Monday, October 25, 2021

Here are several modes of viewing reality

 A Christian sees this world as relatively temporary and unreal and waits to go to heaven.

An Australian Aborigine (traditional view) is that dreams are reality and physical reality is at best a dream.

A Tibetan Buddhist Lama might say that dreams and physical reality are equally real and unreal at the same time.

I find all these views interesting and useful in different situations. 

A didactic materialist would tell you ONLY the physical world is real and that anything else is bullshit.

That we are just a pile of chemical interactions and that's all.

The materialist point of view would likely cause most people on earth to commit suicide.

Most people need meaning to their lives and without it they would soon be gone physically.

So, my point of view is that if you don't believe and do what you need to to survive your lives then soon you will be dead.

This is just the basic reality of human survival here on earth.

So, reality can be whatever it really is or thinks it is but if as a human being you don't do what you need to and think what you need to to survive then you won't.

It's pretty simple.

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