Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A History Lesson

 Here's the history lesson. Let's go back to FDR for this lesson. 

FDR was elected in 1932 and then he served almost 4 terms but died in office during World War II. Truman who became president when FDR died nuked the Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and likely saved 500,000 to 1 million American lives by doing this.

Next Truman was elected for one term in the famous headlines Dewey Wins! is proven wrong.

Next Eisenhower is elected as president for two terms 1952 to 1960

In 1960 JFK becomes president and is assassinated in 1963 in November in Texas. He was a democrat

Vice president Johnson becomes president and is re-elected once in 1964 and serves until 1968.

The Nixon was elected in 1968 and served two terms (almost) until he had to resign in 1974. He was a Republican. Vice President Ford Became president when Nixon resigned.

Then Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 and served one term as president until 1980. He was a Democrat.

Then Reagan was elected in 1980 and he served two terms until 1988 when his Vice President became President George HW Bush or Bush I. He served one term.  

and then Bill Clinton a Democrat became president in 1992 and he served two terms until 2000 when Bush II was elected and he served two terms as president too. Both Bushes were Republican presidents.

Then Obama was elected in 2008 and served two terms until 2016 when Trump became President.

Trump was president from 2017 until 2020 when Biden has been president.

If you are noticing there is some kind of order here to some degree. It's mostly a Democrat two terms and then a Republican two terms except for FDR who served during the Great Depression and World WAr II when things were really really messed up.

So, with the exception of Carter, Bush I and Trump most presidents served two terms since Eisenhower.

 Kennedy served less than one term because he was assassinated but Johnson took over for him and then was elected to one more term serving out the rest of Kennedy's 8 years.

But now, because there are not enough Republicans to vote in another Republican president, I guess the Republicans have decided to Cheat to win. This is what is new in the history of American presidents.

And here likely is the strangest fact of all. It is mostly Republicans now dying of Coronavirus because they won't get vaccinated. So, because of Trump's stance as president he has killed off hundreds of thousands of Republicans which has reduced significantly the number of Republicans who can vote because so many have died of Covid.

When Trump tried to correct this problem at a rally recently they booed him. So, you can see how strange all this actually is and what unknown territory the human race is in not only in the U.S. but all over the world.

The Republicans under Trump want to end our Democracy. So, 2024 will be the American people fighting for their democracy to continue to exist and it very well might get bloody, even worse than January 6th.

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