Sunday, June 6, 2021

The World is making me feel uneasy and I don't think I'm alone in this

It's true the world is always changing. I'm very aware of this simply because I can remember back to what life was like in 1950 when I was 2 years old and I guess the Korean war started this year and lasted until 1953. However, at two you don't know about things like this. But, by age 4 my grandfather bought a big black and white wood case free standing TV and we all watched the Republican Convention on it. Color TV didn't get good enough to actually own a color TV until maybe 1960 when things like Bonanza and the Virginian and then eventually Star Trek with William Shatner made owning a Color TV good after that.

But, what I'm saying is that "In some ways there are always uneasy things happening on earth".

But, the feeling now is an unsettled feeling worldwide where people don't really know where they stand like they did before Covid a year ago. So, it is this unsettled feeling and the grief of people who lost people and even our family lost a good friend of our family to Covid too. So, while we were in Santa Barbara we had dinner with her male partner of 30 to 40 years who misses her a lot after being with her for that long. We told him he should get some counseling and hopefully he will to help process his grief.

My wife needed a grief counselor when her mother died in 1999 and it was quite serious and I and our then 2 1/2 year old daughter almost lost her then but luckily we could afford two grief counselors and she eventually pulled through all this and stayed alive through it all. OF course added to all this was that her mother's death also caused a miscarriage which didn't help the situation either at all.

She just didn't expect to lose her mother at 74 years of age. Now that I'm 73 I can understand this a whole lot better because I hope I'm still around with all my marbles at 100 too.

But, the uneasiness I think is that things have so drastically changed from 1 1/2 years ago it is hard to sometimes make full sense of anything. 

It's sort of like we all are walking on eggs sort of like they might be hand grenades (and the real problem is) that the eggs we are walking on actually might be hand grenades just waiting to go off. 

This is the real problem we are all dealing with.

It's all the unknowns we are all facing now that is difficult to face for the whole world.


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