concentration camps often just like the U.S. government wouldn't acknowledge how many native American Children died when they were sent away from their tribes to be re-educated as Christians against their native religions and customs until the 1970s.

All these things are very dangerous because the deaths of people are hidden. So, it isn't just Hitler or the Chinese it is also things Americans have done in the past to hide the truth about people dying in very bad situations.

So, whenever the truth is hidden whether through misogyny or hiding the truth the way it is done now by stopping people having some points of view it is all equally dangerous.

For example, I see extreme leftist points of view as being equally as dangerous as extreme rightist points of view.

They are both equally dangerous to the survival of our American Democracy long term. They are also equally dangerous to the survival of millions of people here in the U.S. and abroad too.

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